Студопедия — Additional Language Exercises. 55 Translate the following compound adjectives and write down those with similar meanings on separate lists
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Additional Language Exercises. 55 Translate the following compound adjectives and write down those with similar meanings on separate lists

55 Translate the following compound adjectives and write down those with similar meanings on separate lists. Some words have been footnoted to ease the task.

addle-brained, clay-brained, crack-brained, harebrained, hot-brained, rattle-brained, shallow-brained, weak-brained, giddy-brained, able-minded, base-minded, bat-minded, carnal-minded, civic-minded, closed-minded, ear-minded, even-minded, evil-minded, strong-minded, eye-minded, fair-minded, feeble-minded, large-minded, low-minded, narrow-minded, open-minded, single-minded, simple-minded, sober-minded, bull-headed, clear-headed, cool-headed, hard-headed, level-headed, cat-witted, dim-witted, fat-witted half-witted, hen-witted, keen-witted, nimble-witted, quick-witted, sharp-witted, slow-witted

56 Here are some more compound adjectives, which are formed from parts of the body. For example, heart gives us warm-hearted, kind-hearted, hard-hearted etc. Find out what they mean. Then read sentences I - 10. Complete each sentence with the appropriate adjective(s).

broad-minded, right-footed, narrow-waisted, cold-blooded, bigheaded, pot-bellied, red-faced, round-shouldered, sour-faced, cross-eyed, knock-kneed, slim-hipped, light-fingered, left-handed, double-breasted, strong-willed, bow-legged, empty-handed, dark-skinned, fair-haired

1. Bobby, if you go on staring at that magazine any longer, you'll go.... Now either be..., dear boy, and put it away or give it to me until the end of the lesson.

2. I am annoyed by... people, looking as if tomorrow were going to be the end of the world.

3. One of my neighbours is terribly.... Every time she comes round I have to keep a careful eye on my things, or they just disappear.

4. Henkins is terribly..., walking around as if he were holding his salary cheque between his knees. His wife's quite the opposite:..., as if she had just got off a horse.

5. Harry would always buy... jackets until he was convinced that one button was far more suitable for... people such as himself.

6. Most... boxers seem to win more easily against right-handers. I like everything about boxing except for those... comments before the fight that he is the strongest and the contender will soon need a new face and such like.

7. The parliamentary committee was made up of liberal,... people, who believed that capital punishment was nothing short of a... murder.

8. They hired a new typist who is so... and... that she reminds me of a long thin wine bottle.

9. He was... and..., so people often mistook him for a Scandinavian.

10. The stands were putting up with the idea that Dynamo would leave the football pitch..., when suddenly, to everybody's relief, Shevchenko scored with a powerful... shot from outside the penalty area.

11. All of us go on holiday anticipating to return... and beautiful, forgetting that we always come back... and with peeling noses.



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