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Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words



Advertising is one of the main methods of promotion. Its aim is to increase sales by making a product or service known to a consumer and to persuade that consumer to buy it.

Advertising is often designed and managed by advertising agencies.

Large companies usually use advertising agencies to promote their products and the company's image to the target customers.

The account is tile contract between the client company and the agency to develop an advertising campaign. The client allocates s budget, an amount of money, to the task. The agency and the client then discuss the brief, which is a statement of the client's objectives, as well as the message the company wishes to communicate to the consumers.

After that the agency is ready to start work. An advertising campaign consists of a series of advertisements (adverts, or ad's) which are run in various media.

The most common types of advertising media include: broadcasting (TV, cinema, radio), press (newspapers, magazines), printed material (brochures, leaflets, catalogues, flyers), electronic (Internet), display (posters, hoardings/billboards, vehicles, point of sale), others (trade fairs word-of mouth, packaging).

Corporate advertising is not concerned with increasing sales of e particular product or service. Its aim is to present to the public the brand image. Public relations (PR) experts organize activities which generate positive publicity for companies.



Task 2. Form verbs from the following nouns and translate













Task 3. Give the English for

головні методи сприяння у продажу товару

інформувати споживача


рекламна агенція

цільовий споживач

розробити рекламну кампанію

повідомляти споживача

розпочати роботу

засоби розповсюдження реклами

торговий ярмарок

усна реклама

ілюстративна реклама

реклама фірми

експерт з питань організації громадської думки

збільшувати продаж


Task 4. Match words from list A with words from list В that have a similar meaning

  A   В
1. main   promote
2. amount   notify
3. vehicle   budget
4. start   begin
5. allocate   allot
6. contract   automobile
7. inform   sum
8. advertise   principal



Task 5. Find suitable opposites to the following words


to finish

to conceal



to agree


Task 6. Look at the words and phrases. Match them with the correct definition from the list below

trade fair, advertising agency, point of sale, advertisement, advertising, brand image, account, catalogue, advertising media, brief

1. the business that deals with making, distributing and selling advertisements

2. an independent firm that plans, produces and places advertising for its clients

3. the various forms of communication through which advertising reaches its audience

4. a book containing details of items for sale

5. the place where a customer buys something

6. an exhibition where companies in a particular industry display their products to potential buyers

7. the contract between the client company and the advertising agency to develop an advertising campaign

8. a statement of the client's objectives

9. a notice or message in a newspaper, or on a poster in a public place, or announcement on television or on the radio offering or asking for a product or service

10. the feelings and opinions that a buyer has about a particular named product


Task 7. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

1. My friend works for one of the biggest.................................................... in Ukraine.

2. We'll have................................................. for a new secretary.

3. The best way to sell your car is to put............................................... in the local paper.

4. How easily are you persuaded by................................................?

5. We place......................................... about our products in the newspapers every week.

6. The agency lost a $10 million account when it mistakenly ran...................................... for a new product before it had formally been introduced.

7. The choice of advertising..................................................... was limited by the budget.

8. The client's............................................................ stated that the advertising should target the students.

9................................................................. is a large board for displaying posters alongside roads.

10. Advertising is often designed by....................................................

11. Mercedes cars have a quality........................................................

hoarding, brief, media, an advert, advertisements, advertising an advertisement, advertise, advertising agencies (2); brand image.


Task 8. Fill in the missing prepositions

Advertising Agency

Advertising agency is an organization that creates advertising material....................... its clients. Agencies will take the advertising requirements............................ a business and organize the production........................... their campaign.......................... designing and producing advertisements and booking space....................... the advertising media................... recent years they have grown............................ size and importance as expenditure....................... advertising........................ business has increased and as a wider range........................ organizations have used advertising.

(on behalf of, of(3),by(2), in(3),on)

Task 9. Answer the following questions

1. What is advertising? What is its aim?

2. Who is advertising managed by?

3. What do large companies use advertising agencies for?

4. What is the account? 5. What do we call a statement of the client’s objectives?

6. What does an advertising campaign consist of?

7. What do the most common types of advertising media include?

8. What steps are required to start an advertising campaign?

9. What is the aim of corporate advertising?

10. What do public relations experts do?


Task 10. What do you understand by these terms?

target customers




brand image

public relations




Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 809. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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