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Thanks to whose efforts was ONMU founded?

Who was the first rector of the Medical Academy?

When was the status of national University given to ONMU?

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I live and study in Omsk. Omsk is situated in the south of West Siberia. It stands on the rivers Irtysh and Om.

In 1716 at the mouth of the Om river the Omsk fortress was built. Its founder was Colonel Buchholz. From the beginning Omsk played a great role in the development of Siberia. With the construction of the railway in 1899 Omsk became a centre of transport, trade and agriculture. Steamship navigation was ope­ned on the Irtysh river and various industries grew. In 1861 Omsk was connected with Orenburg by telegraph.

Local merchants were expanding during that period. Foreign concession and monopolies appeared. The region exported grain, butter, meat, fish, furs and leather. The town was on the rise.

One of the important pages in the history of our city is the Civil War during which Admiral Kolchak proclaimed Omsk the capital of Siberia. In 1919 the Soviet Power was established in Omsk.

By 1934 the city had become one of the biggest regional centres in Russia, stretching from Kazakhstan in the south to the Arctic Ocean in the north.

During World War II many industrial enterprises were evacuated to Omsk from the western part of the Soviet Union, thus increasing the industrial potential of the area.

In the '50s and '60s an oil refinery and plants manufactu­ring military and heavy industrial equipment were built. Today they form the backbone of Omsk industry.

Nowadays Omsk is a large city. The Omsk region is located in the southern part of the West-Siberia plane. The climate is severe continental. The main water artery is the Irtysh river.

Omsk is an important industrial, cultural and educational centre. More than 90 per cent of industrial production is con­centrated in Omsk. The leaders of Omsk exports are enterprises of refining, chemical and petrochemical industry.

Omsk is a nice city. It has parks and squares and is pret­ty green. Almost all the streets of the city are lined with trees and bushes. The main streets are wide and straight. Omsk is divided into several districts. Its boundaries spread more and more as new housing blocks appear rapidly in the outskirts of the city. Some houses in the centre are small, one- or two-storeyed buildings. Big buildings are usually various offices. But small houses are gradually pulled down and big modern multi-storey buildings appear on their places. Omsk is a city of students. There are Academies, Universities, Institutes and many special secondary schools in the city. In 1974 the Omsk State University was opened. There are several research in­stitutes in the city.

There are many theatres in Omsk: the Drama Theatre, the Mu­sic Theatre, the Theatre for Young Spectators, the Puppet Thea­tre, the Fifth Theatre, etc. We have also the Omsk Philharmonic Company. Citizens of Omsk are proud of our Folk Choir, symphony orchestra, a nice concert hall and wonderful museums.

The two branches of power in the Omsk region are legisla­tive and executive. The former is the Legislative Council, the latter is the Administration of the Omsk Region. In 1992 the Ger­man District was formed.

Now the population of Omsk is over 1 million people and the population of the Omsk region is over 2 million people.


Siberia [saI'bIqrIq] Сибирь

Colonel Buchholz ['kWnl] полковник Бухольц

Civil War ['sIvIl 'wL] Гражданская война

Admiral Kolchak ['xdmIrql] адмирал Колчак

Soviet Power ['squvIqt 'pauq'] Советская Власть

Kazakhstan [kRzqk'stRn] Казахстан

Arctic Ocean ['RktIk 'quSqn] Северный Ледовитый океан

the Drama Theatre ['drRmq'TIqtq] Драматический театр

the Music Theatre ['mjHzIk'TIqtq] Музыкальный театр

the Theatre for Young Spectators ['jAN spFk'teItqz] Театр Юного Зрителя

the Puppet Theatre ['pApIt] Кукольный театр

the Omsk Philharmonic Company ['fIlRm'PnIk'kAmpqnI] Омская Филармония

The Omsk Folk Choir ['fquk 'kwaIq] Омский Народный Xоp

the Legislative Council ['lFGIslqtIv 'kaunsl] Законодательное Собрание

the Administration of Omsk Администрация города Омска

the German District ['GWmqn] Немецкий район


I. Road the following words from the text:

Siberia region academy mouth boundaries

evacuate symphony Colonel union orchestra

construction potential leather agriculture appeared

refinery concert industry climate chemical

museum merchant artery executive legislative

II. Complete the following sentences using the text:

1) Omsk is situated… 2) Colonel Buchholz… 3) With the construction of the railway… 4) In 1861… 5) The Omsk region exported… 6) During the Civil War… 7) The Omsk region stretches… 8) …increased the industrial potential of our region. 9) …form the backbone of Omsk indus­try. 10) The leaders of Omsk exports are… 11) New housing blocks appear… 12) Small houses… 13) The citizens of Omsk are proud of… 14) The two branches of power are… 15) The population of Omsk…

III. Give English equivalents for the following word-combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:

играть важную роль, со строительством железной дороги, быть связанным, на подъеме, учреждать, увеличивать промышленный потенциал, являться основой, делиться на, быстро появляться, сноситься постепенно, гордиться чем-либо

IV. Find equivalents for the following sentences in the text:

1) Omsk is located in West Siberia. 2) Trees and bushes grow along both sides of the streets. 3) The streets are asphal­ted. 4) New houses come into being around the city. 5) Omsk consists of several districts. 6) Big, modern, buildings are built instead of small ones. 7) One-storeyed buildings are little by little removed. 8) The level of merchant trade was very high. 9) World War II influenced the growth of industry of the area.

V. Open the brackets and define the voice and the tense forms of the verbs:

1) Omsk (находится) in the southern part of the West-Siberian plane.

2) Steamship navigation (открылось) on the Irtysh river and various industries (начали) to grow.

3) Local merchants (развивались) during that period.

4) During the Civil War Omsk (был провозглашен) the capital of Siberia.

5) By 1934 Omsk (стал) one of the biggest regional centres of Russia.

6) In 1974 the Omsk State University (открылся).

7) Today oil refinery (составляет) the backbone of Omsk industry.

8) Omsk (имеет) many parks and squares.

9) More than 90% of industrial production (сосредоточено) in Omsk.

10)We (гордимся) our Folk Choir.

VI. Answer the questions:

1) Where is Omsk situated?

2) Who founded Omsk and where?

3) When did the rapid growth of the town begin?

4) How did the World War II influenced the development of our region?

5) What are the main enterprises of Omsk industry nowadays?

6) The export of what production was Omsk famous for in the nineteenth century?

7) What do you know about Kolchak?

8) What does our city look like? Do you like the appearance of Omsk?

9) Does the centre of Omsk differ from the outskirts of the city?

10)Why is it said that Omsk is an important educational centre?

11)What cultural institutions in our city do you know and which of them do you like?

12)What performances in our theatres impressed you?

13)What bodies are the two branches of power in Omsk represented by?

14)What is the youngest district in our region?

15)What is the population of Omsk and of the Omsk region?

VII. Read the following texts about Omsk and answer the questions after them:

1. Omsk was founded in 1716 by a group of Russian soldiers and Cossacks under the guidance of an officer Buchholz. They were sent by Peter the Great to Siberia for search of gold but had no success. In spring 1716 they landed on the left bank of the Om river and built a wooden fortress there. Being founded as a fortress, Omsk developed as an agricultural centre and became a city in 1804. Its military function as headquarters of the Sibe­rian Cossacks lasted until the late 19th century.

For a long time Omsk was a place of exile. Decembrists and other revolutionaries were exiled to Omsk. A great Russian wri­ter F.M. Dostoyevsky lived in Omsk for four years. He was impri­soned here for his revolutionary activity. He wrote at that time: "Omsk is a dirty town. I have not seen any nature here". And in­deed, the streets of Omsk were unpaved then, there were no parks or gardens there. Very few stone houses were built; most of them were wooden ones.

Omsk is a birthplace of many famous people. For example, a well-known painter M. Vrubel was born here. Many streets are na­med in honour of revolutionaries, such as Kuibishev, Lobkov, Dol-girev, Maslennikov and others. Nowadays there is a tendency to return pre-Revolutionary names to the streets of Omsk.


Cossack ['kOsxk] казак

for search of [sWC] на поиски

headquarters ['hFdkwLtqz] главное управление, центр

to exile ['FksaIl] ссылать

revolutionary [rFvq'lHSqnrI] революционер

unpaved [AnpeIvd] не мощеный

Decembrist [dI'sembrIst] Декабрист

2. Old Omsk looked as if it had turned away from the Irtysh river. Backyards, warehouses, factories occupied the banks. The town-planners of a new Omsk set themselves the task of turning streets and squares, parks and gardens to face the river. The Irtysh of nowadays becomes the main axis of the composition around which the city is developing.

By the year of 1905 the high street of old Omsk, Lyubinsky Prospect, had been formed. The leading role in its architectural complex belonged to the Moscow rows of stalls. Various Russian manufactory Joint-stock Companies (including P. Ryabushinsky, S. Morosov, the Nosovs) accommodated the goods for wholesale trade there.

By the late 1950s and early 1960s Omsk had won the fame of a city of gardens and flowers.

A number of constructions erected in different epochs add to the originality of the city. Some of the buildings are right­ly considered monuments of architecture. The Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross (Crossovosdvizhensky) situated in Tarskaya Street exists already for 130 years.

The building of the Drama Theatre (engineer I. Khvorinov, 1904) was constructed in the traditions of Russian theatre buil­ding. The edifice of the Omsk Railway Administration (formerly situated at the town boundaries) makes a great impression by its majestic view. And we can really say that it is a monument to the Great Siberian railway.

The panorama of the city is enriched by some large-scale constructions of the last decades. They are the Shopping Centre, the Music Theatre, the Irtysh Complex-Hall for Sports and Con­certs, the Pushkin Library.


warehouse ['wFqhaus] товарный склад

axis ['xksIs] ось

stall [stLl] лавка

joint-stock company ['GOIntstOk 'kAmpqnI] акционерное общество

wholesale ['hqulseIl] оптовый

epoch ['JpOk] эпоха

edifice ['FdIfIs] здание, сооружение

the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross [eg'zLlteISn] Крестовоздвиженский Кафедральный Собор

3. The Omsk region and Omsk are great cultural centres of the West-Siberian region of Russia. In the region there are about one thousand libraries, 1379 clubs, 7 theatres, 46 cinemas, the Philharmonic Company, 6 State and 82 public museums, the Insti­tute of Culture, the Shebalin’s a music school. More than one thousand monuments of history, culture and archaeology are on the territory of our region. 9,5 thousand workers of culture and art are engaged in the cultural sphere.

The Omsk State Academic Drama Theatre is one of the oldest theatres. Its building - a pearl of Siberian baroque - was built in 1905. The actors of the theatre went abroad to Poland, the USA. The managers of Germany, France, England, Netherlands, the USA had taken an interest in the theatre.

Citizens of Omsk are proud of the Omsk State Music Theatre. In its repertoire all the genres of musical art are represented: opera, ballet, operetta, musical, vaudeville and others. The produ­cers from the USA and Austria realized the opera performances and musicals on its stage. The theatre went twice abroad to China.

The Symphony Orchestra of the Omsk Philharmonic Company (staff 100 people) was established in 1956. According to the results of the competition of Russian orchestras in 1984 the Omsk orchestra was recognized the best one and was awarded the title of Laureate (the 1st prize). The greatest musicians had worked with the orchestra - such as conductors N. Rokhlin, V. Spinaisky, L. Vlasenko, M. Pletnev, O. Kogan, V. Rostropovich.

The Omsk Russian Folk Choir was established in 1950. The art of the Omsk Choir was greeted with applause in more than 25 countries of the world, including the USA, Germany, China, Is­rael, England, France, Italy, etc.

The Omsk Museum of Fine Arts has one of the greatest collections of art values of Russia. Paintings and sculptures of home and West European authors are represented in its exposi­tions. The museum has one of the biggest collections of the well-known Omsk painter M. Vrubel. The museum has a collection of works by Fabergee and also "Golden Siberian Treasure", which was found by Omsk archaeologists in ancient burials.


archaeology [RkI'OlqGI] археология

baroque [bq'rOk] барокко

Germany ['GWmqnI] Германия

Netherlands ['nFDqlqndz] Нидерланды

repertoire ['rFpqtwR] репертуар

genre ['ZRnrq] жанр

ballet ['bxleI] балет

vaudeville ['vqudqvIl] водевиль

musical ['mjHzIkl] мюзикл

laureate ['lLrIqt] лауреат

applause [q'plLz] аплодисменты

Israel ['IzreIl] Израиль

France [frRns] Франция

Italy ['ItqlI] Италия

Austria ['OstrIq] Австрия

4. About 4000 professionally trained people are currently em­ployed in the field of physical culture and sports in the Omsk region. Among them are 65 Honoured Coaches, 28 Honoured Masters of Sports, and 95 International Masters of Sports. Three Omskovites are Olympic champions.

The Omsk region has for a long time been famous for its sport traditions. The most wonderful among them is countryside Olympiad. It has been conducted for 25 years in the villages and townships under the name of “Sports Queen” (in summer) and “North Holiday” (in winter).

Siberian International Marathon is traditionally held since 1990 every first Saturday of August. This date is fixed in the calendar schedule of the International Association of Marathons and Road-Races.


honoured coach - тренер “Sports Queen” - "Королева Спорта"

Olympiad - олимпиада “North Holiday” - "Праздник Севера"

marathon - марафон

1) What was the primary function of Omsk?

2) When did it become a city?

3) What famous people lived in Omsk?

4) What did old Omsk look like?

5) What buildings can be considered monuments of architecture in Omsk?

6) What is the Omsk Symphony Orchestra famous for?

7) What is the Omsk Museum of Fine Arts known for?

8) What are the best sport traditions in Omsk?

VIII. Do the following:

1) tell what you know about the history of Omsk;

2) characterize the appearance of Omsk;

3) give an economic and industrial characteristics of Omsk;

4) describe Omsk as an educational and scientific centre;

5) tell about the cultural life of Omsk;

6) tell about the sport life of Omsk.

IX. Give possibly exhaustive description of Omsk.

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