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Assignment 14

Review the Grammar material «The construction There is / there are». Study the charts. This construction is used when we speak about the existence of something or somebody, and when the Russian sentence begins with the words that answer the question «где?».

Pay special attention to the words some, any/ no, a /o/ of, many, few, a few, much, little, a little. They are very often used with this construction.

The main patterns of there is / there are are those presented in the charts below. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.

    There are many private companies in this town.  
  Are there many private companies in this town?  
How many private companies are there in this town?  



What is there in this town?  
  Are there many private or state companies in this town?  
    There are many private companies in this town, aren't there?
    There are not many private companies in this town.  
    There are not many private companies in this town, are there?
There is a job ad in the newspaper. Is there a job ad in the newspaper? — Yes,there is. / No,there isn't. Is there any ]ob ad in the newspaper? —Yes,there is. Yes,there are some. / No,there isn't (any). There are a lot o/job ads in the newspaper. There are many ]ob ads in the newspaper. Are there many job ads in the newspaper? —Yes, there are. / No,there aren't. There are some job ads in the newspaper. Are there any job ads in the newspaper? — Yes,there are (some). / No,there aren't (any). There is a lot of money in my bank account. There is much money in my bank account. Is there much moneyin my bank account? — Yes,there is. / No, there isn't. There is some money in my bank account. Is there any money in my bank account? — Yes,there is (some). / No,there isn't (any). There are few job ads in the newspaper. (They are not enough to choose from.) There are a few job ads in the newspaper. (They are enough to choose from.) There is little money in my bank account. (It is not enough to buy something.) There is a little money in my bank account. (It is enough to buy something.) There is no job ad in the newspaper. There is not any job ad in the newspaper. There are no job ads in the newspaper. There are not any ]ob ads in the newspaper. There is no money in my bank account. There is not any money in my bank account.


In Britain, there are only a few successful large companies, but very many

successful small companies.

There are a lot o/banks in the City of London.

There are no private companies in this town.

Were there any customers here yesterday?

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