Grammar school
Br. 1) средняя школа (классическая школа для детей от 11 до 18 лет, отобранных по результатам экзаменов; даёт право поступления в ВУЗ; программа предусматривает изучение классических языков) [первонач. школа латинской грамматики (в Англии)], среднее звено в государственном образовании) Am. 2) начальная школа (1-6/8 form) Syn: elementary school, grade school Grammar school 1. (archaic) A school that teaches its pupils the grammar system of a European language, especially Latin and Greek. 2. (chiefly UK) A secondary school that stresses academic over practical or vocational education, until recent times open to those pupils who had passed the 11-plus examination. 2. Technical school -- техническое училище, техникум 3. Vocational school / trade school -- профессионально-техническое училище 4. Secondary Modern school -- средняя современная школа (в Великобритании, для детей от 11 до 16 лет) Secondary modern school -- a type of school, for pupils who had failed the 11-plus examination, that concentrated on practical and vocational rather than academic subjects.
5. Сomprehensive school -- общеобразовательная школа; единая, комплексная школа. Comprehensive school -- (UK) a normal secondary school, accepting pupils of all abilities; replaced the secondary modern schools and grammar schools Public school Br. (UK, England) -- a fee-charging private or independent school. Am. (North America, Australia) -- a publicly administered school (state school). 7. Preparatory school -- подготовительная школа Br. 1) частная начальная школа (для детей от 6 до13 лет; готовит к поступлению в престижную среднюю школу). Am. 2) частная средняя школа (готовит к поступлению в престижный колледж) Exams 1. General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) -- аттестат об общем среднем образовании; экзамен на получение аттестата об общем среднем образовании. 2. General Certificate of Education (GCE) -- свидетельство о базовом образовании. 3. Ordinary Level (O-Level) -- экзамен по программе средней школы 1 уровня сложности (сдавался по окончании 5 класса; в 1988 г. его заменил экзамен на получение аттестата об общем среднем образовании). 4. Advanced Level (A-level) -- экзамен по программе средней школы 2 уровня сложности (сдаётся в Великобритании по окончании 6 класса (2-х последних лет учебы); результаты этого экзамена учитываются при поступлении в университет). 1. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the age of compulsory education in GB? 2. Administration of state schools is decentralized. What does it mean? 3. Where can children receive preschool education? 4. Is secondary education in GB free of charge? 5. What are the peculiarities of private schools? 6. What stages does education within the maintained schools system usually comprises? 7. What exam do junior schoolchildren have to take to transfer to secondary school? 8. What types of secondary schools do you know? What is the difference between them? 9. What is the sixth form? 10. What are the main examinations for secondary school pupils? 2. Decide which answer A,B,C or D best fits each space. There is usually one important (1) … missing from most school (2) …. Very few students are (3) … how to organise their learning, and how to (4) … the best use of their time. Let’s take some simple (5) …. Do you know how to (6) … up words in a dictionary, and do you understand all the (7) … the dictionary contains? Can you (8) … notes quickly, and can you understand them (9) …? For some reasons, many schools give learners no (10) … with these matters. Teachers ask students to (11) pages from books, or tell them to write ten pages, but don’t explain (12) … to do it. Learning by (13) … can be useful, but it is more important to have a genuine (14) … of a subject. You can (15) … a lot of time memorizing books, without understanding anything about the subject!
3. Complete each sentence with a form of do, make or take. 1. Have you …..…… Exercise 3 yet? 2. I can’t come this afternoon. I am ……….. an English exam. 3. Jack has …………. very well this term. 4. I am afraid that you haven’t …………… any progress. 5. Sue didn’t know the answer, so she ….……… a guess. 6. You all look tired. Let’s …………… a break. 7. This is a good composition, but you have ……….… a lot of errors. 8. I think you should ………… yourself more seriously. 9. The teacher gave a lecture, and the class ………… notes. 10. Paul finds maths difficult, but he …………… his best.
4. Complete each sentence with one word. 1. If you have a problem, put …………….. your hand. 2. Please pay attention …………. what your teacher says. 3. Mary has a degree ………… civil engineering. 4. David was punished ………..… throwing chalk at the teacher. 5. I was very good …………… maths when I was at school. 6. What’s the answer if you multiply 18 …………… 16. 7. We had to write a composition ………….… “Our Ideal School”. 8. Please write this ……………… your exercise books. 9. You might not understand things even if you learn them ………....… heart. 10. When Sue visited Italy, she soon picked …………… the language.
IV. THINKING and DISCUSSION 1. Answer the questions, discuss in small groups: 1) THE SYSTEM OF BRITISH SCHOOL EDUCATION 1. What is the age of compulsory education in GB? 2. Administration of state schools is decentralized. What does it mean? 3. Where can children receive preschool education? 4. Is secondary education in GB free of charge? 5. What are the peculiarities of private schools? 6. What stages does education within the maintained schools system usually comprises? 7. What exam do junior schoolchildren have to take to transfer to secondary school? 8. What types of secondary schools do you know? What is the difference between them? 9. What is the sixth form? 10. What are the main examinations for secondary school pupils? 2) THE SYSTEM OF BRITISH HIGHER EDUCATION 1. What groups of universities are there in GB? 2. Are British universities state or private institutions? 3. Do British students receive any grants? 4. At what age do English young people enter a university? 5. What is the proportion of men and women attending English universities? 6. What subjects are considered to be arts subjects? What do they call pure and applied sciences? 7. What do you understand by internal and external students? 8. How do teaching institutes provide instruction to English students? 9. Why are the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge called residential institutions? 10. What is understood by tutors and the tutorial method? Is the tutorial system used in other universities of England? 11. How many terms is the University year divided into? How long do they last? 12. What vacations do English students have? 13. What do many English students do during their long summer holiday? 14. What do the terms B.A., B. Sc., M.A. or M. Sc. stand for? 15. What is the Open University? What are the peculiarities of the Open University?