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En-Route Communications During VFR Flights

A. Dialogue


Instructor:   Student: Instructor: Student: Instructor:     Student: Instructor:     Student: Instructor: Student: Instructor: Student:   Instructor:   Pilot I: FSS: Pilot I: FSS: Pilot I:     FSS: Pilot I: FSS: Pilot I:   FSS: Pilot I: FSS: Pilot I: Pilot 2: Flight Watch: Pilot 2:   Flight Watch:     Pilot 2: An FSS provides weather information, flight planning, and ATC coordination to en-route traffic. NOTAM service and rescue assistance are also available. Oh, I see. This FSS is located at an airport that doesn't have a control tower. Then it must provide air traffic advisories. Correct. And pilots flying here share the responsibility of traffic separation during VFR conditions. During IFR conditions, the FSS and ATC clear arrivals and departures. The FSS also takes care of airport lighting, monitoring approaches, and supplying navigational facilities. What function does the computer serve? It's part of a nationwide weather system. It gives an FSS specialist access to hourly sequence reports, terminal forecasts, winds aloft information, and NOTAMs. Copies of the current weather reports are hanging next to the weather maps. The FSS can operate over a large area, can't it? Yes, it can. Aircraft can benefit from the services offered by the FSS without flying near one. What's an omni station? That's another term for VOR. Did you enjoy your VFR flight yesterday? Yes, it was very peaceful. After we left the departure airport's controlled area, we only used the radio to make a position report. But we did guard the emergency VHF frequency of 121.5. That was a good idea. Let's listen to some transmissions from aircraft flying VFR.   ***   Montpelier Radio, Beech 95W listening on frequency 122.6, over. Beech 95W, Montpelier, go ahead. Montpelier, Beech 95W, we are passing over your radio, flying VFR to Boston with a position report. Beech 95W, go ahead with your position report. Beech 95W passed Montpelier at 1435Z, 5,500 feet, VFR flight plan. Estimate Boston at 1529Z. Pilot report: moderate turbulence over Montpelier, scattered cumulus clouds above, estimated at 6,500 feet, temperature ten degrees. Beech 95W, Montpelier, say again your estimated time of arrival (ETA) at Boston. Over. Our ETA at Boston is 1529Z, Beech 95W. Beech 95W, roger. Montpelier, this is Beech 95W, how do you hear this transmitter? It has been reported weak and garbled. Over. Beech 95W, level four. Over. Beech 95W, thank you for the radio check. What is the Montpelier altimeter setting? Over. Montpelier altimeter setting is 30.02. Over. 30.02, Beech 95W. Out. Montpelier Flight Watch, Cessna 173. Over. Cessna 173, Montpelier Flight Watch, go ahead. Cessna 173 en route to Montreal, requesting the Montreal terminal forecast and winds aloft in this area. Over. Cessna 173, roger. Montreal forecast until 1200 Z: 4,000 feet broken, visibility seven miles, winds 240 degrees at seventeen knots. The winds aloft in this area at 3,000 feet, 220 degrees at twelve knots, 6,000 feet, 240 degrees at seventeen knots. Over. Montpelier altimeter setting is 30.02 inches. Altimeter setting 30.02 inches for Cessna 173. Thank you. Out.



B. Terminology Practice


estimated time of arrival (ETA):the time when an aircraft is expected to arrive at its destination

Montpelier Radio, our ETA is 1432Z.

What's our ETA for Boston?

A position report includes the ETA for the next position.

flight watch:an en-route advisory service provided by an FSS

Did you get your weather information from flight watch?

Contact flight watch and request a sequence report.

We should give a pilot report to flight watch.


Say again, your transmission was garbled.

Have all your radio transmissions been garbled?

We couldn't understand that garbled message.

guard:to give constant attention to

Why are you guarding the emergency frequency?

We need to guard that frequency during takeoff.

Guard the radio for a message from ATC.

omni:another term for VOR

We are navigating to the omni station.

Call in the position report as we pass the omni at Los Angeles.

The omni was out of service.

over:a term used to indicate that a radio transmission has ended and a response is expected

Are you ready for takeoff? Over.

This is Beech 95W listening on frequency 122.6; over.

Do you read me? Over.

pilot report:information regarding conditions, given to ATC or another aircraft by a pilot

The pilot report said there was icing at 1,000 feet.

This is Boeing 567 with a pilot report.

Did you transmit a pilot report regarding this turbulence?

radio check:a test to see if a radio is functioning correctly

This is Airbus 234 requesting a radio check, over.

We should get a radio check.

Did anyone answer our request for a radio check?

read:a term used to indicate that a radio transmission is received

We couldn't read your message because it was garbled.

We do not read you, over.

Boeing 727, do you read me?

sequence report:the weather report transmitted hourly to teletype stations

Read the sequence reports to get the latest weather.

The sequence report indicates the weather is improving.

Did you request the sequence report for Paris?

winds aloft:the winds above the earth's surface

The winds aloft report says we have a tailwind.

Did you get information on the winds aloft?

We're requesting information about winds aloft.



C. Check-Up


Fill in the blanks with the proper terms from the list.

ETA flight watch garbled omni over pilot report radio check read sequence report winds aloft

1. Another term for VOR is ___________.

2. A pilot informing ATC about flight conditions is making a ___________.

3. When a pilot says “___________“, the message is ended and a response is expected.

4. ___________ are the winds above the earth's surface.

5. A ___________ is an hourly weather report.

6. ___________ is an en-route advisory service provided by the FSS.

7. A pilot that has ___________ a radio transmission has received it.

8. A ___________ message is unclear.

9. The time an aircraft is expected to arrive at its destination is its___________.

10. A test to be sure a radio is functioning correctly is a ___________.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 457. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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