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3. Mind the text “ The Invisible Man” by H. G. Wells and with the help of the questions describe the events in 10-15 sentences.

1. Why did Griffin come to a small provincial town?

2. Why did Griffin's behaviour arouse the suspicion of the inn-keepers?

3. What were Mrs. Hall’s claims?

4. In what way did Griffin manage to escape from the hands of the police?

Griffin, a young gifted scientist. He invents a substance that makes a person invisible and tries it on himself. To continue his experiments, Griffin came to the quiet provincial town of Iping and stoped at a local inn. His secluded way of life and strange occupation arouse the suspicion of the narrow-minded Mr. and Mrs. Hall – keepers of the inn. They begin spying on Griffin. Finally things come to an open quarrel. Mrs. Hall’s claims were to pay her bill. He told Mrs. Hall’s he was expecting a remittance"

She said his room was empty but how he got in again she couldn’t understand. She supposed he knew that people who stopped in her house come in by the doors not climb in through the window.

The stranger interrupted her as he got angry. He took off his spectacles and everyone in the bar saw nothing behind them. He began to remove the bandages that covered the rest of his face. Mrs. Hall shrieked and fell down unconscious as she saw that the stranger had no head. The people in the bar made for the door. The news of the headless man spread all the way down the street in no time and soon a crowd of perhaps forty people gathered round the door of the little inn. A little procession pushed its way through the crowd: first Mr. Hall, then Mr. Bobby Jaffers, the village constable, and then the blacksmith who lived across the street. Mr. Hall must have been to the police to bring help. They all marched up the steps and entered the stranger's room at once. They saw the headless figure sitting at the table.

Jaffers, said he had to arrest him and he produced a pair of handcuffs. At the next moment the stranger's gloves came off and dropped on the floor. He ran his arm down his waistcoat, and the buttons to which his empty sleeves pointed, became undone. Then he bent down and began doing something with his shoes and socks. That was no man at all.

The shoes, socks and trousers had been kicked off under the table. Then the stranger jumped up and threw off his coat. The struggling crowd was moving down the stairs and towards the house door. And the invisible man was gone forever from Iping.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 2531. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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