Студопедия — Authentic, meaningful language
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Authentic, meaningful language

Children are always focused on what this new language can actually be used for right here and now.

Language needs to be firmly context embedded. Use stories with familiar situations and characters; real-life conversations; meaningful purposes in using language. Context reduced language in abstract, isolated, unconnected sentences will be much less readily tolerated by children’s minds.

A whole language approach is essential. Don’t break up language into too many bits and pieces because students won’t see the relationship to the whole. And stress the interrelationships among the various skills otherwise they won’t see this important connection.

It takes a very special person to be able to teach children effectively. Along with all these guidelines, there is a certain intuition that an elementary school teacher develops with increased months and years of experience. If you don’t have the experience, you will have it, but in due course of time.

· Teaching Adults

Many of the “rules” for teaching children can apply in some ways to teaching adults. But remember that their need for sensory input can rely a little more on using their imagination. Also remember that their level of shyness can be equal to or greater than children. But usually there is already a certain self-confidence that isn’t as mature in children. And because of their cognitive abilities, adults can occasionally deal with context reduced language.

So, keep in mind the following suggestions.

Ø adults are able to handle abstract rules. But too much abstract generalization about usage and not enough real-life language use can be deadly for adults too

Ø adults have longer ASs. But again, the rule of keeping your activities short and sweet still applies to adult-age teaching

Ø sensory input need not always be as varied with adults

Ø adults have more developed abstract thinking ability. So, they are able to take context reduced language and understand it

· Teaching in Between

We can’t think that a “child” ceases to be a child at the age of puberty and that all of the rules of adult teaching suddenly apply! When I say “in between” I mean “young adults”, or “teens” or high school age children whose ages range between 12 and 18 or so.

The “terrible teens” are an age of transition, confusion, self-consciousness, growing, and changing bodies and minds. What a challenge for the teacher! Teens are “in between” childhood and adulthood, and therefore a very special set of considerations applies to teaching them. Perhaps because of the enigma of teaching teen-agers, little is said in the language teaching field about teaching at this level. Now, some thoughts in the form of simple reminders:

o Intellectual capacity adds abstract operational thought around the age of 12. So, some intellectual processing is possible. Complex problems can be solved with logical thinking. This means that linguistic meta-language can now, theoretically, have some impact. But the success of any activity will be a factor of the attention a learner places on the task.

o ASs are lengthening as a result of intellectual maturation. But once again, with many diversions present in a teenager’s life, those potential ASs can easily be shortened

o Increasing capacities for abstraction lessen the essential nature of appealing to all 5 senses. But varieties of sensory input are still important

o Factors surrounding ego, self-image, and self-esteem are at their peak. Teens are ultrasensitive to how others perceive their changing physical and emotional selves along with their mental capacities. One of the most important concerns of the secondary school teacher is to keep self-esteem high. You can do so by:

Ø avoiding embarrassment of students at all costs

Ø affirming each person’s talents and strengths

Ø allowing mistakes to be accepted

Ø de-emphasizing competition between classmates

Ø encouraging small group work where risks are more easily made

o Care must be given not to use non-authentic language and not to bore students with overanalysis


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 826. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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