Студопедия — II. READING (20 points). a) Put the following words into the certain gaps
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II. READING (20 points). a) Put the following words into the certain gaps

a) Put the following words into the certain gaps. There are two extra words:

a) diesel; b) pollution; c) costs; d) gasoline; e) production; f) factors; g) automobile; h) sources; i) compact; j) cycle; k) internal; l) speeds.



Automotive 1) … down the ages has required a wide range of energy-conversion systems. These include electric, steam, solar, turbine, rotary, and different types of piston-type 2) … combustion engines. The reciprocating-piston internal combustion system, operating on a four-stroke 3) …, has been the most successful for automobiles, while 4) …engines are widely used for trucks and buses.

The gasoline engine was originally selected for the automobile due to its flexibility over a wide range of 5) …. Also, the power developed for a given weight engine was reasonable; it could be produced by economical mass-production methods; and it used a readily available, moderately priced fuel - gasoline. Reliability, 6) … size, and range of operation later became important 7) ….

In today’s world, there has been a growing emphasis on the 8) … producing features of automotive power systems. This has created new interest in alternate power 9) … and internal-combustion engine refinements that were not economically feasible in prior years. Although a few limited-production battery-powered electric vehicles have appeared from time to time, they have not proved to be competitive owing to 10) … and operating characteristics. However, the gasoline engine, with its new emission-control devices to improve emission performance, has not yet been challenged significantly.


b) Define whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):

1. Gasoline engines are used for trucks and buses.

2. Nowadays great attention is paid to pollution producing features of automotive power systems.

3. The gasoline engine is still not challenged yet.

4. Energy-conversion systems include gasoline and diesel engines only.

5. Through the ages automotive manufacture has demanded diverse energy-conversion systems.

6. The price of gasoline fuel is not available.

7. Battery-powered electric vehicles proved to be very cheap.

8. The reciprocating-piston internal combustion system has been the most successful for cars.

9. As a result of environment pollution new interest in alternate power sources was created.

10. One of the advantages of gasoline engine is its flexibility over a wide range of speeds.

Total Score – 40 points

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