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· How you to perform monitoring? How, screening, to do? How long, you usually, to follow up patients after, they, to discharge from the hospital?

· What tests, to carry out, in your laboratories?

· What therapy, to be the best to treat this condition? What treatment modality, to use, for this disease? What, the mainstay of therapy, to be? How long, the treatment course, to last?

· What pharmacotherapy (drug therapy), to use, for this illness? You, ever, to use, herbal therapy (phytotherapy) for this disease? What, vitamin therapy, can, to use? To be, balneotherapy (the treatment of diseases by baths), helpful? You, ever to try, apiotherapy (treatment with bee venom [‘venem])? What, indications, for chemotherapy, to be? There, to be, any contra-indications, for acupuncture and hypnosis? What mental diseases, can, to be, to treat, by means of psychotherapy?

· appendectomy, to perform by means of laparoscopic or routine surgery? How many hepatic resections, to perform, for the last ten years?

· Pain pills, to be available? How, I, to apply this ointment? I, to need, any prescription for these nasal drops? How often, I to use these eye drops?

· How long, you, to be ill? You, to feel sick? How long, you child, to feel unwell? You, to fall ill? How many people, to affect, by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome? How many people, to die from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome already? How many people, to suffer from mental disorders?

· Where, your hospital, to locate? How, you, clinic, to equip? When, your health center, to found? This, to be, an inpatient clinic or an outpatient clinic? How many patients, to treat, at your same day center? What patients, to treat, at your rehabilitation center? This, to be a teaching hospital? What places, from, to send patients to your hospital? What hospitals, to refer, patients, in severe emergency situations?

· How many patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, to hospitalize, already? How many patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, to require hospitalization? All patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, to require admission to the hospital? How, you, to examine, patients, on admission to the hospital? You always, to follow up patients, after they, to discharge patients, from your hospital?

· How many, inpatients and outpatients, to treat, at your hospital? How, chronically bedridden patients, to take care of? How, chronically wheelchair bound patients, to rehabilitate? What, the most common groups of immunocompromised patients, to be? How, patients with diminished immunity, to treat?

· What diseases, disorders, ailments and maladies, to be, the most common medical conditions, in your area? The new form of atypical pneumonia, a severe disease, to be? This serious disease, to cause, by paramoxyvirus? The etiologic agent of this dangerous disease, to discover? This new form of pneumonia, an irreversible disease or a reversible disease, to be? This respiratory diseases, a curable or an non-curable disease? Mat, an untreated disease, to result in this Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome? What, the most common hereditary diseases, to be? What, the causes of congenital diseases, to be? What type of hepatitis, to result in chronic disease? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, to be a fatal disease? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, to be, a self-limiting disease? It, to be, a mild disease, a moderate or a severe disease?

· What, the reasons for your learning English, to be? What, the leading causes of death, in your area? What, the leading cause of the disease, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome to be? What, the causative agent of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, to be?

· What fatty meals, may, to result in? What, the sedentary life style, to lead to? What underlying diseases, to cause, congestive heart failure? What, lung cancer, to result from? What, cirrhosis, caused by?

· What, the risk factors, kidney failure? What, the influential factors, cancer? What, contributing factors, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? What, the risk groups, gall stones? What the risk situations, of (for), gastroenteritis? Who, to be at risk, MI? Who, to be at high risk, AIDS? Who, to predispose to stroke?

· You, ever, to expose, radiation? You, expose to chemicals and irritants? Spice food, to irritate, your stomach? Your colleagues, to annoy, you? You, to complain, irritation of the skin?

· You, ever, to have colorectal, bleedings? Your doctor, ever, tell, you, you may, to have obstruction of the digestive tract?

· What, the cause, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in most cases? What treatment modalities, to use in the majority of cases? What, you, usually, to do in questionable cases? What therapy, to use in advanced cases? How, patients, to treat in severe cases?

· What, manifestations, Alzheimer’s disease? What, the features, Parkinson’s disease? What, the peculiarities, “tiger” cancer? You, to find, any evidence for a serious condition? What, the most evident symptoms, hepatitis? What, the obvious symptoms, meningitis? What, the life-threatening symptoms, to be? What, the most common signs, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome? This condition, can, to reverse? What, to lessen, the symptoms? What, foods, to worsen the symptoms? What conditions, to exacerbate the symptoms? The symptoms of bronchitis, may, to be similar to pneumonia? What diseases, the symptoms of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, to be akin to?

· You, to have toothache, stomachache, backache, earache, headache? You, to have pains radiating to the left arm and lower jaw? You, to have, dull pains? You, to have, acute pains? You, to have, sharp pains? You, to have, burning pains? You, to have, stinging pains? You, to have, mild pains? You, to have, pains behind the breast bone? You, to trouble, mid-chest pains? The patient, to have, sub-sternal pains? You, to have, defuse pains? You, to have, well-localized pains? You, to have, tenderness to palpation? You, to have, chest tightness?

· You, to have, night sweats? You, to have, sudden sweats? You, to suffer, form, leg swellings? You, to have, abdominal swellings?

· You, to have, shortness of breath upon exertion? You, to have, shortness of breath while lying flat? You, to have, shortness of breath at rest? You, to have, shortness of breath while walking up? You, to have, usually, shortness of breath, while walking upstairs? You, to wake up in the middle of the night short of breath?

· You, to feel, dizziness? You, to have, often, lightheadedness? You, to feel, fainting? You, often. to faint? You, often, to feel faint? You, sometimes, to lose, consciousness?

· You, to have, redness? You, to have, rash? You, to feel, itching or burning of the skin? You, to bruise easily?

· You, often, to feel, weakness? You, to feel, tiredness? You, to have, malaise? You, to have, fatigue? You, to have, stomach discomfort? You, often, to feel, bowel discomfort?

· You, to have, fever? You, to have, high or low fever? What, you, to take, for fever control?

· You, to cough? You, to have, a green and yellow cough? You, to have, a dry cough, a productive cough? You, often, to have, coughing spells (attacks)? You, to wheeze? You, to have, a musical wheeze?

· You, to sneeze? You, to have, sneezing spells? You, to have, a running nose? What, you, to take for your a runny nose?

· You, to have an irregular heartbeat? You, to feel, palpitations? You, often, to have, heartburn?

· What, your blood pressure, to be? You, to tell, you, to have, high cholesterol? How, you, to control blood sugar?

· Your doctor, to tell, you, you tachycardia? How, you, to evaluate, patients?

· What, treatment, you, to administer, to reveal? How, you, to detect, this diseases? What new methods, to use for early detection of this disease? What, the best methods, to be to reverse symptoms? What, the best medications, to be, to lessen symptoms? How, to improve the symptoms?

· How, to diagnose, this condition? You, to invite, your colleagues, to make a definitive diagnosis, in questionable cases?

· What tests, you, to do, to rule out, the possibility of UTI? What tests, you, to do, to exclude, pneumonia? What tests, you, to do, to omit the possibility of, gallbladder disease? What tests, you, to do, to eliminate the possibility of, hepatitis? What, the requirements to physicians, in your hospital?

· How, this disease, to treat? How, the wounds, to heal? How, this disease, to cure? When, the patient, to recover? What, the treatment, to include? What, can, to improve the healing process? What, the cure rate, to be? What, necessary, to be, for full recovery?

· You, can, to provide, immediate care? What, emergency care (help), to include?

· What, the most adequate, treatment, to include?

· The disease, to spread to, other areas? The upper abdominal pains, to radiate, to the back?

· prior; previous MI, prior MI, to be a risk factor? The patient, to have, any underlying disease?

· What, the most outstanding accomplishments of your health care system? What, your hospital’s achievements, to be?

· What, to impair, blood vessels? What, to damage, lung tissue? What, to destruct, liver tissue? What, the causes of liver impairment, to be? What, the risk factors of lung damage? What, the tissue destruction, to result from?

· What, the blood loss, to be? What, the causes of the weight loss, to be? What, the causes of the appetite loss, to be? What, the weight gain, to cause, by? You, to lose your weight, lately? You, to lose, your appetite, lately? You to gain, weight, recently?

· Why, to confuse bronchitis with, pneumonia? Why, you, to be mixed up, hepatitis with gallstones?

· What treatment, you, to administer to this patient? What medications, you, to advise, for this condition? What prophylactic measures, to recommend? What remedies, you, to prescribe, for this conditions? What medications, such patients,; to place on?

· What, the best medicines, for SARS, to be? What, the best medications, for lack of vitamins, to be? What remedies, the most effective for viral pneumonia? This drugs; available at a local pharmacy, to be? What analgesics, you, usually recommend, your patients? These sedatives, to have any side effects? Antibiotics, to have any adverse reactions? What, the best pain killers, to be? How, these pain relievers, to take? These pain medications, prescription or non-prescription drugs to be? These drugs, to be, over the counter medications? You, to be, to be allergic to any medications? You, to be sensitive to any medications? The patients, to be responsive to this treatment? Why, the patients, to be unresponsive to this treatment? The patient, to respond to this treatment? These antibiotics, to be effective? Antibiotics, to have effects on SARS? Why, antibiotics, to have no effects on viral pneumonia? What medications, the most helpful, useful, beneficial, to be? The benefits of this drug, to justify the risk to an unborn child? The symptoms of pneumonia, to be different from, severe bronchitis? The symptoms of gallbladder disease, to differ from hepatitis? ASRS, to be distinguishable from flue and colds? Bronchitis, often, to be indistinguishable from pneumonia only on symptomology?

· What, treatment, to depend on? What, the extent of the disease, to be?

· How, the treatment, to check up? How, the course of the disease, to control? How, patients, to follow up?

· You, to follow a diet? You, to keep to a diet, to observe a diet, low in fats and cholesterol? You, to eat a diet, low in dietary sodium? You, to adhere to a diet, low in saturated fats? You, to have a diet, high in fibers? How, you, to encourage, healthy lifestyles? How, you, to discourage smoking?

· What, the findings, of the investigation? What, the results of the tests, to be? What, the long-term outcomes, to be?

· What, the death rate, to be? What, the mortality rate, to be? What, the maternity death rate, to be? What, the infant death rate, to be? What, the birth rate, to be? What, the cure rate, to be? What the morbidity rate, to be? What, the survival, survival rate, to be? What, the survivorship, to be? What, the long-term survival, to be? What, the 1-year (5-year, 10-year) survival rate, to be?

· What, the unwanted drug side effects, to be? What, the adverse reactions, to be? What, the warnings and precautions, to be?

· What, the favorable conditions, to be, to treat this disease?

· What, the interactions with other drugs, to be? What, the interactions with other substances, to be? What, the indications, to be? What, the contra-indications, to be?

· This disease, to eradicate in your country? TB, to root out, in your country?

· This disease, to predict? You, to make prognoses for SARD? What, the predictions of foreign experts? What, the most effective, prevention, of this disease? What, self-help, to be? What, home care, to be?

· What evaluation, to include? What, treatment, to involve? How many departments, the hospital, to consist of? What ingredients, this mixture, to compose of? What, chemicals, the solution, to contain?

· How, you, to give up, smoking? How, you, to keep off alcohol? How. you, to quit smoking and alcohol?

· You, to remember, your birthday? You, to have difficulty memorizing? Your relatives, often to remind you necessary things? You, to recall, family or work problems, that, to results in your low mood?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 619. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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