Here we see a countenance that evinces a capacity for great achievements – in which patriotism and heroic virtue, worthy of ancient Rome, are distinguishable. However, it still marks the man prone to the failings of humanity, and is often hurried by violence of passion; and false notions of honour, beyond the bounds of reason. The aquiline nose is indicative of an authoritative and fiery temper. We may predict, that if the person of whom we are speaking takes to improper courses, it will be difficult to restore him to the path of rectitude.
The broad, square forehead points to a strong memory, and a fund of good sense; but its form denotes a degree of inflexibility, which may degenerate into obstinacy; the slight projection of the lower lip, and the flatness of the chin, are indicative of good nature. This is the face of a prudent, discerning man; of one devoid of poetic genius, but persevering and resolute, he can turn his mind upon every subject, and may render himself conspicuous in a deliberative assembly. He is peculiarly calculated for profound and laborious investigation.