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ASHLY and LINDA 3 страница

trap door. Her head is slightly tilted as she watches

and listens to what is said above. From her point of

view we hear SCOTT speak to SHELLY.





Everything's gonna be all right.



CHERYL's lips part slightly and a thick blackish yellow

liquid drools out between her teeth. She grins.


59 EN - CAB



Outside, the forest is very dark. The unseen force moves

from the wooded area, pushing over small trees and shrubs

as it advances. The cottage comes into view and the evil

entity glides up to it. The figure of a girl in the cabin

window can be seen looking out. The force stops and moves

behind a bush.


60 IN - M.R.



Inside, SHELLY is studying the woods.





Scotty, I...I think there's some-

thing out there.



SCOTT joins her at the window and looks out.


61 EN - CAB



From within the woods, this force watches SCOTT peer out,

but he can see nothing. Through the window he says some-

thing to reassure SHELLY and moves away.


62 IN - M.R.



Inside, SCOTT can be heard in mid sentence.





...Is to get some rest. Ash and I

can stay up with Cheryl.










Everything's gonna be okay. Come

morning- you'll see.



SHELLY heads to her bedroom. SCOTT walks back to the

fireplace and sits. He slices twigs from a branch with

the Sumarian dagger and tosses them into the fire. ASHLY

glances at the Book Of The Dead, then to the old clock.

It stands silent.


63 EN - CAB



Again, the evil entity watches from outside. It sees

SHELLY leave one room and turn the lights on in another.

She begins to undress near the window. The force now

moves from behind its cover and rushes at tremendous

speed to SHELLY who is looking out her bedroom window.

She sees it and sheer terror covers her face as a scream

stifles itself in her throat, but it is too late.


64 IN - M.R.



A noise is heard from SHELLY's bedroom. SCOTT drops the

small stick he was whittling and looks up. He places

the dagger on the floor and walks toward SHELLY's room.





Shelly, are you okay?



She does not answer. SCOTT approaches her door and turns






Keep an eye on Cheryl for a minute.


65 IN - S.B.



SCOTT enters the darkness of her room and sees nothing

amidst the shadows.








He looks over to her window. It is open, and wind blows

upon the curtains.


66 IN - S. BATH



SCOTT steps into SHELLY's bathroom and sees that the

shower curtain is drawn. Cautiously, he moves up to it.








He pulls the curtain back to reveal an empty tub. SCOTT

turns back to the bedroom when SHELLY steps into the

doorway, posessed. With a scream, she latches upon SCOTT.

Her eyes have gone bone white and she claws at SCOTT's

face and clothes with her nails.


67 IN - S.B.



Screaming, SCOTT stumbles through her bedroom with SHELLY

still upon him biting at his throat.


68 IN - M.R.



They stagger into the main room where SCOTT manages to

knock SHELLY off himself and into the fireplace. She

remains motionless as her head smolders upon the hot

coals. SCOTT rushes to her, grabs an arm and pulls her

out. SHELLY's face and hair on one side of her head are

seared and blackened. She blinks her eyes open, turns

her charred head to SCOTT, and speaks in a rasp.





Thank you. I don't know what I would

have done if I had remained on the hot

coals burning my pretty flesh. You

have pretty skin- give it to us!



Cackling, SHELLY clutches SCOTT's neck and begins throttl-

ing the life out of him with a vice-like grip. He tries

to break the hold but cannot. ASHLY also tries but with

a backhand blow, SHELLY knocks him into a cabinet, smash-

ing it to bits. A garbled cry for help escapes from

SCOTT's frothing mouth. SHELLY reaches down, picks up

the Sumarian dagger, and holding SCOTT by his throat

with one hand, she raises the dagger with the other.

ASHLY, slightly injured, crawls to his feet. SCOTT

grabs her raised arm and although choking, swings

his camping knife from its side sheath and slices

deep into SHELLY's raised wrist, almost severing it.

A murky black ooze pumps from the wound. She emits

an ear splitting- howl and tightens her grip on SCOTT's

throat. He drops the hunting knife. ASHLY watches

terrified, unable to move as SHELLY raises her dangling

hand (Still clutching the dagger) to her mouth and

bites it off. The useless part falls to the floor

with the dagger still firmly in its fist. SCOTT, now

almost dead, grabs her severed hand clutching the

dagger and in a last attempt, swings it around ramming

the blade into her spine.


SHELLY screetches along with CHERYL in the cellar, the

old grandfather clock gongs and lightning strikes all

at the same instant. SHELLY reaches around with her

remaining arm to clutch at the severed hand and knife

protruding from her own back. A thick black ooze pours

from the wound as she bends backward screaming. ASHLY

stands in horror, clutching the axe, unable to move.

Black ooze runs from SHELLY's mouth as her body writhes

about spasmatically upon the floor. Gradually, the move-

ments cease and she is dead. As SCOTT slowly stands to

his feet, SHELLY's arm grabs his leg.








Some force reanimates her, even though the body is











Hit her!



SHELLY's body is hoisted up, jerking about to its feet,

and laughing madly.





Hit it!



SCOTT screams this as he backs toward ASHLY who stands

with the axe, paralyzed. Gurgling black ooze, SHELLY

advances toward them with one remaining arm. SCOTT

grabs the axe from ASHLY, pushes him away and slams

it into her. Lightning flashes, thunder booms, and

CHERYL screams from the cellar. SCOTT brings his axe

down again and again in a frenzy. Then, after the

final chop, there is silence.


SHELLY's body remains on the floor for quite some time-

until ASHLY can cope with the fact that she is dead and

something must be done.















What is uh...what are we gonna do?





Bury her.





You...can't bury Shelly. She's a friend

of ours isn't she?





Ash, she's dead.



ASHLY moves away from SCOTT.





Shelly's dead. We're gonna bury

her now.



ASHLY bites his lip and looks about blankly.


69 EN - CAB



Finally, the body is dragged outside and buried near

the work shed. Harsh floodlights from the house make the

task look very stark and barren.


70 IN - M.R.



SCOTT and ASHLY return inside. ASHLY heads to LINDA's

room to check in on her.


71 IN - L.B.



He peers in to see LINDA sleeping peacefully.


72 IN - M.R.



ASHLY quietly returns to the main room. SCOTT is load-

ing new batteries into a flashlight.





I saw an old hiking trail when we

were driving up here. Now I don't

know if it goes all the way around

that gorge-





-Or if it's even still in tact.





Or if it's even still in tact. But

uh, I guess I'll find out. Take good

care of Linda.





I will. Do you have everything?





(Putting on a small back pack) Yeah-

all set.





Listen...Scotty...I'm sorry about

falling apart like that when-





Don't bother, really.



He steps out the door.





If I find a way out of here, I'll

mark it and then come back. Then if

I'm not back here in a few hours...

if for some reason...well, if I don't

come back, grab Linda, leg and all,

and just get her the hell out of here.



They shake hands.





You're a good man.





Good, I'm the best.


73 EN - CAB



ASHLY smiles a good-bye to SCOTT and watches him move

off into the night. He lingers for a moment by SHELLY's

grave, then slowly disappears into the woods.


74 IN - M.R.



ASHLY closes the door and turns back to the main room.

He sees CHERYL's eyes through the crack in the cellar.

She has been watching all of this through a space be-

tween the trap door and floor. ASHLY walks past her to

LINDA's room.


75 IN - L.B.



He opens the door and a crack of light falls across her.

LINDA wakes up.





Who's there? Ash?





It's me Linda.





Ash, I had a bad dream about Linda.





You did baby?





Yeah. She's all right isn't she?





Yeah. Fine.





Is Shelly okay too Ash?



ASHLY can no longer hide his fear and anxiety. He speaks

in a whisper so as not to let his voice quiver.





Yeah, sure. She's sleeping that's






Ash, I love you. (She turns over)





Get some rest.



ASHLY closes the door behind him and the fear from a few

hours ago engulfs him once more.


76 IN - M.R.



ASHLY moves into the main room and stops dead in his

tracks when a voice in the cellar speaks.





You lied to her. You lied to Linda.

Shelly's not sleeping. She's dead.

Don't you know the difference? You

killed her. You and Scott cut her up

with the axe. She's dead ha-ha-ha-ha-




ASHLY picks up the axe and slams it down upon the trap

door. CHERYL is silent from below for a moment, then

the hatch opens an inch or so. (The length of the chain

securing it) CHEYL's white eyes can be seen again.








ASHLY takes the axe and steps outside.


77 EN - CAB



He begins to chop wood, taking out his emotions upon

the logs with each blow. SHELLY's blood can still be

seen on the blade of the axe.


78 IN - M.R.



From her dungeon, CHERYL watches ASHLY chop wood in the

window. The shadow of his axe rising then striking is

seen over her white eyes.


79 EN - CAB



Exhausted, ASHLY puts down the axe. He looks off into

the woods but there is no sign of SCOTT. He returns to

the cabin.


80 IN - M.R.



CHERYL begins her taunting again.





Soon all of you will be like me and

then who will lock you in the cellar?




CHERYL begins to violently ram her fists against the trap

door. ASHLY walks by her to LINDA's room.


81 IN - L.B.



She is still asleep. Quietly, so as not to wake her, ASHLY

pulls back her blanket exposing the bandaged leg. He re-

moves the wrappings and looks at the wound. As he does

this, it infects with a blackened coloration at an in-

credible speed. ASHLY looks up to see if LINDA is still

sleeping and sees that she has been watching him with

white eyes and an evil grimace upon her face. She lets

out a low growl.


82 IN - M.R.



ASHLY jolts backwards out of her room to escape through

the front door. He steps outside and stops to look back

in. He can see the main room, but finds it difficult to

see in LINDA's room, being lost in the shadows. Something

ragged and bloody grabs him. It is SCOTT's mutilated

body ripped and torn to shreds. He is still alive. ASHLY

looks behind him through the door to LINDA's room. He

can barely make out LINDA who sits on the bed watching

him with glaring white eyes. ASHLY helps SCOTT to the

couch so he can sit. SCOTT is in agony and can barely






Ash, I think I'm dying. Jesus, I

can't feel my legs.





Uh...uh Scotty you're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be just fine- you'll see.



He throws another log on the fire.





You'll see.



He looks off into LINDA's bedroom again, but she is gone.

She is now sitting in the corner of the main room where

ASHLY is, watching him. SCOTT begins to cough with hor-

rible rasping sounds.




It's, it's not gonna let us leave...

Cheryl...Cheryl was right...we're

all gonna die here...





We're not gonna die!





...All gonna die. All of us.



ASHLY grabs SCOTT and shakes him violently.





We're not gonna die! We're not gonna

die! We're getting out of here! Now

listen to me- is there a way around

the chasm.



SCOTT passes out.





Scotty. Scott!



ASHLY slaps SCOTT. He stirs awake and mumbles.





Jesus Ash. I don't want to die. So...

so lonely to die like this. You're not

gonna leave me are you? Are you Ash?





(Imitating SCOTT) I don't want to

die. So lonely to die like this. You're

not gonna leave me are you? Are you

Ash? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-





Scott, is there some way around the






Ash, I'm scared- I...I can't feel

my legs.





Scott, listen to me please, for

God's sake. Is there a way around

the chasm?





There is...one way, the trail...but

the trees, they know...don't you see-

they're alive!! They're ali-ahhhhhhh!



His sentence is cut short as he cries out in sharp pain.

Blood dribbles from his nostrils and he doubles over

grabbing his stomach. LINDA begins to laugh. ASHLY looks

to her, or rather what posesses her with hatred.





Shut up!



She continues to laugh. CHERYL in the cellar joins in

the laughter. ASHLY walks to LINDA and slaps her but

she continues. He grabs a hunting rifle from a rack on

the wall, loads it with shells, flips off the safety

and places the barrels against LINDA's head.





God forgive me Linda.



The laughter stops and her eyes return to normal. It

is LINDA again. ASHLY puts down the rifle.





Ash, oh Ash, help Me! Please.



She hugs him tightly.





Don't let them take me away again,

please, please, please.





(Crying and holding her tightly) I

won't, I won't- I promise.



CHERYL's voice is heard from the blackness of the cellar.





Ashly? Ashly, help me. Let me out

of here. I'm all right now.



ASHLY releases LINDA and moves cautiously to the cellar.

LINDA remains behind nervously fumbling with her necklace.





I'm all right now, Ashly. I'm all

right. Come unlock this chain and

let me out.








There is no reply from the cellar. ASHLY looks through

the crack but sees only darkness. He reaches for the

chain and begins to unlock it, but sensing something

wrong, he stops.








He puts his ear to the floor listening for the slight-

est sound. CHERYL's arms rip through the floor boards

and grab ASHLY's head. He breaks away and her hand

reaches for the chain but cannot quite grasp it. Slowly

it withdraws beneath the floor.





(A little too sweet) Ash, what are you

doing? This is your sister Cheryl. Don't

you recognize me?



Her voice drifts off, and the evil leughter resumes from

the celler.





(Crying and yelling to the cellar)

You bastards! Why are you doing this?




There is silence for a moment. Laughter from behind him

begins again. It is LINDA. Her eyes are white once more,

and she laughs at ASHLY.








With newly found courage, ASHLY angrily grabs LINDA by

the legs and drags her outside.


83 EN - CAB





It's useless, useless, useless. In

time we'll come for him, then you




ASHLY leaves her in the woods and runs back to the cabin,

closing the door behind him.


84 IN - M.R.



SCOTT is coughing again.





Ash, Ash, please...I don't want to

die- but...but I can't stand this

pain. It hurts Ash. Gimme something.

Gimme something to put me out.





Scott, I can't. I- I know it's bad.

But I can't be alone now, I can't.

I'd lose my mind.





Please Ash, please.





You'll get better- you'll see.



LINDA's laughter is faintly heard outside. ASHLY moves

to the window and pulls back the curtain. LINDA is no

longer in the woods but sitting at the edge of the clear-

ing, watching ASHLY with her glowing white eyes.





Yeah, tomorrow, soon, you'll be

better and we'll both get out of

here tomorrow.





There is no tomorrow! You- you've

got to kill her and cut- cut her

up- your sister too.





No, that was only with Shelly. You

had to with Shelly. You- Linda loves

me. You're delirious- I...I'll get

you some water.



ASHLY places a glass to Scott's lips.





Now, now the sun will be up in an

hour or so and we'll get out of here

...together. You, me, Linda, Shelly-

n-no not Shelly, she- we'll all go

home together. Wouldn't you like to

be going home? You'd like that I'd

bet, wouldn't ya?



There is no answer from SCOTT. The water runs out of

his mouth.








SCOTT is dead. LINDA's laughter is heard again. ASHLY

walks to the window and pulls back the curtain. There

is nothing there. He turns and she is there! With the

Sumarian dagger, LINDA rips into ASHLY's shirt, cutting

his arm. He screams and watches in horror as she runs

her tongue over the dagger, licking the blood from it.

She turns her attention toward ASHLY again but he grabs

her and they struggle. LINDA backs ASHLY up against

SCOTT, knocking his body to the floor. CHERYL's gnarled

arm reaches up through the broken floor boards and

grabs at ASHLY's foot. He manages to turn LINDA's arm

so the knife is behind her back. Forcefully, ASHLY

pushes her over the body of SCOTT and she falls back-

ward upon the dagger, impaling herself upon it. The

blade tears into her back and rips through her stomach.

Lightning flashes, thunder roars, and LINDA screams in

a deep growl once, then all is quiet.


ASHLY drags LINDA's corpse past the crumpled body of

SCOTT, past CHERYL, who watches all of this from below,

through the back door and out to the work shed.


85 IN - W.S.



He lifts her up onto the work bench and secures her body

to it with a number of chains which hang from nails

along the wall. He rips down a tarp hanging on the

wall to reveal a chain saw. He starts it up and moves

toward her. Buzzing madly, the saw is lowered to a

position several inches above LINDA's neck. ASHLY looks

into LINDA's face. Her eyes have gone back to blue. He

turns off the saw.





(In a whisper) Linda...



He drops the saw and breaks down crying over LINDA's



86 EN - CAB

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