| UWC Robert Bosch, Germany
| UWC Maastricht, the Netherlands
| UWC-USA, the USA
| UWC Pearson College, Canada
| UWC South East Asia, Singapore
| UWC Costa Rica, Costa Rica
| UWC Dilijan, Armenia (2 scholarships)
| UWC Mahindra College, India
| UWC in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Where did you first hear about UWC? (please check one box)
Regional/local government
| Facebook ad
| Newspaper (which?)
| Twitter
| UWC student/alum (who?)
| Google ad
| Poster at your school
| Other: ______________________________________
| Вконтaкте/vk.com
| ______________________________________
Present school
| Dates of Attendance
School address
| Telephone number:
| Fax number:
E-mail address/homepage:
Head of School
| Please list your present school subjects and your most recent term/course grades.
You must attach a signed official transcript to this application confirming your grades
| Subject
| Grade
| Subject
| Grade
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| Have you already decided on your choice of university studies and/or career? If so, please provide details.
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| Take one activity that you are engaged inand explain how you feel it relates to the UWC mission statement (Max. 100 words).
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| Are you a member of any organizations, committees or councils either in or outside of school? If so, please list the positions you have had and your time commitment to them. List activities from the last TWOacademic years only (max. 50 words)
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| Do you have a strong musical, artistic or sports interest? Please give details. (max. 50 words).
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| Describe any activities you have taken part in which serve others (max. 50 words).
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| Please describe any special interests or achievements that you would like the Selection Committee to know about (max. 50 words).
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Describe a time in your life, when you learned something valuable from a difficult situation (Max. 50 words)
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| I have discussed all aspects of the commitment involved with applying for a scholarship entry to a UWC with my parent(s)/guardian(s) and this application has their full approval. Should the application be successful, I hereby undertake for myself to observe the rules and regulations of the College made or to be made by the Head and Board. I recognise that the College has the right to exclude me for violation of the College rules and/or behaviour bringing disrepute or danger on the College or other students/staff.
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| Signature of Applicant:
| Date:
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SECTION B - to be completed by the applicant (please write clearly and use black ink)
ESSAY QUESTION (max. 400 words):
Imagine that UWC gave you 2,000 euros to start a project in your local community, what project would you start, why would your start that particular project and how would you go about organizing it?