Topic 77 Should boys and girls go to separate schools? Nowadays, some people may hold the opinion that boys and girls should attend separate schools, while others have a negative attitude
Nowadays, some people may hold the opinion that boys and girls should attend separate schools, while others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that boys and girls should go to separate schools. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. focus more on their academic curriculum - сосредоточьтесь больше на их академическом учебном плане Single-sex education provides an environment for boys and girls to concentrate on their study. Research shows that a single-sex school environment can eliminate (исключить) the distraction (отвлечение) from members of the opposite sex, and therefore is academically beneficial to students (академически выгодный для студентов). Girls in an all-female school can establish self-esteem (может установить чувство собственного достоинства), and avoid the situation faced by young women in co-ed schools such as struggle to survive emotionally (борьба, чтобы выжить эмоционально). They will be able to focus more on their academic curriculum, sometimes specifically designed, and prepare for their future education and career. The single-sex setting eliminates social distractions and allows for better concentration on academics. The single-sex setting eliminates social distractions - Однополое урегулирование устраняет социальные отвлечения Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that traditional gender stereotypes are often reinforced in single-sex academies. Boys tended to be taught in more regimented, traditional and individualistic fashion and girls in more nurturing, cooperative and open environments. This will develop their virtue ([ Boys tended to be taught in more regimented - Мальчики были склонны преподаваться в более систематизируемом traditional gender stereotypes are often reinforced in single-sex academies - традиционные гендерные стереотипы часто укрепляются в однополых академиях Nurture - лелеять Taking into account of all these factors (Принимая во внимание все эти факторы), we may reach the conclusion that boys and girls should attend separate schools. Of course, there are also disadvantages of single-gender education, and simply separating boys and girls does not always improve the quality of education. A lot of efforts should be made to ensure (обеспечения) that a single-gender education system be successful implemented (осуществлённый, реализованный).