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IV. Conclusions and recommendations

83. The Working Group takes this opportunity to thank all member States and non governmental entities including experts and academics have engaged with the Working Group on this important endeavour and have brought their expertise throughout this process and submitted constructive comments on the elements for a possible international draft convention on PMSCs.


84. The Working Group encourages Member States to carefully consider its draft proposal for a possible new international legal instrument regulating PMSCs and establish an inter-governmental open-ended Working Group with the task to elaborate a new convention taking into account the work done by this Working Group.



[1] Afghanistan; Australia; Bolivia; Colombia; Croatia; Fiji; Guinea; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Papua New Guinea; Peru; Romania; South Africa; United States of America;

[2] Report A/HRC/7/7/Add. 5 of 5 March 2008

[3] Report A/HRC/10/14/Add. 3 of 26 February 2009

[4] Report A/HRC/15/25/Add. 4 of 1 April 2010

[5] Report A/HRC/15/25/Add. 5 of 28 May 2010.

[6] Report A/HRC/15/25/Add. 6 of xxxx.

[7] A/HRC/10/14/Add.2 of 19 February 2009.

[8] A/58/40 (Vol. II) of 1 November 2003, Communication No 1020/2002, Cabal and Pasini vs. Australia, para.7.2, pp.357.

[9] The following institutions and individuals submitted comments: Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF); FAFO foundation, International Committee of the Red Cross, Human Rights Advocates, Omega Research Foundation, Alfred de Zayas, Geneva School of Diplomacy, Helena Torroja, University of Barcelona and Sonia Güell, Pompeu Fabra University, Victor Guerrero, Pontificia University Javeriana of Bogotá, Sabelo Gumedze, Institute for Security Studies, South Africa Faculty of Political Relations; Dr. Alexander Volevodz, Mr. Ivan Safranchuk, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of Russian MFA; Prof. Marco Sassóli, Prof. Vincent Chétail, Lindsay Cameron, University of Geneva, Faculty of Law; Paul Higate, Bristol University; Emily Speers Mears, HPCR/independent consultant; Christopher Kinsey, King’s College, London; Claribel de Castro Sanchez, UNED University;; Olga Martin Ortega, University of East London and Kristopher Kerstetter, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales, Linklatters LLP; Julio Jorge Urbina, University of Santiago de Compostella; Francesco Francioni and Christine Bakker, European University Institute, Florence; Susanne Schmeidl, expert on PMSCs in Afghanistan; Andrei Kozik, IILSR, Belarus; Vera Rusinova, Immanuel Kant State University of Russia;; Ottavio Quirico, European University Institute, Florence; Natalina Ronzitti, LUISS University, Rome; Michael Love, U.S. Attorney; Petr Kremnev, Lomonosov State University, Moscow; Colombian Academic Network; Cora Weiss, Hague Appeal for Peace; Doug Brooks, International Peace Operations Association, Washington; James Cockayne, International Peace Institute; Svyatoslav Shchegolev, MGIMO, Moscow State University of International relations; Paul Robinson, University of Ottawa; Yuri S. Apukhtin, ZAO Neva Line, Saint Petersburg; Gleb I. Bogush, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Vyacheslav V. Gavrilov, Law Institute, Far Eastern National University, Russia; Karen A.Gevorkyan, Yerevan State University, Armenia; Svetlana V. Glotova, Lomonosov Moscow State University and Natalya A. Zivadze, Institute for State and Law, Russian Academy of Science (RAS); Academy of Management «TISBI», Kazan, Russia; Oumed Mansourov, Russian-Tajik Slavonic University, Dushanbe; Alexander B. Mezyaev, Academy of Management «TISBI» Kazan; Inna A. Orlova, State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg; Zhyldyz Ch. Tegizbekova, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University, Bishkek; Yuzejir Yu. Mammadov, Kazan State University, Russia; Drs. Carmen Quesada Alcalá (UNED) – Ruth Abril Stoffels (CEU-UCH) Spain; Dr. Adela Rey Aneiros (Chair jean Monet Law Faculty University La Coruña) Spain; Dr. Cesárero Gutierrez Espada – María José Cervell Hortal (Universidad de Murcia) Spain.

[10] James Cockayne, International Peace Institute, Paschal Badong, King’s College London, Doug Brooks, International Peace Operations Association, Devon Chaffee, Human Rights First, Michael Cohen, New America Foundation, Victoria DiDomenico, Center on International Cooperation, New York University, Prof. Renée de Nevers, Syracuse University Law School, Eugene R. Fidell, Yale Law School, Katherine Gallagher, Center for Constitutional Rights, Sabelo Gumedze, Institute for Security Studies, Alison Gurin, International Peace Institute, Elizabeth Holland, Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research, Dan Kenney, NoPrivateArmies.org, Tara Lee, DLA Piper LLP, Mike Love, American Bar Association Battle Space and Contingency Procurements Committee, Margaret Maffai, University of Wisconsin, Francesco Mancini, International Peace Institute, Chris Rassi, Thompson Hine LLC, Caroline Rees, Harvard University, Hina Shamsi, New York University Center on Human Rights and Global Justice, Lillian Tan, Amnesty International USA, Jamie Williamson, International Committee of the Red Cross, Robert Young, International Committee of the Red Cross.

[11] Some of the comments are still in translation and may not have been fully reflected in this report.

[12] The CIS institutions that submitted comments includes: the Executive Committee of CIS; the Committee of Heads of Law Enforcement Units of the Council of Heads of Customs Services of CIS Member States; the Coordinating Council of the Inter-Government Courier Communications; the Coordinating Service of the Council of Commanders of Border Troops of the CIS; the Coordinating Council of Heads of Bodies for Tax/Financial Investigation of CIS Member States; the Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation; the Federal Protection Service if the Russian Federation and the Federal Immigration Service of the Russian Federation.

[13] A/63/467 – S/2008/636 of 6 October 2008

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