Студопедия — БИЛЕТ № 1. Theme №1«Concepts and skills of modern management in tourism»
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БИЛЕТ № 1. Theme №1«Concepts and skills of modern management in tourism»

Theme №1 «Concepts and skills of modern management in tourism»

Questions to discuss:

1. Managing: History and current thinking

2. Managing in the global arena

3. Management and diversity


1. Go to the link http://www.revistadeturism.ro/rdt/article/viewFile/204/176 and read the article there.

2. Make a glossary on terms related to “management”, “tourism”, “tourism business”, “tourist market” (25-30 words and word collocations)

3. Write an essay on “Management of tourist companies in Kazakhstan” (2000 words). You may start with the article analysis.

Literature and Internet sources:

1. Жукова М.А. Менеджмент в туристском бизнесе (учебное пособие). М.: КНОРУС, 2006 – 192с.

2. Сладкевич В.П., Чернявский А.Д. Современный менеджмент (в схемах). Киев: МАУП, 2003 – 152с.

3. Stephen P Robbins, David A. De Cenzo, Mary Coulter Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications Plus 2014 MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 9/E, - 504 p.

4. Helen Deresky International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, - 528p.

5. M.A.Omolaja, M.Radovic Markovic Modern management: concepts and topical issues, US, 2008


Theme № 2 «The cultural context of global management»

Questions to discuss:

1. Understanding the role of culture

2. Communicating across cultures

3. Cross-cultural negotiations and decision-making

4. External business environment and competitiveness


1. Read the Case Study “Crisis and Risk Management in tourism” and in written form answer the questions given

Literature and Internet sources:

1. Жукова М.А. Менеджмент в туристском бизнесе (учебное пособие). М.: КНОРУС, 2006 – 192с.

2. Сладкевич В.П., Чернявский А.Д. Современный менеджмент (в схемах). Киев: МАУП, 2003 – 152с.

3. Stephen P Robbins, David A. De Cenzo, Mary Coulter Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications Plus 2014 MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 9/E, - 504 p.

4. Helen Deresky International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, - 528p.

5. M.A.Omolaja, M.Radovic Markovic Modern management: concepts and topical issues, US, 2008


Theme № 3 «Components of modern management in tourism»

Questions to discuss:

1. Principles of planning and planning tools

2. Making decisions

3. Strategic planning


1. Read the Case Study “Skyrail rainforest cableway” and analyze it. Make glossary on management. Hand in a printed paper sheet with answers to the questions given.


Literature and Internet sources:

1. Жукова М.А. Менеджмент в туристском бизнесе (учебное пособие). М.: КНОРУС, 2006 – 192с.

2. Сладкевич В.П., Чернявский А.Д. Современный менеджмент (в схемах). Киев: МАУП, 2003 – 152с.

3. Stephen P Robbins, David A. De Cenzo, Mary Coulter Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications Plus 2014 MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 9/E, - 504 p.

4. Helen Deresky International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, - 528p.

5. M.A.Omolaja, M.Radovic Markovic Modern management: concepts and topical issues, US, 2008

Theme № 4 «Global Human Resource Management»

Questions to discuss:

1. The characteristics of tourism as a sector and their impact on the management of human resources

2. Tourism’s image as an employer

3. Skills shortages in tourism

4. Education and training in tourism

5. Flexibility and innovation in the management of human resources

6. Recruitment, retention and turnover

7. Rewards, benefits and compensation

8. Managing quality through human resources

9. The emergence of ‘aesthetic labour’



1. Read the case study “Pret a Manger” and make a glossary. What is a human resource formula written in the case?

2. Examine the causes and effects of the globalisation of tourism businesses on the

HRM function.



Literature and Internet sources:

1. Жукова М.А. Менеджмент в туристском бизнесе (учебное пособие). М.: КНОРУС, 2006 – 192с.

2. Сладкевич В.П., Чернявский А.Д. Современный менеджмент (в схемах). Киев: МАУП, 2003 – 152с.

3. Stephen P Robbins, David A. De Cenzo, Mary Coulter Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications Plus 2014 MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 9/E, - 504 p.

4. Helen Deresky International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, - 528p.

5. M.A.Omolaja, M.Radovic Markovic Modern management: concepts and topical issues, US, 2008


Theme №5 «Fundamentals of organizing»

Questions to discuss:

1. Authority and delegation

2. Organizational change: stress, conflict, and virtuality

3. Influencing and communication



1. What are the implications of aesthetic labour for human resource practices in the

tourism industry?

2. Write an essay “The impacts of ICTs in relation to the management of people”.


Literature and Internet sources:

1. Жукова М.А. Менеджмент в туристском бизнесе (учебное пособие). М.: КНОРУС, 2006 – 192с.

2. Сладкевич В.П., Чернявский А.Д. Современный менеджмент (в схемах). Киев: МАУП, 2003 – 152с.

3. Stephen P Robbins, David A. De Cenzo, Mary Coulter Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications Plus 2014 MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 9/E, - 504 p.

4. Helen Deresky International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, - 528p.

5. M.A.Omolaja, M.Radovic Markovic Modern management: concepts and topical issues, US, 2008

Theme № 6 «Specialized management techniques in tourism management»

Questions to discuss:

1. Authority (traditional, charismatic, legal)

2. Delegation

3. Decentralization

4. Management by objective


1. Write an essay on management techniques used by local travel companies (350-400 words). Give examples of management techniques.

Literature and Internet sources:

1. Жукова М.А. Менеджмент в туристском бизнесе (учебное пособие). М.: КНОРУС, 2006 – 192с.

2. Сладкевич В.П., Чернявский А.Д. Современный менеджмент (в схемах). Киев: МАУП, 2003 – 152с.

3. Stephen P Robbins, David A. De Cenzo, Mary Coulter Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications Plus 2014 MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 9/E, - 504 p.

4. Helen Deresky International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, - 528p.

5. M.A.Omolaja, M.Radovic Markovic Modern management: concepts and topical issues, US, 2008

Theme № 7 «Control in modern management»

Questions to discuss:

1. Foundations of control

2. Operations management

3. Production and control


1. Read the case study “Management practice in the hotel business – the case of the hotel Excelsior” and write a summary on it with your own opinion (350 words)

2. Make a glossary on key words and expressions.

Literature and Internet sources:

1. Жукова М.А. Менеджмент в туристском бизнесе (учебное пособие). М.: КНОРУС, 2006 – 192с.

2. Сладкевич В.П., Чернявский А.Д. Современный менеджмент (в схемах). Киев: МАУП, 2003 – 152с.

3. Stephen P Robbins, David A. De Cenzo, Mary Coulter Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications Plus 2014 MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 9/E, - 504 p.

4. Helen Deresky International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, - 528p.

5. M.A.Omolaja, M.Radovic Markovic Modern management: concepts and topical issues, US, 2008


Вопрос №1

Логическая структуризация сети с помощью мостов и коммутаторов.

Вопрос №2

Построение сетей на основе стека Novell.




им. Н.Е.Жуковского



Направление обучения “Компьютерные науки” Семестр 7

Учебная дисциплина “Компьютерные сети”


Модульный контроль знаний (модуль 2)



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