Студопедия — Table Manners
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Table Manners

Good table manners avoid ugliness. All rules of table manners are made to avoid it. To let anyone see what you have in your mouth is offensive. So is to make a noise. To make a mess in the plate is disgusting. So there are some rules how to behave yourself at the table:
Do not attract undue attention to yourself in public. When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take.
Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbour to pass it.
Take a slice of bread from the bread-plate by hand; don't harpoon your bread with a fork.
Never read while eating (at least in company).
When a dish is placed before you do not eye it suspiciously as though it were the first time you had seen it, and do not give the impression that you are about to sniff it.
Chicken requires special handling. First cut as much as you can, and when you can't use knife or fork any longer, use your fingers.
The customary way to refuse a dish is by saying, "No, thank you" (or to accept, "Yes, please"). Don't say "I don't eat that stuff", don't make faces or noises to show that you don't like it.
In between courses don't make bread-balls to while the time away and do not play with the silver.
Do not leave spoon in your cup when drinking tea or coffee.
Do not empty your glass too quickly — it will be promptly refilled.
Don't put liquid into your mouth if it is already full.
Don't eat off the knife.
Vegetables, potatoes, macaroni are placed on your fork with the help of your knife.
If your food is too hot don't blow on it as though you were trying to start a campfire on a damp night.
Try to make as little noise as possible when eating.
And, finally, don't forget to say "thank you" for every favor or kindness.



The Story of "McDonald's" and "Coca-Cola";

In 1937 the McDonald brothers, Dick and Mark, opened little restaurant in California. They served hot dogs and milk shakes. In 1945 they have 20 waiters. All the teenagers in town ate hamburgers there. When the 1948 year came they got paper boxes and bags for the hamburgers.
They put the price down from 30 to 15 cents. There were no more waiters — it was self-service. So it was cheaper and faster.
In 1960s the McDonald's company opened hundreds of McDonald's restaurants all over the States. In 1971 they opened restaurants in Japan, Germany and Australia. Now the McDonald's company opens a new restaurant
every 8 hours. There are more than 14,000 restaurants in over 70 countries. The Coca-Cola story began in Atlanta in 1886. John Pemberton invented a new drink. Two of the ingredients were the South American coca leaf and the African cola nut. Pemberton couldn't think of a good name for the drink. Finally, Dr. Pemberton's partner Frank Robinson suggested the name Coca-Cola. Thirty years later the famous Coca-Cola bottle design first appeared. For many years only Coca-Cola was made. They only introduced new drinks — Fanta, Sprite in the 1960s. The recipe of Coca-Cola is a secret. Today they sell Coca-Cola in 195countries. Hundreds of millions of people from Boston to Beijing drink it every day. It has the most famous trademark in the world.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 477. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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