13 Imagine that you work for an advertising agency. You have an important customer who would like to enter the domestic market with car-parts, batteries and some road machinery. The project will undoubtedly call for a credible male role model to associate with the products and reach the potential consumer. Now, you are faced with the same creditability dilemma. However, you feel that it can work out either way: it can be Traditional Man, New Lad, New Man, a totally new figure or a woman.
At the same time, your boss is more demanding and has not approved either of your projects so far. He/she seems to have some criticism for each of your ideas.
Act out a mock dialogue in pairs, attempting to find common ground and make extensive use of the language of the text above.
Sample start:
| Boss:
| So, what's the position with the advertising campaign for those batteries, car-parts and road machinery? We must hurry with that. The customer phoned me in the morning and he hurries us. Do you have the idea?
Yes, we will associate the products with a credible male figure, this strong guy, who knows what he is doing: the "Traditional Man", you know …
You must be ridiculing me! …
14 Let's assume that you are about to start a job. You have a choice of five opportunities with similar terms and conditions of employment. The only difference is the Chief Executives. There is one masterful, silent, strong, cold-eyed, rock-jawed tamer. Another one seems to be either a lark-about or rogue. Still another seems to be sensitive and caring podgy character. The fourth seems more balanced, but must be fraudulent or unreal or both. The fifth boss is a woman: sturdy but sweet, having it all, professional, one of that Scottish-lassie-in-workout-kit type.
Discuss the alternatives and receive some advice from your friend. Define your preferences and interests, find out all the pros and cons in paired conversations, then report about your decision to the class giving reasons.