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Complete the text by putting the sentences (a-g) in the correct place.

a) They think it also helps you to be more successful in meetings and negotiations.

b) In meetings, if you know the other person is cautious, you probably don’t want to be too assertive or too much of a risk-taker.

c) She created a list of questions.

d) It has been translated into more than thirty languages.

e) For this reason, every year new companies are training their staff about MBTI.

f) Today, if you want to make a psychological test you have to depend on lots of tests and research. Mothers and daughters can not just tests things with their children.

g) In 1923 she read a book by the famous psychoanalyst, Carl Jung and started thinking about testing people’s personalities.


  The Myers-Briggs Indicator Introduction Companies all over the world today use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to train the managers of the future. Many companies believe that Myers Briggs helps managers to understand their workers. 0_ a ___ A mother-daughter team: Katherine Cook Briggs was always interested in how people were different. Her early work was studying biographies but this led to an interest in personality differences between people. 1_____. She tried to sell Jung’s ideas in the United States but was not successful. In 1941, Isabel Briggs Myers, Katherine’s daughter and originally a writer of novels, also became interested in using Jung’s ideas. She wanted to help people find the best job for their character. She had no knowledge of how to make something like this so, helped by her mother, Isabel taught herself how to make a way to measure people. 2_____.You could find out your type of personality by answering these questions. Isabel’s children took these questions to school and tested them on their friends. 3_____. There are now more than 100 books on MBTI training and regular training workshops to teach people how to use it. 4_____. It is also used by many companies in Australia, Britain, Canada, Korea, New Zealand, South Africa and elsewhere. What does this mean for companies? If you are sensitive then you probably don’t want to be in a stressful job. If you are ambitious, you will want a challenging job. 5_____. Companies believe that the MBTI helps people find out if they are right for a job and also prepare well for meetings. Many managers around the world talk about how they changed their style and won a contract thanks to MBTI. 6_____. Although there are many arguments for and against the MBTI, many companies still believe it can make the difference between success and failure. Try it, maybe it will tell you something about yourself.


  / 6

5 Listen to the dialogue and correct the sentences.

Track 1

0 She’s had three cups of coffee this morning.

She’s had two cups of coffee this morning.

1 Her train will leave at 11.30 tomorrow morning.


2 She’s done a lot of charity work.


3 She’s been to the Alps six times.


4 Last year she worked as a personal assistant.


5 She went on two expeditions last year.



  / 5


TOTAL   / 35


<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
C You are going to read an interview with a midwife. For questions 1–5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. | Complete the text by putting the sentences (a-g) in the correct place. a) They think it also helps you to be more successful in meetings and negotiations.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1180. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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