Read the dialogues and add words in bold type to your active vocabulary.
1. Настоящий Федеральный закон вступает в силу со дня его официального опубликования. 2. Действие пункта 1 статьи 16 настоящего Федерального закона в отношении рекламы алкогольных напитков, табака и табачных изделий в телепрограммах с 1 января 1996 года отменяется, и реклама этих товаров в телепрограммах с этого момента не допускается. 3. Предложить Президенту Российской Федерации привести в соответствие с настоящим Федеральным законом изданные им нормативные правовые акты. 4. Поручить Правительству Российской Федерации: подготовить предложения о приведении законодательных актов Российской Федерации в соответствие с настоящим Федеральным законом; привести в соответствие с настоящим Федеральным законом нормативные правовые акты Правительства Российской Федерации.
Read the dialogues and add words in bold type to your active vocabulary. - Have you written your composition, Ben? It’s due today. - Of course. And what about you? - Not yet. I didn’t think it would be so difficult and started it only yesterday. - Well, it will teach you a lesson. Never put till tomorrow what you can do today, you know.
- Paul wouldn’t like to fail his exam, would he? - Of course he wouldn’t. Who would? - But he hasn’t been working very hard. He thinks he is clever enough to pass his exams without much work, doesn’t he? - Yes, he relies too much on his memory but I doubt it can carry him out when doing physics.
- As sure as eggs is eggs, Bob won’t do well at the exam. - Why do you think so? - He has missed much and doesn’t attend the extra lessons now. - No fear. He’s quite at home in the subject.
- How about reading up for the entrance exams together? - Fine. And let’s ask Jane to join us too, she has passed her finals with honours. - I don’t mind. But she thinks too much of herself, doesn’t she? - Not in the least. She is a good friend and never refuses to help anybody.
- What form are you in now, Robert? - I’m not in a form yet. I’m in class three. Next year we’ll have our eleven plus exams. If I’m lucky, I’ll get good marks and I’ll enter a grammar or technical school. - And which would you prefer? - I’d better go to a secondary technical school.
- Playing truant again, Jim? - Yes, I feel like staying away from Mr. West’s lesson. He’s very strict and keeps picking at me all the time. - Well, well. Isn’t it wiser to learn lessons better and be present in class?
- Hello, Harry! Why didn’t you come to us yesterday? We had a nice table-tennis game. - You see, my brother took me to a lecture on higher mathematics. - Was it interesting? - Frankly speaking, not. It was all Greek to me and went over my head.
- You know, Nick was asked to leave the room at the lesson in chemistry. - Was he really? What did he do to deserve such a severe punishment? - He struck a match and burnt a piece of paper at his desk. - Well, I never expected that of him. Was he reported to his parents? - Surely. The teacher demanded his day-book. I think he’ll get it hot.
- Why doesn’t Jim work harder? - You know that very well – because he’s lazy. - Do you think the teacher will put up with that very long? - I’m afraid he won’t, and Jim will have to repeat the class.