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EXERCISE 35b — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. Her disease is incurable, so unfortunately she'll just have to learn to endure it. What will she have to do?

2. Jim and I worked on a project together, but Jim told everyone that he did all the work, and I'm still angry about it. How do I feel about what Jim did?

3. Sally and her sister's husband go to a motel sometimes during their lunch hour. What are they doing?

4. My father has a lot of horrible memories from the war. What does he have to do with them?

5. Bill made a list of cities that he might move to, and then he eliminated those that are too cold or have high crime rates. What did Bill do to his list of cities?

6. When the boss isn't in the office, you just play computer games and make personal phone calls. What do you do when the boss isn't in the office?

7. Hank told his sister that he needed money for his wife's doctor bills, but he really wanted money to buy drugs. What did Hank do to his sister?

8. The scientist asked her colleague his opinion of the test results. What did the scientist ask her colleague about the test results?

9. A police car passed me while I was driving. What did the police car do?

10. Susie's parents are going to take a vacation without her. What are Susie's parents going to do to her?

11. The last year passed quickly. What did the last year do?

EXERCISE 35c — Write eight original sentences using phrasal verbs from this section. Try to make all the phrasal verbs gerunds and to use them as subjects, objects, or objects of prepositions.

1. __________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________


6. ______________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________

EXERCISE 35d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

break up, 28 flip out, 29 lie around, 20 stand for, 34
come apart, 29 float around, 34 luck out, 29 stay up, 20
do over, 34 hang around, 20 mess up, 28 stick around, 34
end up, 20 lead up to, 34 run across, 29 take back, 34


1. The robber was only three feet away when he fired the gun at me, but the gun jammed and didn't fire. I really________________.

2. Nancy said being sick wasn't so bad. She ________ ________ in bed all day watching TV and eating ice cream.

3. I'll ________________ if you drop my new camera in the swimming pool.

4. Dan's daughter was very sick last night, so Dan ________ ________ all night with her.

5. This is outrageous! I will not ________ ________ dishonesty in my company.

6. I told Mark that I would never speak to him again if he didn't ________ ________ the nasty things he said.

7. If you're looking for Hank, go to the bar on the corner. That's where he ________ ________.

8. A number of minor events will ______ ______ ______ the main event.

9. I had a very busy day planned, but I got a flat tire and that ________ ________ everything.

10. My boss is a jerk! I worked for three days on this, and just because he found one mistake he made me ________ it ________.

11. Sam has been very depressed since he ________ ________ with his girlfriend.

12. Have you seen the dictionary? It's ________ ________ the office somewhere, but I can't find it.

13. Don't stand on that chair — it's ________ ________.

14. Do you really have to leave now? Why don't you ________ ________ for a while.

15. Bill was talking about moving to Florida or Hawaii, but I'm not sure where he finally ________ ________.

16. Someone told me that Sarah is in town, but I haven't ______ _______ her yet.

36. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs with the particle down

The particle down is used in many phrasal verbs and has many meanings. Down can be used to say that something literally moves from a higher position to a lower position or from north to south:

Bob went down the ladder.

His friends came down from Canada.

Sit down; dinner is ready.

that something decreases in size, intensity, quantity, or quality:

Her fever has gone down to 100 degrees.

The doctor gave her a sedative to calm her down.

We've narrowed the list down to three choices.

that something or someone is fought, defeated, or overpowered:

Hank backed down when he saw my shotgun.

The police cracked down on street crime.

that something falls to the ground:

The boy was running and fell down.

The warehouse burned down.

Open the door or I'll break it down!

or that a process or activity is ending or has ended:

My car broke down on the highway.

The FBI tracked down the spy.

The campaign is winding down.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
back down back down & backs down backing down backed down backed down


1. backdown p.v. When one side in a disagreement stops making threats and lets the other have what it wants or do what it wants, the side that stops making threats backs down.

The dictator didn't back down after the United Nations Security Council voted in favor of sending in troops.

The police officer tried to force me to pay him a bribe, but when I said I would report him to the chief of police, he backed down.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
calm down                
calm down & calms down calming down calmed down calmed down


1. calm... down p.v. When you calm down, you become less active, nervous, or upset. When you calm other people down, you do something to make them less active, nervous, or upset. Settle down is similar to calm down.

I was very nervous about the test, but I calmed down when I saw how easy it was.

Mike tried to calm his sister down after she had a fight with her husband.

2. calm... down p.v. When a confused or violent situation becomes less confused or violent, it calms down. When you calm a confused or violent situation down, you make it less confused or violent and more calm. Settle down is similar to calm down.

The neighborhood where the riot occurred calmed down after the army started patrolling the streets.

A conference between the two sides was organized to try to calm the situation down.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 512. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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