We would be grateful if you would write a brief assessment of the applicant's suitability for attending a United World College. Information about UWC and its selection criteria can be found on and Please include comments on the following:
Space is provided for two teachers to make reports. Reports may be completed in Ukrainian. When this form has been completed it should be emailed to the UWC Selection Committee whose address is given on the first page of this form.
Please rate the applicant on the grid below; add any further comments above or on a separate piece of paper.
Please rate the applicant on the grid below; add any further comments above or on a separate piece of paper.
The United World Colleges (UWC) endeavour to make education a force to unite nations and peoples in ways appropriate to the challenges of the 21st century. We combine this aim with the provision of an academic and all-round education of a high standard. The Colleges are co-educational and residential and draw students from all over the world. All follow the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum in the senior secondary years with the exception of Simón Bolívar UWC which offers a three-year vocational farm management programme at post-secondary level.
In all the IB Colleges the language of instruction is mainly English. Certain subjects may be taught in other languages at the different Colleges depending on staffing structure. Basic knowledge of English is helpful but not a requirement to apply. Many students with little or no English on acceptance have been very successful thanks to their determination and motivation.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a university entrance examination with international validity. It is administered from Geneva and Cardiff under the International Council of the International Baccalaureate Organisation. The curriculum, which is used by over 1000 schools throughout the world, is internationally examined and specifically designed for international use. The course requires candidates for the full Diploma to study a range of six subjects; three at higher and three at standard level. All candidates must study their mother tongue and one other language chosen from a wide range available. In addition, they study mathematics, one science and one humanities subject. For their sixth subject students have a free choice, which includes music and the performing arts. They are also required to follow a course in Theory of Knowledge, which is designed to lead to reflection on the nature of the disciplines studied, and to complete an Extended Essay of some 4000 words based on personal research. Physical and aesthetic activities and community service are also part of the curriculum.
Students at UWCs are selected entirely on the basis of merit, without regard for their families' financial means or social status. Financial support is available on the basis of need, to the extent of providing full scholarships covering board and tuition costs, as well as travel if possible. However, for some Colleges students' parents may be asked and expected to make contributions to the costs of their attendance, travel and/or pocket money according to their ability to do so. Assessments of families' ability to make such contributions will be made as impartially as possible and by agreement between the UWC National/Selection Committee or the College and the families concerned.
The most important personal attribute is the enthusiasm to associate oneself with the aims of UWC. We look for evidence of strong and active commitment to areas of personal interest, maturity and a sense of responsibility, and a tolerance and openness towards different attitudes and customs. Successful candidates must be ready to be seen as representatives of their country and to accept the responsibilities this involves. The personal qualities of enthusiasm, motivation, and perseverance in the face of difficulties are of crucial importance in the achievement of eventual success. Applicants with disabilities but that are self-sufficient in their everyday needs are encouraged to apply. The age of entry for the International Baccalaureate will normally lie between 16 and 17 years, and students are expected to be strong candidates for subsequent university entry.
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