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The American Chemical Society has no printed code of ethics. There is, however, an unwritten code which every member of the society is under obligation to respect.

There are two cardinal principles involved in the unwritten code of ethics of the American Chemical Society. The first is that no member of the society shall seek by improper means to deprive any other chemist of his employment. The second is that a field of investigation which is already occupied shall not be entered by an outsider without full cooperation and agreement with the party already occupying the field of investigation. These two fundamental principles guide and control the relations of the members of the Society toward each other.

A much younger association of chemists, namely, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, has already adopted a code of ethics. Inasmuch as some of the activities of the Bureau of Standards are essentially those of chemical engineers, it is probable that most of the chemists in the Bureau of Standards are members of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. This code of ethics is not very long but it is very pertinent. The principal elements of this code are the following:

1st. That in all their relations, they shall be guided by the highest principles of honor.

2nd. The upholding before the public at all times of the dignity of the chemical profession generally and the reputation of the Institute, protecting its members from misrepresentation.

3d. Personal helpfulness and fraternity between its members and toward the profession generally.

4th. The avoidance and discouragement of sensationalism, exaggeration and unwarranted statements. In making the first publication concerning inventions or other chemical advances, they should be made ithrough chemical societies and technical publications.

5th. The refusal to undertake for compensation work which they believe will be unprofitable to clients without first advising said clients as to the improbability of successful results.

6th. The upholding of the principle that unreasonably low charges for professional work tend toward inferior and unreliable work, especially if such charges are set at a low figure for advertising purposes.

7th. The refusal to lend their names to any questionable enterprise.

8th. Conservatism in all estimates, reports, testimony, etc., especially in connection with the promotion of business enterprises.

9th. That they shallnot engage in any occupation which is obviously contrary to law or public welfare.

10th. When a chemical engineer undertakes for others work in connection with which he may make improvements, inventions, plans, designs, or other records, he shall preferably enter into a written agreement regarding their ownership.

The 4th, 7th, 8th and 9th sections of the above code of ethics are not italicized in the original.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 428. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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