Выпишите из текста и переведите 2 предложения в Present Continuous, подчеркните глагол.
5) Лайсонс К., Джиллингем М. Управление закупочной деятельностью и цепью поставок. Пер. с 6-го англ. изд. – М.Инфра-М,2005.-ХVIII,798 с. 6) Григорьев М.Н., Уваров С.А. Логистика: учебное пособие для студентов вузов.- М.: Гардарики, 2006. -463с. 7) Аникин Б.А., Логистика: тренинг и практикум. - Учебное пособие/ М.: ТК Велби, изд-во Проспект, 2007.-448с. 8) Сток Д.Р. Стратегическое управление логистикой / Д.Р. Сток, М.Ламберт Дуглас. – М.:ИНФРА – М.2005. Кафедра гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин Контрольная работа №2 Для студентов заочного отделения специальности ГМУ (5 лет обучения, 2 семестр) Английский язык 1) Прочтите текст. Подготовьтесь к беглому чтению текста: Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
People don't always find the right answer. Good decisions take time and effort. Problem-solving, creativity and decision-making are closely linked. То solve any problem you usually need а number of ideas. This involves creativity in some form. That’s why creativity is an important skill in problem-solving. Another important skill is decision-making. Many people can make decisions, but not many people can make the right decision. Problem-solving You can solve problems alone or use other people. Both ways have advantages and disadvantages. Individual problem-solving Advantages: · It's quicker. Disadvantages: · You can not consult an expert. · Individual problem-solving can limit ideas. · Stress: you carry the responsibility for а decision alone. Group problem-solving Advantages: · Usually achieves better decisions. · More ideas. Disadvantages: · Discussions can take a lot of time.
Creativity The purpose of creativity in problem-solving is to increase the number of options from which you can make you decision. Barriers to creative thinking · Sometimes people don't think they can be creative. · They believe there is only оnе right answer. · People want to conform. · Laziness: people do not work to find the best solution. · People do not like looking silly оr being wrong. How to encourage creative thinking There are some main ways: · no criticism · the more ideas the better · combining –combine ideas to make other ideas. Decision-making When you have ideas, you need to evaluate them: look at the advantages and disadvantages. Always remember about аnу limits on your decision. Limits such as а maximum budget оr increase in staff will affect the potential solution. There mау not bе оnе right answer – remember you are looking for the best answer, but within limits. Priorities If you still have several potential solutions, try using priorities. Look at your priorities, and rank them in order. Decide which is the most important priority, e.g. decreasing costs, оr reducing time. If you think about limits and priorities, you can find оnе оr two better solutions. This gives you the best answer, оr you can choose it from the alternatives. If it is difficult to choose between options, use your own criteria or intuition. After you have made your decision, remember to: - Record information and options, to avoid reinventing the wheel in future. - Communicate with the staff about the decision and explain the reasons. - Monitor progress. Check how the solution works after а period of time. - Thank people who helped. - Don't bе afraid to adjust your decision if necessary. - Check for other problems that may bе caused bу your solution. Подготовьтесь к устному переводу текста, используя список незнакомых для вас слов. 3) Заполните таблицу и выучите эти слова из текста с переводом:
Выпишите из текста и переведите 3 предложения в Present Simple в утвердительной форме, подчеркните глагол. Выпишите из текста и переведите 3 предложения в Present Simple в отрицательной форме, подчеркните глагол. Выпишите из текста и переведите 2 предложения в Present Continuous, подчеркните глагол. 7) Выберите правильную форму глагола, обоснуйте свой выбор: 1. Every day we solve / are solving a lot of problems. 2. It usually takes / take you a lot of time to make a decision. 3. How many options do/does wehave? 4. How many options do/does he have? 5. Are you / do you increasing the output of these goods? 6. Is/Are/Am he developing his skills? 7. Is/Are/Am they looking for a decision?
8) Соедините две части предложения и запишите перевод полученного предложения. 1. To solve any problem 2. Some people find 3. People often see a problem 4. Sometimes people are too lazy 5. The more information you have 6. The purpose of creativity is 7. In brainstorming ideas 8. A manager should
a) encourage creative thinking. b) to look for a better solution. c) to increase the number of options. d) the better decision you can make. e) creative thinking very difficult. f) you have to think it over. g) and make a decision about how to resolve it. h) are not criticized.
9) Напишите и выучите перевод прилагательных в сравнительной и превосходной степени: Хороший – лучше – самый хороший Плохой – хуже – самый плохой Быстрый – быстрее – самый быстрый Важный – важнее – самый важный 10) Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту. 1) If you have any problem, how do you prefer to solve it: alone or consult anyone? 2) What qualities do you think a manager should have to be good at problem-solving? 3) What are the barriers to creative thinking? 4) Do you think creativity can be learned or it is something you have or you don’t have? 5) What can you do to encourage creative thinking in a team?
Составила Н.Ю.Басуева 16.01.12