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There are several holidays that are celebrated all over the world. Besides there are the holidays which are national only.

Among Them are “Kalyady” and “Kupalle”

Catholics celebrate ”Kalyady” from December, 25 to January, 6. As for Orthodox Christians and the old calendar, the mysterious time of the year comes a bit later – it continues from January, 7 to January, 19. People say that “Kalyady” is God’s holiday. In Russia, all these days and nights from Christmas till Epiphany are called “Svyatki” (Sacred Evenings) and in Belarus – “Kalyady”. It is a jolly time when people are enjoying themselves.

During “Kalyady” groups of merry young boys and girls in smart clothes go from house in Belarusian villages and towns.

Each person in the processions of «Kalyadouschchiki» (carol-singers) has a role according to his character and temperament: one of them bears the star, others sing carols, amateur musicians play the accordion or beat the tambourine, amateur actors are disguised as Goats, Bears, Storks, Horses, Gypsies and Old Men. Hosts and hostesses usually treat them to delicious things and thank them for well-wishing and carol-singing.

«Kalyady» is the time when three ritual suppers are cooked in every Belarusian home. They are called «Kalyadnaya Kuttzya». Our forefathers believed that «Kyttzya» (a sort of porridge («kasha») made from barley) was sacred food which could save and protect people's lives. So «Kuttzya» was a symbol of immortality and eternity of life.

The pagan holiday of «Kalyady» coincided later with Christmas, which was celebrated by Christians. The main purpose of «Kalyady» is to get rid of everything bad in one's life and to begin a new life cycle with joy and optimism.


1. Answer the questions:


1) When do Belarusians celebrate «Kalyady»? 2. What are the typical entertainments during «Kalyady»? 3. What do amateur actors wear? 4. How are three ritual suppers at «Kalyady» called? 5. What is the main purpose of «Kalyady»?

2) Work in groups. Find out


- what they know about the origin of this holiday;

- what is prepared for ritual suppers and why;

- whether they take part in «Kalyady» and what they do during this holiday.


Nowadays, since most Belarusians belong to the Orthodox Church, the holiday is celebrated on the night of July, 7 in accordance with the Orthodox calendar and is called «Kupalle». We must admit that it is one of the most mysterious holidays in Belarus.

According to the legend God Yarila is marrying the Earth on this day. That's why a lot of customs and traditions are associated with love. Girls gather flowers and weave coronets which they wear at the holiday and then, at dawn, they throw their coronets into the river and let them float downstream. The boy who fishes the coronet out of the water will be that girl's intended. It is the best time to gather herbs for medicine and love potions. At night, young and old light bonfires not far from their village or town and perform traditional dances, sing folk songs and jump over the fire. Jumping over the fire when it is burning low, as well as bathing (usually naked) in a river or lake are supposed to be the acts of purification. One of the culminating moments of the event is the search for a magic fern-flower in the forest. As the old legend says this flower blossoms only once a year, on «Kupalle», and the one who is lucky to find it will master the language of grass, trees, birds and animals and be happy for the rest of his life.

As for our Motherland, people of Belarus mark and celebrate; The New Year Day. On this day we see off the old year and meet the new year. Children and grown-ups always wait for this holiday. It is traditionally family holiday. All members of the family try to gather together at home to have a N.Y. party. On N.Y. Eve everything is rush and bustle. The cities are decorated with coloured lights across the streets. The trees are decorated with tinsel and a lot of toys and coloured lights. Children usually decorate their flats with pictures, flags, paper snow flakes. Everyone is very busy on these days. We help our parents about the house, clean the flat, do shopping and help mother to prepare (cook) delicious dishes for New Y. Supper. At 12 o'clock we are at the table and when me clock strikes we will congratulate each other with N.Y. and wish be happy, healthy, wealthy. We hope our wishes be fulfilled during the coming year.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 865. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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