technologically minded
| pro-technology, technophile
(cash- / vending- / washing- / answering-) machine
| a piece of equipment that does a particular job by using electricity, steam, gas, etc.
equipment (uncount.)
| the tools, machines, or other things that you need for a particular activity
(labour-saving- / nuclear-) device
| a machine or piece of equipment that does a particular thing
(household- / domestic- / electrical-) appliance
| a machine or piece of equipment that you have in your home
| a small tool or piece of equipment that does something useful or impressive
(breathing-) apparatus
| the machines, tools and equipment needed for doing something technical or scientific
(jet- / diesel- / steam-) engine
| a machine that uses a fuel to produce movement
| a mechanical device or part, the name of which is unknown or forgotten
environmentally friendly
| non-polluting, green
| durable
| simple to operate, easy to use
| useful, practical
| high-tech, state-of-the-art
| out-of-date, outdated
to get a patent for
(In 1878, Edison received/got a patent for his phonograph)
| получить патент на
to patent an invention
| запатентовать изобретение
to credit somebody with something
(Alexander Bell was credited with the invention of the telephone)
| приписывать кому-либо что-либо, вменять в заслугу
to acknowledge achievements
| признать изобретения
to pass a resolution
(The UN passed (=voted to support) a resolution to increase aid to the Third World)
| принять резолюцию
to exploit
| спекулировать, использовать в своих интересах
| неприятность, неудобство, досадная помеха
pest (inf.)
| что-либо надоедливое
pain in the neck (very inf.)
| нечто сильно докучающее, действующее на нервы
to detest, to loathe
| не переносить чего-либо, питать отвращение к
to drown out
| заглушить звук более громким
to get somebody started on something
(Oh no, don`t get me started on that!)
| вынуждать говорить о
| не считающийся с остальными, невнимательный к другим
to sneak a look at
| бросить взгляд украдкой
Three cheers for …
(Three cheers for our mayor! Hip, hip, hooray!)
| Да здравствует..!
| простота (структуры)
| самодостаточность, самообеспеченность, экономическая замкнутость (автаркия)
self-sufficient, self-reliant
| экономически самостоятельный, автаркический
| равенство, равноправие
to create inequality
| способствовать неравенству
to lead away from the close-knit community
| отвлечь от идеи сплочённого сообщества
material comforts=conveniences
| материальные блага
mainstream society
| основная часть общества
| incorrect, inexact, imprecise
| unsuitable, improper
| poorly performing, without results, fruitless
| wasteful, uneconomical, impractical, unsustainable
| causing difficulties, discomfort
| inconsiderate
| unessential
| бесхозяйственное ведение дел, неумелое управление
mistrust of (=doubt, reservation, distrust)
(Many voters have a deep mistrust of the government)
| недоверие, сомнение, подозрение
mistrustful of
(He was becoming increasingly mistrustful of doctors)
| недоверчивый, подозрительный, мнительный
to mistrust
(She told herself she had no reasons to mistrust him)
| не доверять, сомневаться, подозревать
to have reservations about something
(I have serious reservations about his ability to do this job)
| иметь сомнения (претензии) относительно чего-либо
to compromise with something
(She has not even once compromised with her conscience)
| пойти на соглашение, идти на компромисс
to take something for granted
(Most of us take our freedom for granted)
| воспринимать как само собой разумеющееся
to interfere in
(I don’t think your mother has the right to interfere in our affairs)
| вмешиваться
to interfere with
(Dad says I can get a job if it doesn’t interfere with my homework)
| препятствовать, затрагивать, создавать помехи для
intrusion into
(She couldn’t bear the intrusion into her private life)
| вторжение, посягательство, навязывание, нарушение
intrusion into privacy
| вмешательство в личную жизнь
to be fearful of... / that …
(=To be afraid of)
(We’re fearful that fighting will start up again)
| бояться
pace of progress/development
| темпы развития
to do one’s best
(I don’t know if I can finish the whole job in one day, but I’ll do my best)
| сделать всё от себя зависящее, проявить максимум энергии
to hold up (=to delay) the progress
| задержать
to oppose something strongly
(The committee opposed a proposal to allow women to join the club)
| всячески противодействовать чему-либоhold back
opposition to something
(Is there much opposition to the proposed ideas?)
| возражение против, сопротивление
to be available for consumption
| быть доступным к употреблению
major obstacle to something
* to remove obstacle
(All major obstacles to peace have now been removed)
| главное препятствие к...
* устранять препятствие
inevitable consequence
(Confusion is the inevitable consequence of all these changes in policy)
| неизбежное последствие
to reject technologies
| отвергать уже доступные технологии
to receive benefits
| получать преимущества, привилегии
to bring benefits
| давать преимущества, привилегии
to drive something underground
| загнать в подполье
to reassure somebody of … / that …
(The doctor reassured him that there was nothing seriously wrong)
| заверить, успокоить, подбодрять
to develop defence against
| разработать средства против
(alcohol- / drug- / substance-) abuse
(This is clearly an abuse of power)
| злоупотребление
to hold... back
(Long-term water shortages can hold economic development back)
| сдерживать