Participle II
Participle II has only one form – the third form of the verb: done, gone, finished and so on. That’s why it doesn’t have any grammatical categories. We can analyse the grammatical meanings which it expresses. Particple II shows that the action is completed: Going- going – gone! = Продається – продається – продано! Participle II of transitive verbs is always passive in meaning: asked, loved, seen, written (написанный). Participle II of intransitive verbs is always active in meaning: arrived, vanished, gone (ушедший). The syntactic functions of the participle are similar to those of the adjective and adverb. - predicative: They are gone. - attribute: Chernihiv, situated on the river Desna, is an ancient town. - adv. modifier. Unless asked he kept silent. Participial Predicative Complex The Participle may have a subject of its own which is usually expressed by a noun in the common case or an objectivepronoun. - object We watched the children playing. = Ми спостерігали, як діти грались. We found the window broken.= Ми прийшли і побачили, що вікно розбите Compare: We found a broken window. = Ми знайшли робите вікно. ‘A broken window’ is a phrase, not a complex. ‘Broken’ is an attribute. - subject The children were seen playing. = Бачили, як діти грались. The window was found broken. = Виявилось, що вікно розбите. - adverbial modifier (With) the children playing it was noisy in the room = Діти грались і було … (With) the window broken it was cold in the room.= Вікно було розбите і в кімнаті було холодно. Ex. 3 State the syntactic function of the particle in the following quotations. 1) If you put tomfoolery into a computer, nothing comes out of it but tomfoolery. But this tomfoolery, having passed through a very expensive machine, is somehow ennobled and no-one dares criticize it. (__________________) 2) Perfect courage is to do without witnesses what one would be capable of doing with the world looking on. (___________________________________) 3) When given a choice, take both! (__________________________) 4) The angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. (___________________) 5) A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. (__________________________) 6) It is easy to take liberty for granted when you have never had it taken from you. = коли її в тебе ніколи не забирали. (___________________) 7) There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you. (________________________________) 8) Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge. (___________________) 9) Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made. (__________________________) 10) I want all my senses engaged. Let me absorb the world's variety and uniqueness. (____________________) 11) Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. (John Lennon) _______________________________________________ 12. Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. (Abraham Lincoln) ____________________ 13. If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man. (M. Twain)
_________________________ Practical Grammar Group Second Year Term 2 Test 2 ‘Non-finite forms’ I. Read the following quotations and state the syntactic functions a) of infinitives 1. To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. (B. Disraeli) _________________________________________________ 2. Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. (H. Thoreau) ______________________________________________ 3. Bad habits are like a comfortable bed. They are easy to get into, but hard to get out of. __________________________________________ 4. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. _____________ 5. The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself. _________ b) of gerunds 6. Failure is not falling down, it is not getting up again to continue life's journey. (Richard Nixon) ____________________________________ 7. Foresight is knowing when to shut your mouth before someone suggests it. (Unknown) ______________________________________ 8. Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes. (Mickey Mouse) _____________________________________ 9. Diplomacy is the art of knowing what not to say. ________________ 10. The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. (Voltaire) _______________________________________ c)of participles 11. Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense. (Th. H. Huxley) _________________________________________________ 12. Science when well-digested is nothing but good sense and reason. (Stanilaus) _______________________________________________ 13. I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me. (W. Allen) ________ 14. People who work sitting down get paid more than people who work standing up. ______________________________________________ 15. Never give advice unless asked. (Proverb) ______________________ d) of predicative complexes (state whether it’s Inf., P I, P II or G.) 16. Fish is the only food that is considered spoiled once it smells like what it is._______________,______________________________________ 17. Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working. ______________ ________________________________________________________ 18. Life is full of surprises. Don't insist on everything being predictable. _________________________________________________________ 19. If it weren't for my lawyer, I'd still be in prison. It went a lot faster with two people digging. ________________________________________ 20. California is a fine place to live - if you happen to be an orange. (F. Allen) ___________________________________________________ II. Underline 5 Gerunds, 3 Gerundial complexes, 3 Participles I, 1 Participial complex and state their syntactic functions: I've been here for three days and I am having a great time, but I can't help wishing you were here too. Tell your boss I'm really angry at him. His not letting you take any vacation time qualifies him for the Jerk-of-the-Year Award. Believe it or not, the first night I missed hearing all the city noises, but having spent a couple of days in the peace and quiet I easily got used to everything being so relaxed here. Getting out of New York City was definitely what I needed, even if it's only for two weeks. I spend my time riding a horse. Horses are amazing animals. The ranch employees do everything for you—the opportunity of being taken care of is nice, for a change, and I love being chauffeured around Santa Fe in the ranch limousine. Tonight a bunch of us are going out to Rodeo Nites in Santa Fe for a dance, so my having taken those two-step lessons last summer will come in handy. Tomorrow we're all going to Taos Pueblo to watch some weave being done. III. Use either an infinitive or a gerund. Add particle ‘to’ or a preposition if necessary. 1. He accepted the cut in salary because he was afraid ______________ (complain). He was afraid ________________________(lose) his job. 2. Did you remember ____________ (lock) the car? ~ Well, I remember ______________ (take) the key and I meant ______________ (lock) the car but I’m not sure whether I did it. I’d better go and check. 3. The hunters expected __________________ (be paid) by the foot for the snakes they caught. This meant ________________ (take) the snakes out of the sack and _________________ (measure) them. They seemed ______________ (expect) me ______________ (do) it. 4. He suggested _____________ (call) a meeting and ___________(let) the workers ___________________ (decide) the matter themselves. 5. Almost as soon as I had posted the letter, I regretted ____________ (turn down) the job. 6. I’m trying ________________ (study) but I can’t. I’ve got a splitting headache. I tried ___________ (take) some aspirin, but it didn’t work
IV. Paraphrase the following sentences using non-finites & state their syntactic functions. E.g. He suggested that they should join a gym. - He suggested their joining a gym. (gerundial complex, object) 1. It seemed that he was looking for somebody. He seemed ________________________________________________ 2. James went out. But he didn't take any money with him. James went out_______________________________________________ 3. He was going to edit my interview out. I strongly objected to it. I strongly objected _________________________________________ 4. I’ve just been to the dentist’s. He has filled my tooth. I’ve just had ______________________________________________ 5. He was doing his homework. He was also listening to music. He was doing his homework _________________________________ 6. She isn’t very strong. She can’t lift it. She isn’t _________________________________________________ 7. He left while she was sleeping. He left ___________________________________________________ 8. Emma didn’t know the exact address. That’s why she spent a lot of time looking for the house. ___________________________________ she spent a lot of time looking for the house. 9. There was a weakness in the methods that were used. There was weakness ___________________________________________ 10. We were really impressed by their performance. Their performance was _________________________________________
V. Complete the following sentences by adding infinitives, gerunds, participles or their complexes. Give variants where possible. M ode l: 1) It's quite impossible — to do it/ for me to do it. 2) Nobody insisted on — going there/ your doing it.
1. The book is really worth ________________________________ 2. I don't suspect you ___________________________________ 3. You're old enough ______________________________________ 4. It's perfectly easy ______________________________________ 5. It’s no use _________________________________________ 6. I did not mind _________________________________________ 7. She was the last________________________________________ 8. He left without _____________________________________ 9. She was the last_____________________________________ 10. She made __________________________________________ 11. I don't feel like _____________________________________ 12. We are used________________________________________ 13. His absence was easy__________________________________ 14. I’ve never heard_____________________________________ 15. She seems _________________________________________ 16. I can’t afford ______________________________________ 17. At last he finished __________________________________ 18. There’s no sense ____________________________________ VI. Say it in English using non-finites. 1. Ти чув, як сусідський собака гавкав усю ніч? _________________________________________________________ 2. Так. Коли його залишають самого, він завжди стає занадто голосним. ________________________________________________ 3. Сусіди, здається, поїхали у відпустку. _________________________________________________________ 4. Я бачила, як вони поклали речі в машину і поїхали. _________________________________________________________ 5. Я шкодую, що ми не поїхали у відпустку, як планували. _________________________________________________________ 6. Ніколи не забуду, як ми відпочивали у Єгипті. ________________________________________________________ 7. Ти ж знаєш, ми не можемо собі дозволити поїхати закордон цього року. ____________________________________________________ 8. Але ми обов’язково добре відпочинемо наступного року _________________________________________________________ 9. Пропоную з’їздити в Крим для різноманітності. _________________________________________________________ VII. Write about an experience of yours when you felt embarrassed, frightened or surprised. Use at least 10 different patterns with non-finite forms. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________