IMUN/ STEM Summer Camp – July 19th - August 1st, 2015
Each year gets better and better! This year we had approximately 120 student attendees from all over the world, and the enthusiasm for partaking in our Sahaj programs was strong! We offered 5 formal 1-2 hour programs during the two weeks, plus ongoing informal discussions and spontaneous small group meditation gatherings. Especially interesting was our 1 hour Detox workshop whereby we worked in three groups using the various 5 elements to do deep clearings. This workshop was optional; but in spite of this, approximately one half of the 120 students attended, and it was well received! One of our most engaging offerings was facilitated by Herbert Reininger. The topic of social media, that is very dear to our youth, was cleverly intertwined into our understanding of our collective nature and being that collective consciousness. That, of course, ultimately led to a reinforcement of their Self-Realization and a nice, deep meditation experience. Our three Yuvas, who attended this year’s Summer Camp, have to be given a round of applause for their facilitation of all the formal and informal Sahaj program offerings! With minimal guidance from me, they truly took charge and propagated Mother’s vision! And, their engagement and presence was really reflected as they interacted with the student attendees! As a final note, I would like to personally congratulate Leela Orbidan (USA), Elisey Pashnin or 'Yogi' (Canada), and И в конце я хочу лично поздравить Leela Orbidan (USA), Elisey Pashnin или 'Yogi' (Canada), and Sahaj Chawla (Canada), они были награждены различными наградами за взаимодействие с протоколами и процедурами Модели ООН.
Please be sure to be on the lookout for a video montage that is being developed by our 3 Yuva Summer Campers.They promise to capture the breath and essence of the IMUN/ STEM Summer Camp experience!
In Brotherly Love, Steven Marchitelli
Мировой центр ЮНЕСКО.