a) Match English terms and their definitions:
1. resin
| a) a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance, or textile is formed;
2. plastic
| b) a solid or liquid synthetic organic polymer used as the basis of plastics, adhesives, varnishes, or other products;
3. foam
| c) material in the form of a very thin flexible sheet;
4. adhesive
| d) a white translucent material obtained by bleaching and purifying beeswax and used for such purposes as making candles, modeling, and as a basis of polishes;
5. wax
| e) a colourless pungent gas in solution made by oxidizing methanol;
6. film
| f) a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc.;
7. fiber
| g) a substance with particular chemical properties including neutralizing alkalis, and dissolving some metals;
8. tyre
| h) a lightweight form of rubber or plastic made by solidifying such a liquid;
9. acid
| i) a rubber ring placed over the rim of a wheel of a road vehicle to provide traction and reduce road shocks;
10. formaldehyde
| j) a substance used for sticking objects or materials together; glue.
b) Choose the best variant:
1. The combination of two or more materials is called ….
a) composite material; b) matrix; c) alkali; d) substance.
2. Polymers consist of long-chain molecules made of large numbers of identical small ….
a) chemicals; b) monomers; c) fibers; d) films.
3. Many plastics did evolve as … for natural products such as rubber, ivory or wood.
a) polymers; b) combinations; c) resins; d) replacements.
4. The giant molecules of which polymers consist may be cross-linked, linear or ….
a) sufficient; b) branched; c) similar; d) small.
c) Match the words to get phrases:
1. fiber
| a) linked;
2. specific
| b) strength;
3. epoxy
| c) material;
4. cross
| d) resin;
5. polyvinyl
| e) glass;
6. composite
| f) chloride.