Студопедия — Task 3. Listen to a conversation between two employees. Tick the items that will be changed in the press release.
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Task 3. Listen to a conversation between two employees. Tick the items that will be changed in the press release.

· price

· shipping date

· distribution

· features

· assembly

· quality standards


Task 4. Complete the conversation.

Employee 1: Well, 1_______ _______ _______ with the Galaxy press release.

Employee 2: Oh? What’s wrong?

Employee 1: I guess there’s a change in the 2_________ _________.

Employee 2: So it won’t be 3 __________ on time?

Employee 1: No, definitely not. Everything has been pushed back two weeks.

Employee 2: Okay, I’ll make the changes to those items right away. Anything else?

Employee 1: Well, we want to keep customers interested, even though there’s a delay. so we want to add some more detail to the 4 ________ __________ section.

Employee 2: Will do. What’s the cause for the delay, anyway?

Employee 1: the phones were being 5 _________ too quickly. They weren’t meeting 6 _________ _________.


Task 5. You are writing a new press release for a product launch. Talk about:

· product description

· new dates

· extra features



Product problems

When was the last time you returned a product?

What are some ways companies compensate people who return products?


Electronics Nation

Service department


When a customer enters the service department he or she should always be greeted with a smile. Every product sold at Electronics Nation comes with our famous guarantee. We offer a refund or replacement for a full year if the customer is not satisfied for any reason. However, there are a few things you will need from the customer:


First, we need the original receipt or a copy of the warranty. One of these documents is required to process the return.


Next, we need the make and model number of the item they wish to return.


Finally, we need a brief written explanation on the return form.


If the customer would like to replace the item, send him out to the showroom. If he would prefer a refund, send him to the business office with the completed return form.


Task 6. Choose the correct answer:

1. What is not required to return to return an item:

a. a complete form

b. a record of the item’s purchase

c. an identification number for the type of item

d. a description of the item’s conditions

2. Electronic Nation offers:

a. free repairs on all purchases

b. to replaced unsatisfactory purchases

c. a refund within two years of a purchase

d. returns without a receipt or a copy of the warranty

3. Employees must note the _______ of returns:

a. repair cost

b. time of purchase

c. colour and style

d. make and model number


Task 7. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases:

customer service refunds replacement warranty model number

1. It the product is broken, customers may get a ___________.

2. Good ____________ keeps customers coming back.

3. The make and ____________ of the stereo is printed on the box.

4. The returns department also gives __________.

5. Do you have a copy of the _____________?


Task 8. Listen and complete a conversation between a customer service representative and a customer:

Representative: Okay. I’ll need to see the 1______ ______, please.

Customer: Oh. I don’t have it anymore. I brought the 2 __________, though. Here you go.

Representative: That’ll work, thanks. Do you know 3 ______ ______ the stereo is?

Customer: It’s the Sonic 200.

Representative: Let’s see… and the model number is here on the warranty. Now, why are you

4 __________ the stereo?

Customer: I don’t really like the sound quality. It just wasn’t 5 ________ ________ ________.

Representative: Okay. Now, we can only 6 _________ __________ if you have the receipt.

Customer: But I can get a 7 __________, right?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 3249. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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