Phonetic constituent.
Phonographic Level of Actualization
Phonographic level refers to - the Form of a text (specific organization of material symbols – phonetic or graphic language signs, integration of which in text as external speech serves to express the conceptual message), - i.e. to the plan of expressing the semantic content of a text, from the side of an Author, - and to the plan of perceiving the semantic content of a text, from the side of a Reader.
Phonetic constituent. a. Reference: Sound effects created by an author with the means of specific use of language signs. e.g. “The Raven” (by E. Poe) – the atmosphere of deep sorrow and anguish because of lost – darkness, whisper, rustle, obscure sounds and vague shades.
b. Types: 1) Alliteration (creates the strengths of expression) e.g. ‘You, l ean, l ong, l anky l ath of a l ousy bastard!’(S. O'Casey) ‘That I scarce was sure I heard you' – here I opene d wi d e the d oor; D arkness there, and nothing more.
D eep into that d arkness peering, long I stoo d there won d ering, fearing, D oubting, d reaming d reams no mortal ever d ared to d ream before;’ (“The Raven” by E. Poe) 2) Assonance (creates euphony) e.g. Repeated sounds [ϲ:(r)] and [o] at the ends of most lines in the stanzas of “The Raven” by E. Poe. 3) Onomatopoeic words (imitates natural sounds) e.g. ‘There was a constant stir of life in his dusky shop – whispered twitters (щебетание), rustling (шуршание), squeals (визг), cheeps (писк), and sudden squawks (крик, клекот) ’ (“Caged” by L.E. Reeve)
c. Functions and effects: Creates rhythm and / or rhyme, and, in general, specific atmosphere that defines the space of a literary text; 1) Actualizes associations of the reader; 2) Stipulates the appearance of sound image in the reader’s consciousness; 3) Complements and amplifies the impression of the reader about the corresponding semantic image, i.e. participates in creating an image; 4) Mediates the communication of the author and the reader e.g. “The Raven” by E. Poe, “Caged” by L.E. Reeve, etc.