Participle I. Participle I is also an ‘ing-form’ and it combines verbal and nominal characteristics
Participle I is also an ‘ing-form’ and it combines verbal and nominal characteristics. Note that the Gerund is similar to the noun (на українську перекладаємо як іменник або інфінитив), but Participle I is similar to an adjective or an adverb. (на українську перекладаємо як дієприкметник або дієприслівник) e.g.: Dancing is her hobby. (gerund) = Танці – це її хобі. The dancing girl was beautiful. (participle I) = Танцююча дівчина була гарною. Verbal characteristics 1. It names a process or an action in the most general way. e.g.: I watched the children playing in the yard. 2. It has two verbal categories. - correlation: doing – having done - voice: doing – being done e.g.: Having spent all the money, Pam asked for a loan. (витративши) Having been bitten twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters, unless we chased our dog up. 3. It has the valency of the verb: the participle can be modified by an adverbial modifier and the participle of transitive verbs can take a direct object. e.g.: Not knowing the language (object) well (adv. mod.), he found it hard to get work. 4. The participle is used in predicative relation to the nominal element of a predicative complex. Predicative complexes function as complex subjects, objects or adv. modifiers. e.g.: I caught them stealing my apples. (complex object) = I caught them when they were stealing my apples. Nominal characteristics of the participle 5. The syntactic functions of the participle are similar to those of the adjective and adverb. - predicative: This job is really tiring. - attribute: The man standing at the door is my boss. - adv. modifier: He was lying on the sofa reading a book. Note that the particle can’t be preceded by a preposition. Compare: After doing his homework he went for a walk. (Gerund)= після виконання Having done his homework he went for a walk. (Participle I)= зробивши Nevertheless, the particle can be preceded by a conjunction. e.g.: While doing his homework he listened to music. (Participle)