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Іншомовна література

1108. Adams J. Russian Computer Hakers Alarm FBI // Sunday Times. – 1995, February 12.

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1113. Argyris, Chris. Teaching Smart People How to Learn. // Harvard Business Review, May-June 1992.

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1115. Baird, Lloyd and Meshoulam. Managing Two Fits of Strategic Human Resource Management. // Academy of Management Review. – vol. 13, № 1.

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1129. Carell, Michael, Jennings, Daniel and Heavrin, Christina. Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior. – Prentice-Hall, 1997.

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1160. Fear, Richard and Chiron, Robert. The Evaluation Interview, 4 th Edition. – McGraw Hill, 1990.

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1164. Fraenkel Jack R. Crime and Criminals. – Prentise-hall, inc., 1970.

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1166. Galagan, Patricia. IBM Gets Its Arms around Education. // Training and Development Journal, 1989, January, P.P. 35-41.

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1177. Hall, Douglas. Career Development in Organizations. – Jossey-Bass, San-Francisco, 1986.

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1192. Kannin-Lovers, Jill, Graham, D Variable Merit Pay. Program Links Pay to Perfonnance. Journal of Compensation and Benefits, 1988, July-August, p.p. 1 – 5.

1193. Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, Stein, Barry, and Jick, Todd. The Challenge of Organizational Change. – The Free Press, New York, 1991.

1194. Kinlow, Dennis. Coaching for Commitment. – University Associates, San Diego, 1989.

1195. Knowles, Malcolm. The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species. – Gulf., Houston, Texas, 1990.

1196. Kotter, John, Heskett, James. Corporate Culture and Performance. – The Free Press, New York, 1992.

1197. Krajci, Thomas. Pay That Rewards Knowledge. HR Magazine, June 1990, p.p. 58 – 60.

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1204. Ledford, G. E. Three Case Studies on Skill-Based Pay: An Overview. // Compensation & Benefits Review, 1991, vol. 23, No. 2, pp.11 – 23.

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1212. McCurdey, H.G. The Personal World:An Information to the Study of personality. – New-York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961.

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