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Lead-in. 38 Read this introduction to the new topic, then find and suggest the message of this snippet of information.

38 Read this introduction to the new topic, then find and suggest the message of this snippet of information.

NOTHING is more common than to hear the study of Physiognomy condemned as being calculated to mislead people in their judgements of each other. Because of the impossibility of its being reduced to a science yet, nothing is more prevalent, in all classes of society, than the formation of judgements from the appearances of the face.

Physiognomy unites hearts, and forms the most durable, the most divine friendships; nor can friendship discover a more solid foundation than in the fair outlines and noble features of certain countenances. Physiognomy is the very soul of wisdom, since it elevates the mutual pleasure of interaction, and whispers to the heart when it is necessary to speak, or when to be silent, when to warn, when to excite, when to console, when to disapprove.

39 How do you see yourself and what image do you project for others? Do the quiz that follows. Assess yourself and a friend, then swap the results and see whether there is much difference between how you visualise yourself and how others do.

# Question answer choices
1. What first impression do you give? smart and ambitious, with a sense of humour, fairly insignificant, you are out to impress people, you excite interest
2. What do you think is your role in the student community? leader, everybody’s friend, mother/father figure, gossip, outcast
3. What is your attitude to work like? enthusiastic, workaholic, conscientious, you won’t touch it if it doesn’t touch you, frustrated
4. What is the atmosphere you create in the group? relaxed and cheerful, dominating, boring, chilly, you are unnoticed
5. What sort of a boss would you make? aggressive, acting by the book, supportive, understanding, failing
6. How do you treat your superiors? with blank awe, respectfully, with kid gloves, as equals, with resentment
7. How do you handle your inferiors? you exploit them, you condescend, you are helpful, you don’t mix with them
8. How do studies affect you personal life? these are two separate worlds, they are mixed, studies clash with my personal life
9. How do you use opportunities? you jump at them, approach selectively, miss out on them, you don’t see them, you are too irresolute and timid
10. How do you act in confrontations? you stick to your guns, you are a peace-maker, you give way, you dread them

40 After you have done the quiz you may find yourself wondering why you are not seen in the light you think you should be. Why does it happen that we miscommunicate about our own selves? The expressions below might offer help in phrasing the ideas. Use also the chart of linking devices in Unit 3, Part 2.

The main point is… I'm not at all sure that… It's a shame/pity that…
The trouble is… Not everybody will agree with me, but… I would have hoped that…
I can't be certain, but I think… It is a bit disappointing that... I wish I was/were/had…

41 You are going to listen to the author of a book on face reading. He describes the benefits of this skill. Listen to the reflections and take notes of the 12 aspects when the ability to read face is power and an asset. Below are the key words, which are to help spot the points in the speech.

Discover new things… deal with people… practical things… communication… nickel from… stereotypes that keep you… clients better… profit inwardly… new context… survive as one of… relationships… self-esteem

42 Suggest your own opinion:

ü whether it pays off to judge by appearances, which "are deceptive";

ü whether the face reading skill is really a practical tool for handling interaction problems;

ü whether you would attempt to rely on that knowledge;

ü whether or not it would boost your self-esteem.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 501. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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