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Get back to

get back to & gets back to getting back to got back to gotten l got back to

1. get back to p.v. When you get back to people, you talk to them later, usually because you do not have time to talk to them at the time or because you will have information for them later that you do not have now.

l don't have time to talk now; I'm really busy. Can I get back to you?

That real estate agent still hasn't gotten back to me to let me know if our offer was accepted.


    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
get on get on & gets on getting on got on gotten l got on


1. get on p.v. When you move your body toward something and stand, sit, or lie on it, you get on it.

The nurse asked me to take off my shirt and get on the examination table.

If you get on that chair you can reach the top shelf.

2. get on p.v. When you mount an animal, bicycle, motorcycle, and so on, you get on it.

Getting on a camel isn't as easy as getting on a horse.

The children got back on their bikes and went home.

3. get on p.v. When you enter a bus, train, airplane, ship, and so on, you get on it.

The bus stopped so that I could get on.

Only people who are going on the cruise can get on the ship.

4. get... on p.v. When you get an item of clothing on, you put it on your body.

Get your coat on. It's cold outside.

These gloves are too small. I can't get them on.

5. get on (with) p.v. When you continue doing something, you get on, get on withwhat you were doing, or get on with it.

It's getting late. If we're going to finish this work today we'd better get on with it.

I didn't say you could stop! Get on with your work.

Get to

get to & gets to getting to got to gotten l got to

1. get... to p.v. When you get to a place, you arrive there. When you get people to a place, you help them to go there or take them there. When you get to work,you arrive at the place where you work.

Sarah left her house at 8:30 and got to the beach at 9:1 5.

When I get to Tokyo, I'll call to let you know I arrived safely.

Frank got fired because he kept getting to work late.

I went to the restaurant across the street for lunch, and I didn't get back to work until 2:30.

2. get to p.v. When things or people get to a certain level, number, or amount, they reach it.

l r sure was hot yesterday. It must have gotten to 100 degrees.

When I run, I always try to get to five miles before I quit.

3. get to p.v. When you get to something that you want or need to do, you find the time to do it. When you get to work, you start working.

l didn't have time to do the ironing last night. I'll try to get to it tonight.

Karen finally got back to her school project yesterday. She hadn't worked on it for weeks.

You've wasted the entire morning. When are you going to get to work?

My boss told me to get off the phone and get back to work.

4. get to p.v. [informal] When you get to doing something, you begin todo it gradually.

Dad got to thinking that maybe we ought to move to Los Angeles and try to find work there.

After seeing all those strange lights in the sky, I got to wondering if maybe UFOs really exist after all.

5. get to p.v. When you get to do something, you are allowed to do it or are able to do it.

Timmy was excited because he got to ride a pony.

I hope I get to shake the President's hand after his speech.

6. get to p.v. When something gets to you, it bothers or annoys you, either psychologically or physically.

Jim's constant complaining is really starting to get to his wife.

Let's sit down and rest — this heat is getting to me.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
hang on hang on & hangs on hanging on hung on hung on


1. hang on (to) p.v. When you hang on or hang on to something, you hold it tightly so that you will not fall or be hurt. Hold on is similar to hang on.

l fell off the horse because I wasn't hanging on tightly enough.

If she'd hung on to my hand, she wouldn't have fallen off the cliff.

2. hang on p.v. [informal] When you hang on, you wait for a short time. Hold on is the same as hang on.

Hang on for a minute — I'll be right back.

Judy's coming to the phone now — can you hang on?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 443. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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