Rules for Employees of Executor
Employee of the contractor company is obliged: 1. To observe the access and in-plant regime of the Customer’s company. 2. To follow instructions of security service employees. 3. To receive one-time or temporary pass to access the premises of the company and wear it in a plain view on clothes. When leaving the company the pass may be given to security service for storage. 4. Not to give the pass to other persons. In case the pass is lost – immediately inform security service. 5. To receive in security service from the administrator a pass for goods and vehicle for entry/exit of a vehicle in order to execute works on the premises of the company due to Contract and if there is a personal vehicle, to receive a pass for parking on the free-of-charge parking lot for personal vehicles. The pass must be inside the vehicle in a plain view while it is on the parking lot. 6. To pass to security service all types of received passes when works due to Contract are completed or when labour relationship with the contractor company has ceased. 7. To be on the premises of the company only in those places where work due to contract is executed. 8. To bring in and to carry out from the territory of the company personal things and instruments necessary for work only with a material pass (to be received from the administrator). 9. To provide for control to security service employee at the entrance by entry/exit passes, as well as hand luggage, personal things, instruments, tools, inventory holdings, etc. Selectively clothes inspection with the help of a metal detector or transport examination can be done. 10. To keep cleanliness and order in warehouse or amenity rooms (cloak-rooms, rooms for food intake), to handle the property of the Customer’s company with care. 11. To behave following generally accepted morality norms. 12. When finishing the work to make sure that the provided rooms are closed, light is switched off, equipment and heating elemets are switched off. 13. To receive/give in to security service every day as well as when finishing the contractual work, keys from the provided tables, wardrobes, rooms. Unauthorized fixing of locks, external and internal latches is forbidden. 14. To keep secret the information which became known to Contractor when working on the premises of the company about the company itself, as well as about products, equipment, technical developments, engineering services and other information which is not accessible to public, and it stays unlimited ownership of OOO “Robert Bosch” (Civil Code of the RF, Federal Law “Commercial classified information”). 15. To follow the actual rules of road on the adjacent territory, on parking lots and stations, on the premises of the company and, besides: - sign indications limiting the maximum speed, forbidding stopping and parking; - not to obstruct passage of other vehicles; - when driving a vehicle with a safety belt to have it fastened and not to transport unfastened passengers; - not to park vehicles on numbered and reserved parking places; - to observe priority of movement; - to park vehicles on the guest’s parking lot not longer than 2 hours; - trucks must go with closed sides and tent; - to consider that loaders and power trucks may move in the opposite direction. 16. It is forbidden: - to bring to the Customer’s company and take in alcoholic drinks, drugs, toxic substances; - to bring to the Customer’s company magnetic carriers of all types, dangerously explosive and poisonous substances, weapons of all kinds, as well as things and objects that can be dangerous for humans, the environment or can destroy the production process; - to use mobile phones in rooms marked with a pictogram; - to park vehicles with a switched-on engine (environmental protection); - trade and other commercial activities, as well as all types of gambling with money, goods and/or other things on the territory of the company; - to smoke on the territory of the company in places which are not meant for smoking; - to use telephones, computers and other office equipment of the company. 17. Photography, video filming and sound recording is forbidden. Photo-, video- cameras and sound recording equipment must be given in for temporary storage or to security service. 18. The responsibility for safety of the inventory holdings carried in/brought in the territory of the company as well as for safety of the property lying in the vehicle or for damage to the vehicle is born by the owner (employee or chief of the contractor company). Questions regarding safety of inventory holdings must be settled with contact persons responsible for Contractor’s work.
Customer: Executor: