Render the following text into English, using active vocabulary of the Unit.
Dear Paul! We are really enjoying London. We are staying at the Georgian Hotel and we like it very much. We're going to stay in London till next Friday. Then we're going to Brighton. (I'll send you a card from there). London is a very beautiful city. We're enjoying the museums, the parks, the shops and the theatres. Yesterday morning we went to Harridge's. It's a wonderful department store. I bought a pair of shoes and Jim bought two shirts. Yesterday afternoon we went to the British Museum. There's an exhibition of old books there at the moment In the evening we went to the National Theatre and saw "Macbeth". We had very good seats and enjoyed the performance. This morning we visited some friends in Haling. We went there by underground — it's a very fast service. At the moment we're back at the hotel and we're so tired! Yours sincerely, Roger Describe the most memorable holiday you've ever had. Write about a holiday you spent at the seaside. Describe your sightseeing in a town of special historical interest. Write about different ways of spending a holiday. Unit 1. Study the following words and find out their meanings. P. 13 to admit newcomers, to establish settlements, an overriding influence P.14 to wipe out population, an overwhelming majority, to escape starvation P.15 to treat smb. with prejudice and hostility, to take away one’s jobs, to face obstacles, to practice traditions P.16 persecution on the basis of smth., to flee poverty, a refugee, an illegal alien, to tighten restrictions P.17 to wrestle with a problem, to hold (high) offices, “a melting pot”.
Answer the questions. 1. Who were the first immigrants that came to America? 2. What is the fate of the American Indians? 3. Who came to live in America in the second half of the XXth century? 4. How did the assimilation process go? 5. What characterizes recent immigration? 6.What is the attitude to refugees and illegal aliens in the US? 7. How are Americans wrestling with the problem of identity?
Role play (see Parts B,C pp. 19-22). Role 1. You are the Mayor of New York. You are making a press conference on immigration issues for journalists and public. You must make a presentation of your city and answer the questions of the audience. You are convinced that New York is a city for everyone, whatever his/her backgrounds are. Role 2. You are a journalist of the USA Today. You are eager to find out as much information about the people living in NY as possible (see ex.2 p.22). Role 3. You are a Cambodian immigrant living and working in New York (see p. 20). You want to draw the attention of the city authorities and the media to the problems of refugees: few job opportunities, low living standards. You disagree that NY is a city for everyone. Roles 4,5. You are ordinary city-dwellers. You are against immigration. See Poll on Immigration (p.21) to find arguments supporting your position.. Roles 6,7. You are ordinary city-dwellers who welcome newcomers. You consider immigration beneficial for the city. Find arguments in favor of your position in Poll on Immigration (p.21).
4. Discussion points – see ex.5 p.23. Render the following text into English, using active vocabulary of the Unit. С первых дней своего основания США считаются обществом иммигрантов. Каждый год США принимают сотни тысяч приезжих, среди которых беженцы, пытающиеся спастись от бедности, избежать войн и голода. Некоторые из них стали в своих странах объектами преследования на почве расы, религии или национальности. Многие из этих беженцев воспринимаются с предубеждением и враждебностью. Подавляющее большинство населения США считают их «нелегальными иностранцами», которые отнимают у коренного населения рабочие места. Чиновники, занимающие высокие государственные должности, пытаются решить проблему нелегальной иммиграции ужесточением иммиграционных ограничений. Это особенно удивительно, принимая во внимание тот факт, что несколько столетий назад предки современных американцев войнами практически уничтожили коренных американских индейцев и основали поселения на их землях. Сегодня иммигранты не сталкиваются с таким количеством препятствий, как прежде, но все еще ощущают на себе доминирующее влияние англоязычной культуры. Однако желание меньшинств следовать своим этническим традициям постепенно превращает США из «плавильного котла» наций в государство, открытое для всех.
6. Write an essay on the following topic: Why would / wouldn’t I like to emigrate to the USA. Use active vocabulary of the Unit.