Перед Вами конверт. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает. Укажите соответствие для каждого нумерованного элемента задания.
ð (3) The town in the mailing address; ð (2) The street name in the mailing address; ð (1) The sender’s name; ð (4) The addressee; ð (5) The house number in the return address; ð (6) The ZIP code the letter comes from.
25. 1. Contract 2. Letter of complaint 3. Memo 4. Letter of enquiry / request * Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки. Укажите соответствие для каждого нумерованного элемента. (1) Mark Willow, Purchase Manager From: Michael Simpson, (2) Date: October 24, 20…. Subject: Chip sets and drivers purchasing … … (3), I received the production schedule from the factory that assembles our computers. Yesterday I talked to Ms. Chen, (4), and told her that our stock date has to be 10 days before our assemble start dates. She said she would waive shipping costs and give us a 10% discount. Please, make up purchase order for the chip sets and drivers and order today. MS ð (2) Production supervisor; ð (1) To; ð (4) Our supplier; ð (3) Mark.