Verbal and nonverbal communication
Ex,591. Read and translate the text. Comment on the words in bold "You are a vile, repulsive, repellent, malicious little brute!" the Trunchbull was shouting. "You are not fit to be in this school! You ought to be behind bars, that's where you ought to be! I shall have you drummed out of this establishment in utter disgrace! I shall have the prefects chase you down the corridor and out of the front-door with hockey-sticks! I shall have the staff escort you home under armed guard! And then I shall make absolutely sure you are sent to a reformatory for delinquent girls for the minimum of forty years!" The Trunchbull was in such a rage that her face had taken on a boiled colour and little flecks of froth were gathering at the corners of her mouth. But she was not the only one who was losing her cool. Matilda was also beginning to see red. She didn't in the least mind being accused of having done something she had actually done. She could see the justice of that. It was, however, a totally new experience for her to be accused of a crime that she definitely had not committed. She had had absolutely nothing to do with that beastly creature in the glass. By golly, she thought, that rotten Trunchbull isn't going to pin this one on me! "/ did not do it!" she screamed. (after R Dahl) Ex. 592. Translate into English I. Каждая женщина знает, что если у нее плохое настроение, то она должна купить что-то новое или же сделать прическу. 2. Мне подарили новые серьги. Нужно проколоть уши. 3. Мне опять разбили окно в машине. Нужно срочно установить сигнализацию. 4. Три месяца назад мы подали заявку на установку нового телефона. Мы все еще ждем. 5. Нужно пройти техосмотр. Но перед этим нужно сменить покрышки, зарядить аккумулятор, залить бак. 6. У него отобрали права за то, что он нарушил правила движения. 7. Смотри, чтобы тебе не прищемило пальцы дверью. 8. У моей бабушки частые головные боли. Ей нужно проверить сосуды. 9. — Реклама говорит, что если хочешь иметь ослепительную улыбку, нуж но отбелить зубы.— Мне нужно их сначала заплом бировать. 10. Если ты не хочешь, чтобы у тебя опять угнали машину, держи ее в гараже, а не на улице II. Мне нужно сделать встроенные шкафы в кварти ре (to recabinet). 12. Они собираются окрестить свое го ребенка в следующее воскресенье. 13. Вам нужно подписать все бумаги, прежде чем идти к юристу. 14. Пока не пришла зима, мне нужно сдать в чистку все зимние вещи. 15. У него сдуло ветром шляпу и унесло далеко в море. Нужно покупать новую. 16. Я проявила пленки и заплатила целое состояние за это. 17. Мне нашли комнату. 18. Им доставили пиццу в комнату. 19. Им должны установить новую копировальную машину в четверг. 20. Фермер собрал урожай в конце августа. Ex 593. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets Use prepositions if necessary 1. Do you remember (say) it a few months ago? 2. We are tired (push around). 3. Who is responsible (clean) the rooms? 4. The whole house needs (redecorate). 5. She loved (sing) at the top of her voice. 6. Congratulations on (pass) your driving test! 7.1 am not afraid (misunderstand). 8. Have you finished (talk) yet? 9. Nobody wants Laura (hurt). 10. "Money should (make) to work," she announced. 11. As a financial man you should know that money is a tool (use) to make more money. 12. The candidates waited for the questions (distribute). 13. Are you afraid (punish)? 14. We all enjoyed (swim) in the cool lake. 15. She knew what (do) to preserve it all. 16. Justice should (do). It must (do) in the name of those millions who died. 17. What can't (cure), must (endure).
Ex 594. Translate into English 1. Он стоял, словно громом пораженный. Непредвиденный поворот событий заставил его почувствовать себя побежденным. 2. — Я сейчас читаю «Униженные и оскорбленные» Ф. Достоевского. — А я читаю «Отверженные» Виктора Гюго. 3. Представьте себе, сколь многого мы еще не знаем., сколь многое остается скрытым от нас. 4. Застигнутый врасплох, мальчик спрятал руки за спину. 5. Мы ценим все усилия, сделанные вами. 6. Гости разъехались по домам, весьма заинтригованные. 7. Хлеб, выпекаемый в этой пекарне, особенно вкусен. 8. Давайте будем считать это дело решенным. 9. Она выглядела глубоко обиженной. 10. Ребенок рыдал над разбитой игрушкой. 11. Войдя в столовую, мы увидели (обнаружили), что стол уже накрыт. 12. Методы, используемые для тестирования знаний студентов, не всегда эффективны. 13. Давно забытые мечты ожили в его душе. 14. Обещание, данное ею в последний момент, тяготило ее. 15. Когда этот роман был экранизирован, он имел мгновенный успех. 16. Незамеченный, он внимательно наблюдал за всем и всеми. 17. Увядшая роза— символ давно забытой любви. 18. Заново отремонтированный, дом выглядел новым, как с иголочки. 19. Предоставленный самому себе, мальчик стал разбирать новую игрушку. 20. Сконструированный по последнему слову техники, автомобиль вызвал всеобщее восхищение. Verbal and nonverbal communication Nonverbal communication is the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless (mostly visual) cues (намёк) between people. Messages can be communicated through gestures and touch, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact. Speech contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, including voice quality, rate, pitch (высота), volume (сила, громкость), and speaking style, as well as rhythm, intonation, and stress. Most social psychologists will tell you that nonverbal communication makes up about two-thirds of all communication between two people or between one speaker and a group of listeners.” Nonverbal communication can portray a message both verbally and with the correct body signals. “There are numerous elements of what we call body language. They include physical features (характеристики), both changeable and unchangeable, your gestures and signals you send to others at a conscious (сознательный) and unconscious level (уровень), and the space that you use when communicating with others.” Nonverbal communication strengthens (усиливать) a first impression in common situations like attracting (привлечь к себе) a partner or in a business interview. “You have less than ten seconds and realistically close to four seconds to make a good impression on those with whom you come in contact.” “Sight (зрение) makes up 83% of the impact (воздействие) on the brain of information from the senses (чувства) during a visual presentation. Taste makes up 1%, Hearing makes up 11%, smell 3% and touch 2%.” Posture (поза) communicates a variety of messages. Posture can be used to determine (определить) a participant’s degree of attention or involvement (вовлечённость), the difference in status between communicators, and the level of fondness (привязанность) a person has for the other communicator, depending on body “openness”. Studies investigating (исследовать) the impact of posture on interpersonal relationships suggest that mirror-image (с зеркальным отражением) postures, where one person’s left side is parallel to the other person’s right side, leads to favorable (благоприятный) perception (восприятие) of communicators and positive speech; a person who displays a forward lean (наклон вперёд) also signifies (выражать) positive sentiment during communication. Gestures may be made with the hands, arms or body, and also include movements of the head, face and eyes, such as winking (подмигтвание), nodding (кивание), or rolling one's eyes (закатывание глаз). The most familiar (знакомые) are the so-called emblems gestures. These are conventional (общепринятый), culture-specific gestures that can be used as replacement (замена) for words, such as the hand wave (взмах) used in western cultures for "hello" and "goodbye." Gestures can also be categorized as either speech independent (независимый) or speech related (связанный с). Speech-independent gestures are dependent upon culturally accepted (принятый) interpretation and have a direct verbal translation. A wave or a [V-signal - peace sign] are examples of speech-independent gestures. Speech-related gestures are used in parallel with verbal speech; this form of nonverbal communication is used to emphasize (усилить) the message that is being communicated. Facial expressions, more than anything, serve as a practical means of communication. With all the various muscles that precisely (точно) control mouth, lips, eyes, nose, forehead (лоб), and jaw (челюсть), human faces can have more than ten thousand different expressions (выражение). The duration of eye contact is its most meaningful (значимый) aspect. Gaze (пристальный взгляд) comprises (включает) the actions of looking while talking and listening. The length of a gaze, the frequency (частота) of glances, patterns (способы) of fixation, pupil dilation (расширение зрачков), and blink rate (частота мигания) are all important cues in nonverbal communication. Liking generally increases as mutual gazing increases. Along with the detection of disinterest, deceit (лживость) can also be observed in a person. When someone is being deceptive (обманывает) their eyes blink a lot more. “Give the amount (объём) of eye contact that makes everyone feel comfortable. Unless looking at others is a cultural no-no, lookers gain more credibility (доверие) than non-lookers” Touches among humans that can be defined (определять) as communication include handshakes, holding hands, kissing (cheek, lips, hand), back slapping, high fives, a pat on the shoulder, and brushing an arm. Touching is treated differently from one country to another and socially acceptable levels of touching vary from one culture to another. In Thai culture, for example, touching someone's head may be thought rude. Remland and Jones (1995) studied groups of people communicating and found that touching was rare among the English (8%), the French (5%) and the Dutch (4%) compared to Italians In what European countries touching is rare? Memorize the following phrases:1. sending and receiving wordless cues 2. through gestures and touch, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact. 3. voice quality, rate, pitch, volume, and speaking style, rhythm, intonation, and stress 4. physical features, gestures, signals you send to others, space 5. Sight 6. the impact (воздействие) on the brain of information from the senses during a visual presentation 7. Taste, hearing, smell and touch 8. mirror-image postures, where one person’s left side is parallel to the other person’s right side 9. by showing the positive aspects of his or her self through clothes and grooming 10. the hand wave used in western cultures for "hello" and "goodbye. 11. A wave or a [V-signal - peace sign] 12. mutual gazing increases