At this stage we draw the design of any person in the tables to get the ratio of the logical data model. At this stage, we can conclude that approximately differentiate amongst us to our table and what type of information is stored for each attribute. At this stage, we present ER-diagram in 3NF and delete unnecessary information, which may in the future create anomalies.
1) Final ER-diagram (after working with many-to-many, etc.)
2) Derive relations for logical data model. Every entity of the ER-diagram should be described as follows.
Medications entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Medications ID
| med_id
| C(20)
| PK,
Name drug
| name_drug
| C(20)
| mandatory field
Brief abstract
| brief_abstract
| C(20)
| mandatory field
| man_id
| C(20)
| FK to Manufacturer
| storage
| C(20)
| mandatory field
| cat_id
| C(20)
| FK to Category
Basket entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Order ID
| ord_id
| C(20)
| FK to Order
Medications ID
| med_id
| C(20)
| FK to Medications
| date
| D
| mandatory field
Order entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Order ID
| ord_id
| C(20)
| PK,
Customer ID
| cust_id
| C(30)
| FK to Customer
| date
| D
| mandatory field
Customer entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Customer ID
| cust_id
| C(30)
| PK
| name
| C(30)
| mandatory field
Date order
| date_order
| D
| mandatory field
Phone number
| num 1
| N(14)
| mandatory field
Phone number
| num 2
| N(14)
| mandatory field
Order ID
| ord_id
| C(20)
| FK to Order
Manufacturers entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Medications ID
| med_id
| C(20)
| PK,
| name
| C(25)
| mandatory field
| city
| C(20)
| mandatory field
Suppliers entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Medications ID
| med_id
| C(20)
| PK,
| name
| C(25)
| mandatory field
| city
| C(20)
| mandatory field
Employees entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Employees ID
| emp_id
| C(20)
| PK, FK
Last name
| C(25)
| mandatory field
First name
| C(25)
| mandatory field
| position
| N(8)
| mandatory field
Medications ID
| med_id
| C(20)
| FK to Medications
Address_emp entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Employees ID
| emp_id
| C(20)
| name
| C(25)
| mandatory field
| address
| C(20)
| mandatory field
Phone number
| num1
| N(14)
| mandatory field
Phone number
| num2
| N(14)
| mandatory field
| email
| C(30)
| mandatory field
Ingredients entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Ingredients ID
| ing_id
| C(20)
| PK,
| name
| C(25)
| mandatory field
Ingredient in recipe entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Ingredients ID
| ing_id
| C(20)
| PK,
Recipe ID
| rec_id
| C(50)
| FK to Recipe
| amount
| N(10)
| mandatory field
Recipe entity
field's content
| field's name
| type, length
| note
Recipe ID
| rec_id
| C(20)
| name
| C(25)
| mandatory field
| period
| C(20)
| mandatory field
Customer ID
| cust_id
| C(20)
| FK to Customer
Medications ID
| med_id
| C(20)
| FK to Medications
Note: N – for numeric, C – character, D – date.
3. Normalization: validate relations using normalization.
In this database, my aim is to achieve first three forms of normalization and to get rid of redundant data and any anomalies. According to first form of normalization, in each cell I shall have only one single data. As you can see above, there are only single information in every cell. I have followed this rule and tried to save only single data in one cell.
Therefore, here is everything ok.
Second, transitevely depend every non - primary key not dependt on each other to the med_id, which is Primary key in this entity.
Third, transitevely depend to the med_id, which is Primery key every non - primary key not depend on each other fully depend to the med_id, which is Primary key in this entity.