centuries are known in the history of Kazakhstan as
Second variant Student’s name: _______________________
1. Science the “archeology” studies:
A) the migration of population in proportion to the change of the pastures 3. Which of the enumerated phenomena do not relate to the epoch of Neolith? Persian king Darius the First marched against Saka in A) 518-519 B.C.
7. Life cycle of Turkish khanate? A) by Arabs and by the Chinese
10. What was a priority in the external policy of Kanguy state?
11. Who led the invasion of Huns to the territory of Kazakhstan?
centuries are known in the history of Kazakhstan as E) Turkic period 13. Who was a founder of the Turkic Khaganate? Е Bumyn-khagan
14. Who took a power in 704 in Zhety-Su? С Turgeshs 15. Which year Islam was claimed a state religion of Karakhanid? D 960 A.D.
17. The state of Uzbeks (khanate of Abulkhair) located at the territory of: 18. What phenomenon cannot be corresponded to the consequences of Mongol invasion? 19. What factors cause of the weakening of Ak- horde?
20. What states appeared in the territory of Kazakhstan after the collapse of Ak- Horde?
Every correct answer is graded by 5 points.