Студопедия — Exercises. 44 The text contains quite a few words whose pronunciation could pose difficulty
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Exercises. 44 The text contains quite a few words whose pronunciation could pose difficulty

44 The text contains quite a few words whose pronunciation could pose difficulty. Transcribe the following words to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future.

forte, unwearied, sanguine, benevolence, voluptuous, rectitude, persevering, conspicuous, transcend, choler, egotism, evince, awe, impress

45 Explain the meanings and give examples of usage of the following words from the text above. Use the chart below.

# Word Meaning(s) Example of usage other than in the text

Aversion, forte, sanguine, benevolence, gravity, discretion, reserve, tint, docility, voluptuous, composed, prone, inconstancy, evince, rectitude, persevering, discerning, conspicuous, integrity, sedateness, choler, egotistical, treachery, brood, fraught, aptness, sluggish


46 Find less formal synonyms for the words in the left column and find appropriate synonyms for the words in the right column, contained in the text.


In the Text Synonym In the Text Synonym In the Text Synonym
aversion ………….. s………….. firmness persevering …………..
e………….. eliminate h………….. severity resolute …………..
p………….. meticulousness docility ………….. c………….. prominent
r………….. morality v………….. sensitive s………….. calm
f………….. strong point c………….. self-possessed f………….. determination
unwearied ………….. i………….. infidelity choler …………..
s………….. optimistic capacity ………….. e………….. narcissistic
benevolence ………….. r………….. decency treachery …………..
g………….. seriousness obstinacy ………….. f………….. extravagant
d………….. good judgement prudent ………….. aptness …………..
r………….. modesty d………….. shrewd s………….. inactive
irritation …………..        

47 Fill in the gaps with the words from the list below to restore the collocations as they appear in the previous tasks and character descriptions. Then, give the context where they are used. This can be done in pairs in the form of a conversation.

e. g. - Do you remember the context of…/Can you cite the context of …
  - Of course. We come across this expression in the description of…It says…

prejudices, heart, good sense, irritation, characteristic, mind, features, resentment, obstinacy, countenances, trust, atmosphere, emotions, genius (2), inconstancy, awe, friendships, aversion, honour, effort, temper, face, outlines, application, useful, confidence, temperament

durable and divine ……….. explode ……….. benevolent ……….. fiery ………..
fair ……….. trace upon the ……….. passing ……….. a fund of ………..
noble ……….. unerring ……….. continued ……….. degenerate into ………..
certain ……….. deep-thinking ……….. prone to ……….. violating a ………..
chilly ……….. unwearied ……….. accuse of ……….. entrust ………..
blank ……….. sanguine ……….. false notions of ……….. extraordinary ………..
ground for ……….. mental ……….. impress of ……….. essentially ………..

48 Above, you read about different human archetypes. In the textbook, they have been given some names for easy reference. Below are some questions, which have no correct answers, but invite opinions. Answer the questions based on the information you have.

a Are you likely to come across Mr Diligence-type of person among army ranks? Explain why/why not?

b Does Mr Benevolence qualify for a judge in a court of law? Why/why not?

c Will Mr Gravity make a better accountant or manager? Why/why not?

d If Mr Firmness were a politician, would you ballot for him? Give reasons for your decision.

e If Mr Reflection were a member of your group community, what role would he play? Share your guesses.

f Imagine you meet Mr Romantic very upset. What do you think has happened?

g You are a teacher and Mr Heroism is one of your pupils in the class of 11-formers. What is your main concern about this boy?

h Will you be happy to have Mr Perseverance as your work mate and mentor in your new job?

i If Mr Integrity were your uncle, would you heed his occasional advice or would you defy it?

j Will Mr Miser be the right person, when help and solidarity are expected? Why/Why not?

k Mr Activity’s characteristic may well be matching Ms Activity. Would you fancy to have him/her for a friend or spouse?

l Imagine, Mr Poet is a group-mate of yours, and you are the group monitor. You come to the dean’s office, and there’s something you have to listen about him. What might that be?

m What career would you recommend for Mr Sluggish? Give reasons.



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