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Ex.6 What did these people say? Rewrite the reported versions of some quotations by famous people in direct speech.

1. Al Capone once complained that he had been accused of every death except the casualty list of the World War.

2. President Woodrow Wilson once remarked that he would never read a book if it were possible for him to talk for half an hour with the person who wrote it.

3. Pablo Picasso once claimed that age only mattered when one was aging. He said that as he had arrived at a great age, he might as well be twenty.

4. Jean-Paul Satre commented that the world could get along without literature and it could get along even better without man.

5. A spokesperson from UNESCO stated that since wars had began in the minds of men, it was in the minds of men that the defence of peace had to be constructed.

6. Groucho Marx once asked a club to accept his resignation because he didn’t want to belong to any club that would accept him as a member.

7. Presedent John F Kennedy once told the American people to ask not what their country do for them, but to ask what they do for their country.

8. Albert Einstein once said that he knew why there were so many people who loved chopping wood. He explained that in that activity one immediately saw the results.


Ex. 7 Report the following using the verbs suggested + to+ infinitive.

1. “Hurry up”. He told me …

2. “Don’t leave the door unlocked”. She warned them…

3. “Don’t be stupid”. She told me…

4. “You should stop smoking”. The doctor advised my brother..

5. “Could you change the light bulb for me?” She asked me…

6. “Can I do the washing-up?” I offered..

7. “Don’t touch the wire.” He warned me…

8. “Could you speak more slowly?” He asked her…

9. “Would you come to my party?” He invited her…

10. “Shut the door.” She told me…

11. “Don’t touch my camera”. He told me…

12. “I think you should take another English course”. My teacher advised me…

13. “You may use the phone”. Mr Jacobson permitted me …

14. “Make an appointment with the dentist” My mother reminded me…

15. “I think you should take a long vacation”. My friend encouraged me..

16. “Would you like to come to our house for dinner?” The Smith invited us…

17. “You should see a doctor about the pain in toy knee.” My friend advised me …

18. “Don’t buy a used car”. She advised me…

19. “Take the letters to the post, will you?” The boss asked me …

20. “Don’t shelter under a tree in a thunderstorm”. He warned us…

21. “Remeber yo switch off when you’ve finished”. He reminded his son …

22. “You must see the exhibition” My friend advised me…

23. “Shall I buy you some cigarettes?” He offered …

24. “Answer this letter for me, will you? And remember to keep a copy”. He asked me… and reminded….


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