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Creating Invitations

Learn the new words:

1.purchase buy 8.layout scheme, plan 15.ink print colour
2.option choice 9.adjust arrange, settle 16.dress up decorate
3.tailor-made only for you 10.software programs, information used by a computer 17.blend mix
4.customize alter, change 11.distinctive distinguishing 18.complement add, adding
5.recipient addressee 12.appropriate suitable or proper in the circumstances 19.prior before
6.highlight underline, single out 13.font print 20.alignment regulation
7.template pattern, sample 14.accomplish fulfill, achieve 21.adjustment arrangement


Creating do-it-yourself invitations can be an easy way to add a personal touch for special occasion.

1() Invitations are used to announce a party, get-together, celebration or some other type of special event.

Purchasing premade invitations is one option, but is not very personalized. Designing invitations specifically for

the occasion creates a tailor-made invitation just for it. Customize the invitations to perfectly fit your theme,

your guests, guest of honour or whatever you want.

2() Match your invitations to the theme of the party or get-together. If it’s a birthday party, is it for a special birthday, like

“sweet 16”, 21 birthday or someone’s 40th ”? Or does the birthday recipient have a favourite thing or sport, like

they really like cats, trains or are into basketball or football? If so, create invitations to highlight the theme.

3() Look over the invitation templates offered in program like Microsoft Word & Microsoft Publisher. Do not worry if

you cannot find the exact layout you want. The main idea is to decide on one that can be edited & adjusted to fit

your occasion. Get one you like that has a workable layout. Make sure you check at Microsoft Office Online for

a number of additional do-it-yourself invitation templates. Check that the templates you choose will open in the

same program you have, because some of the invitations are for specific software versions.

4() Create a distinctive invitation by adding personalized touches to it. If appropriate, use your own pictures, graphics

or other illustrations. Simply replace the ones in the templates with the ones you want. Click on the pictures or

text with your mouse & insert your new pictures or type in your new wording. Change the colours of the invitation

to match your theme & try various types of font sizes, colours & styles until you find ones that you like. Using the

Microsoft programs (or similar ones) makes it easier to do it all yourself.

5() Choose the paper for printing your invitations on carefully. Creating a professional-looking do-it-yourself invitation

can be accomplished by using special paper for it. If cost is a problem, you can still use white paper with lots

of brightly coloured ink to dress up the invitation. Match the colour, style or type of paper with the occasion. You

do not want to print on a colour or background that does not blend with the theme. Use paper that already has

a graphic of some type on it if it complements the invitation’s theme, such as wedding bells or doves for a wedding

theme or balloons or presents for a birthday. Always do a test run of printing the invitation on a single sheet

prior to using all the paper. Check the alignment & overall look, make adjustments & then print on the rest of

the paper.


A Invitation Writing Guide

B Personalize the Invitations

C Invitation Background

D Print on the Best Paper

E Order Your Template with Designs

F Select the Text Colour

H Use Templates for Ideas


20. Read the text below. For questions (1-5) choose the correct answers (A, B, C or D).

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