Вариан №4.
Журнал Теодолитного хода
Бригада № __________ 1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________ 7. __________________________ 8. __________________________ 9. __________________________ 10. __________________________
Руководитель ___________________________________ 200__ 200__ г. ____________________________ Наблюдение проводил ________________________ от _________ час. _________ мин. до _________ час. _________ мин.
Записи вел _________________________________ от _________ час. _________ мин. до _________ час. _________ мин.
Exercise 1. a) Revise the forms of Gerund:
b) Remember: after the verbs need, want, require and the adjective worth the Gerund is used in the active form though it is passive in meaning: < Our TV set needs repairing. Наш телевизор нужно ремонтировать. < Your suit requires ironing. Нужно погладить ваш костюм. < The flowers want regular watering. Цветы нуждаются в регулярном поливе. < The book is worth reading. Книгу стоит прочитать. c) Remember: the non-perfect form of the gerund is often used in place of the perfect form: < I remember seeing the film. < Your refusing to help them was a shock to everybody. < He mentioned speaking to them on the subject. d) The perfect form of the Gerund, passive voice, sounds very formal. e) A possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive case before the Gerund denotes the doer of the action expressed by the Gerund. Modern English tends to use a personal pronoun in the objective case or a noun in the general case to indicate the doer of the action expressed by the Gerund: < I insist on writing to him myself. < I insist on your/ you / John’s/ John writing to him. < They don’t mind my/ me/ Helen’s/ Helen reading. < She was against our/us going there.
Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the correct form of Gerund: 1. I think I'll have a chance of (introduce) you to my friends. 2. I've just had the pleasure of (introduce) to your sister. 3. Everybody was surprised at her (leave) so soon. 4. I am tired of (treat) like a child. 5. You've changed so much that he might be excused for not (recognize) you. 6. She had to leave the house without (see) by anybody. 7. 1 remember (be) on friendly terms with him. 8. This matter wants (dear up). 9. She is a wonderful dancer. I couldn't help (impress). 10. Boys always enjoy (swim). 11. The children were annoyed at (tell) to leave. 12. She looked upset. We suspected him of (tell) her the sad news. Exercise 3. a) Study the chart and explain the rule:
b) Translate into English using the correct form of Gerund: 1. Она жалуется, что всегда опаздывает на самолет. 2. Она пожаловалась, что всегда опаздывает на самолет. 3. Она пожаловалась, что опоздала на самолет. 4. Он хвастается, что всегда выигрывает теннисные матчи. 5. Он похвастался, что выиграл вчерашний матч. 6. Послушай! Он хвастается, что выиграл вчерашний матч. 7. Он гордится тем, что его сын занимается спортом. 8. Он гордиться тем, что его сын занял первое место в соревнованиях по плаванию.
Exercise 4. a) Read the conversation and analyze the usage of Gerund: Bill the Referee It had been a very hard football match. One player from each side had been given a red card, and two others got yellow cards. After the game, the referee. Bill Cross, was interviewed on television by Frank Duff. FRANK DUFF: This has been a fairly typical Saturday afternoon for you, hasn't it? Do you really enjoy refereeing? BILL CROSS: Yes, I find I still look forward to it. FRANK DUFF:I can't help feeling that you’d enjoy the game much more, sitting in the stand. BILL CROSS: Well, of course, every game produces different problems for the referee. FRANK DUFF: Now, you didn’t give Smith a red card for the foul, did you? You gave him the red card for arguing? BILL CROSS: Yes, I don't like people arguing with the referee. I had warned him, but he went on arguing, so off he went. FRANK DUFF: Then there was the incident with Brown. Why didn't you allow the trainer onto the field? BILL CROSS: I hate seeing a play pretending to be hurt, in order to get a free kick. A couple of minutes later, when the ball came near him, he was quite all right again. FRANK DUFF: Then when you refused to give a penalty in the second half, the crowd got very angry with you. Doesn't that worry you? BILL CROSS: No, if the football match is exciting the crowd is going to get excited, naturally. I don't mind the crowd shouting at me at all. As a referee, you expect it.
Exercise 5: a) Study the chart and learn the syntactic functions of Gerund. Translate the sentences:
b) Read and translate the following sentences: 1. I'm looking forward to seeing you. 2. She doesn't like going out in the evening. 3. I believe he really enjoys cleaninghis car. 4. I hate getting up on cold winter mornings. 5. Would you mind posting a letter for me? 6. He couldn’t help feeling cross about it. 7. She can't stand working there any longer. 8. I've finished using the bathroom. 9. They prevented me from going into my own office. 10. I avoided mentioning the subject as long as I could. 11. He risked getting into trouble for your sake. 12. John admitted having made that telephone call. 13. He denied having written the letter. 14. Forgive my asking you, but where did you get that bag? 15. Hilda suggested going to the pictures. 16. He kept annoying me, so I hit him. 17. I can’t understand his not wanting to come. 18. Did you ever consider selling it? 19. I’ve really missed seeing her lately. 20. It's no use complaining about it now. 21. I've stopped taking those sleeping pills. c) Make up sentences with Gerund.
Exercise 6. a) Study the chart and revise the structures where Gerund is used:
Exercise 7. Read the dialogue, translate it and analyze the usage of Gerund. Learn it by heart: Mr. Parker: Nora! Nora! Mrs. Parker: Yes, what is it now, Harry? Mr. Parker: Oh, there you are. Look here, Nora! I am tired of lying here on my back with nothing to do. I hate doing nothing. Mrs. Parker: Don’t be silly, Harry. You’ve got a temperature and staying in bed is the only sensible thing to do. Now just be quiet and stop preventing me from doing my housework. Mr. Parker: Most seriously, Nora, I can’t bear it, lying flant on my back. Mrs. Parker: Well, then try lying on your stomach, for a change. Mr. Parker: Stop being funny. I am going to get up. There! Look! I am standing up. I am quite all right. What’s the use of staying in bed? Mrs. Parker: I think you are being very silly. You’ll only make your temperature go up again. Mr. Parker: It’s no use talking, Nora! Being ill doesn’t suit me! Mrs. Parker: No! And trying to nurse you doesn’t suit me! Mr. Parker: Don’t be bitter about it. You know I am grateful to you for looking after me, but you mustn’t try to keep me in bed like a naughty boy. Mrs. Parker: Well, you began it by behaving like a naughty boy. Mr. Parker: I am all against this, staying in bed for no reason. Mrs. Parker: Harry, being ill is a reason. Now don’t stand by that window and catch another cold. Let me see. Half past eleven. Mr. Parker: Why do you keep looking at the clock? Mrs. Parker: I am expecting Mother. She is coming over for the day. Mr. Parker: Good Heavens! I didn’t know that! Mrs. Parker: Yes, I think she has something she wants to talk to you about. Mr. Parker: Oh, Heavens, has she? Oh, you know, Nora, I do feel a bit ill. Perhaps I had better get back to bed. Mrs. Parker: Oh, what a pity! I thought perhaps you might stay up to see her. Mr. Parker: That’s the very reason I am getting back into bed. Mrs. Parker: What did you say? Mr. Parker: Oh, nothing. Exercise 8. Read the following text, translate it and make up sentences with Gerund using the ideas from the text:
Jack was very keen on fishing. He had a big collection of different kinds of rods and hooks and flies, and whenever he had some spare time, he went down to the river to fish. “Don't you sometimes think it's stupid,” his mother used to say, “standing beside that dirty old river in all weathers, and often not catching anything?” “Oh, no, Mum!” he always answered earnestly. “Whenever I'm there beside the water, with the trees round me, and the birds singing, I'm thoroughly content. Everything's so peaceful.” Then he married Kate. Having been his neighbour since they were children, she knew all about Jack's love of fishing. He even had to go out and catch a fish on the day of their wedding! Kate did not know how to fish, but having married Jack, she soon found herself alone for some time every weekend, so she decided to try. “If you can't beat them, join them,” she said to her parents. Jack gave her some lessons in how to throw the fly, how to hold the rod and so on, but having been taught to do these things, whenever she tried to make use of her knowledge, she never caught anything, and she found it damp and cold standing still for hours beside the river. Then there was going to be a big fishing competition in a fortnight's time. “It'll be wonderful,” he said to Kate happily, “There's a prize of £100 for the biggest fish caught that weekend, and other smaller prizes too for those who catch the largest total weight of fish”. “Can I join in?” said Kate. Jack was doubtful, but having looked at the rules, he discovered that she would be allowed to take part in the competition. The great day came, and the fishermen drew lots for positions on the river banks in preparation for the start of the competition. Some positions were better than others, and Jack was very familiar with all the good ones. Having drawn one of the very best, he was very pleased, and pitied Kate when hers was by far the worst. “Never mind,” he said, “it'll be good experience for you anyhow, and meanwhile you'll be able to see how the best fishermen in the country do it.” But things turned out very differently from what Jack had expected. A few minutes before the end of the competition, and flanked by the best fishermen in the country, Kate caught the biggest fish that had ever been seen in that river. She took it along to Jack at once, and as she approached him she saw that he had only succeeded in catching four or five very small fish. She was expecting him to admire greatly the fish that she had caught, but all he said after a long pause was, “You only caught one, did you?”
Exercise 9. Translate into English: 1. Вы когда-нибудь раньше бывали в Москве? — Да. Последний раз я был здесь два года назад. С тех пор многое изменилось. Я не могу не восхищаться памятниками древней русской архитектуры в Кремле. 2. Давайте сначала пойдем на Красную площадь. — А я предлагаю сначала осмотреть соборы Кремля. — Какой смысл спорить, они находятся недалеко друг от друга. 3. Они с нетерпением ждали посещения Третьяковской Галереи. — Я тоже всегда мечтал увидеть эту богатейшую коллекцию русской живописи. 4. Вы не возражаете против того, чтобы отправиться на осмотр достопримечательностей Москвы завтра рано утром? — Я не согласен. К сожалению, я не привык вставать рано. 5. Мы поблагодарили его за то, что он так много рассказал нам об исторических памятниках Москвы. 6. Они с нетерпением ждали похода в Большой театр. 7. Какой смысл сравнивать Москву и Лондон? Exercise 10. Translate into English using Gerund or Complex Object. Pay attention to the Tenses: 1. Почему доктор посоветовал Вам избегать занятий спортом сразу после приема пищи? 2. Интересно, когда он закончит делать зарядку? Он занимается уже сорок минут. 3. Какие упражнения Вы любите выполнять во время утренней зарядки? — Я люблю делать наклоны, приседания и отжимания. — Почему Вы ненавидите бег на месте? — Это очень скучно. Я предпочитаю бегать трусцой на стадионе в хорошую погоду. 4. Как Вы думаете, почему врачи рекомендуют выполнять разминку (warm up exercises) перед работой на тренажерах (to work out on keeping fit machines)? 5. Неужели он рискнул заниматься на силовых тренажерах (weight-lifting machines) после того, как его прооперировали в прошлом году? — Да, я сам наблюдал, как он тренировался. После упражнений на брусьях он расплакался. Однако он не намерен бросать занятия гимнастикой. 6. Ты хорошо танцуешь (to be good at)! — Танцы помогают мне поддерживать хорошую физическую форму. Кроме танцев я люблю плавать и бегать трусцой в парке. Я привыкла бегать по утрам. 7. Неужели Вы не устали делать наклоны (to bend)? — Нет, это очень полезное упражнение для укрепления мышц живота (to strengthen abdominal muscles). Кроме укрепления мышц это один из способов похудения. — Неужели? Я тоже буду заниматься зарядкой вместо голодания Вариант №1 По территориям Центрального района известны данные за 1995 г.
Вариант №2. По территориям Центрального района известны данные за 1995 г.
Вариант №3 По территориям Центрального и Волго-Вятского районов известны данные за ноябрь 1997г.
Вариан №4. По территориям Волго-Вятского, Центрально-Черноземного и Поволжского районов известны данные за ноябрь 1997 г.
Вариант №5 По территории Северного, Северо-Западного и Центрального районов известны данные за ноябрь 1997 г.
Вариант №6. По территориям Восточно-Сибирского и Дальневосточного районов известны данные за ноябрь 1997 г.
Вариант №7 По территориям Уральского и Западно-Сибирского районов известны данные за ноябрь 1997 г.
Вариант №8. По территориям Уральского и Западно-Сибирского районов известны данные за ноябрь 1997г.
Вариант №9. По территориям Уральского и Западно-Сибирского районов известны данные за ноябрь 1997 г.