ПКАМ пед.ф.
1. Speak about the media influence on our life. How influential a part does the TV play in children’s lives? Do recollections of TV programmes provide the most part of the majority of young people’s childhood memories? Why do you think people often refer to “the media” when talking about television? 2. Comment on the meaning of “global village”. How is it connected with the TV? How is it known that some attitudes are absorbed indirectly from the television and then retained? Do you agree that the television always achieve its intended predetermined response from its audience? Is it more successful than the other forms of media? 3. Comment on the profession of a journalist in today’s world. How independent are those people working for the television companies? Is it easier for a newspaper journalist to interview somebody than for a journalist working in television? 4. Speak about the history of television. When did the idea of broadcasting both sound and vision first occur? What were the major milestones in the development of TV? Comment on the latest developments in TV. What are the possible future achievements of TV? 5. Tell us about when and how Internet was created. In what way does Internet change our life? Do you use Internet? What are you searching for in the Web? What is E-MAIL? 6. Speak about the effects of television on children. Does television have a negative or bad influence on children? If you think it does, tell how. What are the effects upon the vulnerable and developing human organism of spending a significant proportion of each day engaged in this particular experience (watching TV)? We can not say that television has only bad influence on children. Speak on good or positive influences that television has on children. How does television stimulate children’s curiosity? How does the television experience affect a child’s language development, for instance? 7. Tell us about your favourite programs. Refer to specific programs to illustrate your preferences. What qualities do you look for in a television program? What are the programs that appeal to specific age groups? 8. Comment on when and how a custom can become a festival? What folk customs are common to our country? What most true folk customs in the US are associated with? What wedding customs do you know? 9. The variety of holidays and festivals in all social communities is determined by the diversity of their characters. One can talk about international, national, political, cultural, religious, ethnic, etc. holidays. Please, give examples of these holidays and say which of them is your favourite and why. 10. Tell us about the usual steps that precede marriage. Have you ever witnessed a wedding ceremony? Describe it naming the participants and their activities. 11. A school teacher is sure to take part in organizing celebrations of different kinds. What do you think a school teacher’s opinion should be on the role holidays, traditions and rituals play in the education and character-shaping of the younger generation? What in your opinion is the cultural, political (emotional, moral, psychological, etc.) impact and message of new festivities (such as Olympic Games, Youth Festivals) for the younger generation? 12. Tradition is a chain which links the present with the past, part of our task is to interpret the life and the activity of tradition as a formative factor in the development of men in society. What do you think of the role the tradition plays in our life and what does the successful performance of that role depend on? 13. A happy home is a place full of children’s laughter. Many families can not have their own children and want to adopt or foster a child. Under what circumstances can a family foster a child? Think of some examples. 14. Do you agree that young adults should always ask their parents for permission to marry? Should children leave home only after they are married? Why or why not? 15. In many countries young married couples live with their parents or relatives. Is this good? Why or why not? What kind of problems do young adults have when they live with their parents? 16. One of the main problems of family life is the relationship between young adults and parents. Are you living with your parents or relatives now? Would you rather be living in your own apartment? Why or why not? Should young adults live with their parents until they get married? 17. Sociologists say that the relationship between men and women is changing rapidly nowadays. Do you agree that family life is less important in the modern world than it was in the past? What changes are taking place in the family life? What are your predictions for the future? What changes in behaviour will become acceptable in the future? 18. The divorce rate is rising. More and more single parents are raising children nowadays. Is divorce morally wrong and should marriage be preserved at all costs? Will divorce become more common? Will the size of the average family change? What things won’t change? 19. Some people think that there is a problem of having a granny in the family. Should old people be encouraged to stay in old people’s homes rather than with the family? Should the members of a family live in the same area so that it is easy for them to visit each other? 20. A lot of married people get divorced. Is divorce morally wrong and should marriage be preserved at all costs? Do you agree that love being at home? Are marriages at later ages more stable? 21. Some young people refuse to observe the old rituals and have a wedding party considering it a terrible nuisance and a waste of money. What is your idea of celebrating a wedding? Should the old customs and traditions be observed or should it be held in an absolutely new manner? 22. Comment on how the availability of television affects the ways parents bring up their children. Are new child-rearing strategies being adopted and old ones discarded because the television set is available to parents for relief? How does watching television for several hours each day affect the child’s abilities to form human relationships? What happens to family life as a result of family members’ involvement with television? 23. Folklore under various names has been with us ever since man began to take an objective look at his culture. What distinctions can be pointed out between folklore and the formal culture of people? How and in what situations does folklore manifest itself? Can you specify different types of folklore? 24. National customs and traditions have been historically associated with seasonal changes of the year. Do you know about folk holidays marking the seasonal changes? What is the role of such holidays in the cultural development of a nation and in securing the continuity of national customs and traditions? 25. What part do you think the national cuisine plays in the celebration of different holidays and festivals? Can you describe some Ukrainian (or English, French, German) special dishes associated particularly with celebrations? 26. Husbands and wives who both work should share domestic chores. Do you believe house chores should be distributed among the members of the family? What would you take into consideration while distributing house chores in your family? What do you like to do about the house and what do you dislike? Comment on house chores of a husband and a wife. 27. Do you agree that home life feels the stress of social life. What would you do if your husband/wife comes home from work tired and irritated? If you feel ill-treated or hurt by your husband/wife do you think you should have the matter out at once or would you wait till you cool down? 28. Consider the following “Being married or being single”. Comment on differences between them, the advantages and disadvantages they have. What would you do if you were given the choice? 29. Society would not exist without marriage. But at the same time the divorce rate is rising, family life is changing. Might courses on marriage and family matters in secondary school be helpful in preserving the family? 30. Tell us about your hobby. What do you think of people who have unusual habits as collecting dolls, railway carriages or something like that? Could you describe any such hobbies and share your impressions of the people indulging in them?