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Early History of Chocolate

1.record запис 15.beans боби 29 feature особливість
2.rainforest тропічний ліс 16.capsicum стручковий перець 30.prominently на видному місці
3.humidity вологість 17.ferment закваска, бродіння 31.available придатний
4.derive отримувати 18.reserve запас, запасати 32.wealthy багачі
5.worship обожнювати 19.arid сухий 33.conquistador конкістадор
6.divine божественний 20.altitude висота 34.regard вважати
7.hence отже 21.acquire здобувати 35.aphrodisiac збудливий
8.generic родовий 22.trade торгівля 36.reputedly на загальну думку
9.corrupt перекручений 23.spoils of war трофеї 37.goblet келих
10.brew варити 24.currency валюта 38.quote цитувати
11.spicy ароматний 25.turkey індик 39.fatigue втома
12.roast смажити 26.tribute дань 40.defeat поразка
13.pound товкти 27.tax податок 41.treasury скарбниця
14.seed зерно 28.beverage напій 42.huge величезний


The earliest record of chocolate was over fifteen hundred years ago in the Central American rainforest, where the tropical mix of high rainfall combined with high year-round temperatures & humidity provide the ideal climate for cultivation of the plant from which chocolate is derived, the cacao tree.

The cacao tree was worshipped by the Mayan civilization of Central America & southern Mexico, who believed it to be of divine origin. Cacao is actually a Mayan word meaning “God Food” hence the tree’s modern generic Latin name “Theobrama Cacao” meaning “Food of the Gods”. Cacao was corrupted into the more familiar “cocoa” by the early European explorers. The Maya brewed a spicy, bitter sweet drink by roasting & pounding the seeds of the cacao tree (cocoa beans) with maize & capsicum (chilli) peppers & letting the mixture ferment. This drink was reserved for use in ceremonies as well as for drinking by the wealthy & religious elite, they also ate cacao porridge.

The Aztecs of central Mexico also prized the beans, but because the Aztecs lived further north in more arid regions at higher altitudes, where the climate was not suitable for cultivation of the tree, they had to acquire the beans through trade &/or the spoils the war. The Aztecs prized the beans so highly that they used them as currency – 100 beans bought a turkey or a slave - & tribute or taxes were paid in cocoa beans to Aztec emperor. The Aztecs, like the Mayans, also enjoyed cacao as a beverage fermented from the raw beans, which again featured prominently in ritual & as a luxury available only to the very wealthy. The Aztecs called this drink xocolatl, the Spanish conquistadors found this almost impossible to pronounce & so corrupted it to the easier “chocolat”, the English further changed this to “chocolate”.

The Aztecs regarded chocolate as an aphrodisiac & their emperor, Montrzuma reputedly drank it fifty times a day from a golden goblet & is quoted as saying of xocolatl: “The divine drink, which builds up resistance & fights fatigue. A cup of this precious drink permits a man to walk for a whole day without food”.

In fact, the Aztecs prized xocolatl well above gold & silver so much so that when Montezuma was defeated by Cortez in 1519 & the victorious “conquistadors” searchedhis palace for the Aztec treasury expecting to find gold & silver, all they found were huge quantities of cocoa beans. The Aztec Treasury consisted not of precious metals, but of cocoa beans.

1. The ideal conditions for growing cacao trees are provided by _____

A rainfall & humidity. B humidity & high temperatures. C heavy rainfall, hot weather & humidity. D high altitude & forest

2. Chocolate _____ A grows on cacao trees. B is derived from cacao trees. C is cultivated in the rainforests. D was worshipped by ancient Romans.

3. The Mayan people used their cacao seeds _____ A only for worshipping. B for brewing a beverage. C for preparing drinks & other dishes. D for make-up.

4. Why did the Aztecs have cacao beans? A Because they grew cacao trees. B Because they cultivated land in the north. C Because they bought them from other tribes. D The early European explorers presented them.

5. The word “chocolate” comes from the name _____ A “Theobrama Cacao” B Xocolatl C “Food for the God” D Central America


21. Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 936. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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