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(See Article 73)

Article 1

Prisoners' representatives shall be allowed to distribute collective relief shipments for which they are responsible, to all prisoners of war administered by their camp, including those who are in hospitals, or in prisons or other penal establishments.

Article 2

The distribution of collective relief shipments shall be effected in accordance with the instructions of the donors and with a plan drawn up by the prisoners' representatives. The issue of medical stores shall, however, be made for preference in agreement with the senior medical officers, and the latter may, in hospitals and infirmaries, waive the said instructions, if the needs of their patients so demand. Within the limits thus defined, the distribution shall always be carried out equitably.

Article 3

The said prisoners' representatives or their assistants shall be allowed to go to the points of arrival of relief supplies near their camps, so as to enable the prisoners' representatives or their assistants to verify the quality as well as the quantity of the goods received, and to make out detailed reports thereon for the donors.

Article 4

Prisoners' representatives shall be given the facilities necessary for verifying whether the distribution of collective relief in all sub-divisions and annexes of their camps has been carried out in accordance with their instructions.

Article 5

Prisoners' representatives shall be allowed to fill up, and cause to be filled up by the prisoners' representatives of labour detachments or by the senior medical officers of infirmaries and hospitals, forms or questionnaires intended for the donors, relating to collective relief supplies (distribution, requirements, quantities, etc.). Such forms and questionnaires, duly completed, shall be forwarded to the donors without delay.

Article 6

In order to secure the regular issue of collective relief to the prisoners of war in their camp, and to meet any needs that may arise from the arrival of new contingents of prisoners, prisoners' representatives shall be allowed to build up and maintain adequate reserve stocks of collective relief. For this purpose, they shall have suitable warehouses at their disposal; each warehouse shall be provided with two locks, the prisoners' representative holding the keys of one lock and the camp commander the keys of the other.

Article 7

When collective consignments of clothing are available, each prisoner of war shall retain in his possession at least one complete set of clothes. If a prisoner has more than one set of clothes, the prisoners' representative shall be permitted to withdraw excess clothing from those with the largest number of sets, or particular articles in excess of one, if this is necessary in order to supply prisoners who are less well provided. He shall not, however, withdraw second sets of underclothing, socks or footwear, unless this is the only means of providing for prisoners of war with none.

Article 8

The High Contracting Parties, and the Detaining Powers in particular, shall authorize, as far as possible and subject to the regulations governing the supply of the population, all purchases of goods made in their territories for the distribution of collective relief to prisoners of war. They shall similarly facilitate the transfer of funds and other financial measures of a technical or administrative nature taken for the purpose of making such purchases.

Article 9

The foregoing provisions shall not constitute an obstacle to the right of prisoners of war to receive collective relief before their arrival in a camp or in the course of transfer, nor to the possibility of representatives of the Protecting Power, the International Committee of the Red Cross, or any other body giving assistance to prisoners which may be responsible for the forwarding of such supplies, ensuring the distribution thereof to the addressees by any other means that they may deem useful.

Annex IV


(see Article 4)


¦ Height ¦ Weight ¦ Eyes ¦ Hair ¦

¦________________ ¦_______________¦_______________¦______________¦


¦ ¦Blood type ¦Official seal ¦

¦ ¦_______________¦imprint ¦

¦ ¦Religion ¦ ¦

¦ ¦_______________¦ ¦

¦ Fingerprints (optional) +---------------+--------------+

¦ ¦ NOTICE ¦

¦(Left ¦ (Right ¦ ¦

¦forefinger) ¦ forefinger) ¦This identity card is issued¦

+--------------+------------------+to persons who accompany the¦

¦Any other mark of ¦Armed Forces of ¦

¦identification _________________ ¦but are not part of them. The¦

¦________________________________ ¦card must be carried at all¦

¦________________________________ ¦times by the person to whom it¦

¦ ¦is issued. If the bearer is¦

¦ ¦taken prisoner, he shall at¦

¦ ¦once hand the card to the¦

¦ ¦Detaining Authorities, to¦

¦ ¦assist in his identification. ¦


¦ ¦

¦ (Name of the country and military ¦

¦ authority issuing this card) ¦

¦ ------------ ¦

¦ ¦Photograph ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ of the ¦ IDENTITY CARD ¦

¦ ¦ bearer ¦ ¦



¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ L------------ ¦

¦ ¦

¦ Name _________________________________________ ¦

¦ First names __________________________________ ¦

¦ Date and place of birth ______________________ ¦

¦ Accompanies the Armed Forces as ______________ ¦

¦ ¦

¦ Date of issue Signature of bearer ¦

¦ _____________________________ ___________________________ ¦


Remarks. - This card should be made out for preference in two

or three languages, one of which is in international use. Actual

size of the card: 13 by 10 centimetres. It should be folded along

the dotted line.


(see Article 70)

1. Front


¦ ------------- ¦

¦PRISONER OF WAR MAIL ¦Postage free¦ ¦

¦-------------------- L------------- ¦



¦ ¦ ¦


¦ This card must be¦ ¦

¦completed by each prisoner¦ CENTRAL PRISONERS ¦

¦immediately after being taken¦ OF WAR AGENCY ¦

¦prisoner and each time his¦ ¦

¦address is changed (by reason¦ INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ¦

¦of transfer to a hospital or¦ OF THE RED CROSS ¦

¦to another camp). ¦ ¦

¦ This card is distinct from¦ GENEVA ¦

¦the special card which each¦ ----------- ¦

¦prisoner is allowed to send¦ SWITZERLAND ¦

¦to his relatives. ¦ ¦


2. Reverse side


¦Write legibly and in 1. Power on which the ¦

¦block letters prisoner depends ______________ ¦


¦2. Name 3. First names (in full) 4. First name of father ¦


¦5. Date of birth ___________ 6. Place of birth _________________¦


¦7. Rank ________________________________________________________¦

¦8. Service number ______________________________________________¦

¦9. Address of next of kin ______________________________________¦


¦<*> 10. Taken prisoner on: (or) ¦

¦ Coming from (Camp No., hospital, etc.) ____________________¦

¦11. (a) Good health - (b) Not wounded - (c) Recovered - (d) ¦

¦ Convalescent - (e) Sick - (f) Slightly wounded - (g) ¦

¦ Seriously wounded. ¦


¦12. My present address is: Prisoner No. ________________________¦

¦ ¦

¦ Name of camp _______________________________________________¦

¦ ¦

¦13. Date ___________________ 14. Signature _____________________¦


¦ <*> Strike out what is not applicable - Do not add any¦

¦remarks - See explanations overleaf. ¦


Remarks. - This form should be made out in two or three

languages, particularly in the prisoner's own language and in that

of the Detaining Power. Actual size: 15 by 10,5 centimetres.


(see Article 71)


1. Front


¦ Prisoner of War Mail ------------- ¦

¦ -------------------- ¦Postage free¦ ¦

¦ L------------- ¦


¦ To _____________________________________¦

¦ Sender: ¦

+------------------------------- ______________________________¦

¦Name and first names ¦ ¦

¦_______________________________¦ ¦

¦Place and date of birth ¦ Place of Destination ¦

¦_______________________________¦ ______________________________¦

¦Prisoner of War No. ¦ ¦

¦_______________________________¦ Street _______________________¦

¦Name of camp ¦ ¦

¦_______________________________¦ Country _____________¦

¦Country where posted ¦ ¦

¦_______________________________¦ Province or Department _______¦

¦ ¦ ¦


2. Reverse side


¦NAME OF CAMP ________________________ Date _____________________¦

¦ ¦


¦ ¦


¦ ¦


¦ ¦


¦ ¦


¦ ¦


¦ ¦


¦ ¦


¦ ¦

¦Write on the dotted lines only and as legibly as possible. ¦


Remarks. - This form should be made out in two or three

languages, particularly in the prisoner's own language and in that

of the Detaining Power. Actual size of form: 15 by 10 centimetres.



/ \

/ \

/ \

/ \

/ \

/ \

/ \

/ ____________________ \

¦ ¦


¦ -------- ¦

¦ Postage free ¦

¦ To __________________________________________________________¦


¦ ¦

¦ Place _____________________________________________¦

¦ ---------------------------------------------¦

¦ Street ____________________________________________¦

¦ Country ___________________________________________¦

¦ Department or Province ____________________________¦

¦ ¦


¦ ¦

¦...... ¦

¦ ¦

¦ Sender: ¦

¦ Name and first names ________________________________________¦

¦ Date and place of birth _____________________________________¦

¦ Prisoner of War No. _________________________________________¦

¦ Name of camp ________________________________________________¦

¦ Country where posted ________________________________________¦


Remarks. - This form should be made out in two or three

languages, particularly in the prisoner's own language and in that

of the Detaining Power. It should be folded along the dotted line,

the tab being inserted in the slit (marked by a line of

asterisks); it then has the appearance of an envelope. Overleaf,

it is lined like the postcard above (Annex IV C I); thins space

can contain about 250 words which the prisoner is free to write.

Actual size of the folded form: 29 by 15 centimetres.


(see Article 120)


¦(Title of responsible NOTIFICATION OF DEATH ¦

¦ authority) ¦

¦ ¦

¦ Power on which the ¦

¦ prisoner depended _____________________¦

¦ ¦

¦Name and first names ___________________________________________¦

¦ ¦

¦First name of father ¦_______________________________¦

¦Place and date of birth ¦_______________________________¦

¦Place and date of death ¦_______________________________¦

¦Rank and service number ¦ ¦

¦(as given on identity disc) ¦_______________________________¦

¦Address of next of kin ¦_______________________________¦

¦Where and when taken ¦ ¦

¦prisoner ¦_______________________________¦

¦Cause and circumstances ¦ ¦

¦of death ¦_______________________________¦

¦Place of burial ¦_______________________________¦

¦Is the grave marked and can ¦ ¦

¦it be found later by the ¦ ¦

¦relatives? ¦_______________________________¦

¦Are the personal effects of ¦_______________________________¦

¦the deceased in the keeping of ¦_______________________________¦

¦the Detaining Power or are they ¦_______________________________¦

¦being forwarded together with ¦_______________________________¦

¦this notification? ¦_______________________________¦

¦If forwarded, through what ¦ ¦

¦agency? ¦_______________________________¦

¦Can the person who cared for ¦_______________________________¦

¦the deceased during sickness ¦_______________________________¦

¦or during his last moments ¦_______________________________¦

¦(doctor, nurse, minister of ¦_______________________________¦

¦religion, fellow prisoner) give ¦_______________________________¦

¦here or on an attached sheet a ¦_______________________________¦

¦short account of the ¦_______________________________¦

¦circumstances of the death and ¦_______________________________¦

¦burial? ¦_______________________________¦

¦ ¦

¦(Date, seal and signature of Signature and address of two ¦

¦responsible authority.) witnesses ¦

¦ ¦


Remarks. - This form should be made out in two or three

languages, particularly in the prisoner's own language and in that

of the Detaining Power. Actual size of the form: 21 by 30



(see Annex II, Article 11)






First names:

Date of birth:


Army number:

P. W. number:


Decision of the Commission:

Chairman of the

Mixed Medical Commission:

A = direct repatriation

B = accommodation in a neutral country

NC = re-examination by next Commission

Annex V

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