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Task 1. Read the text and write out unknown words




People engaged in trade with foreign countries have to use various means of communication: telephone conversations, personal contacts (meetings, business talks), letters etc.

Telephoning is the quickest way of communication. It is used, as rule, to get or pass on information. Important telephone conversations, e.g. concerning prices, terms of payment or claims, are to be confirmed by letter.

If you want to ring somebody up, you pick up die receiver, watt for die dialing tone and then dial your number (or press the button s). If you are not sure of the number, you look it up in the telephone directory (book).

There are some rules which will help you to become a successful telephone user:

- identify yourself and your company

- ask the caller to identify himself/herself

- explain the reason for die call and ask for a c connection

- take or leave a message if necessary

- make an appointment

- end the call (sign off) ;.

In die telephone conversation the speakers follows a number of steps when handling and exchanging information in particular:

- clarifying information

- asking for repetition

- asking for spelling

- showing understanding

- correcting information

- confirming information

Telephone Etiquette

The techniques of telephoning are very much the same in all countries. Only remember your good telephone manners:

1. When talking on the telephone - speak clearly. Don't shout and take your cigarette out of your mouth.

2. Make sure that your conversation with a busy person is as brief as possible.

3. When calling a friend who does not recognize your voice - don't play: "Guess who?". Announce yourself promptly.

4. When you get a wrong number don't ask: "What number is this?" It is good manners to ask: "Is this two-three-four-five-six?" If not - apologize.

5. If wrong-number call comes through don't lose your temper. Simply say: "Sorry, wrong number' - and hang up. Don't bang the receiver.

6. Always identify yourself when making a call, especially if you are calling on business, e.g. 'This is Mr. Volkov of the Ukrainian Trade Mission. Could I speak to Mr. Johns...?"

7. If you have a visitor do not carry on a long chat while your visitor tries hard to avoid listening to your conversation. The best thing to do is to say you are busy at the moment and... "May I call you back in a little while?" But don't forget to do so.

8. When inviting friends to a party do not ask: "What are you doing Saturday night?" or "Will you be busy on Saturday night?" The correct way is to say: "We'd like to have you over for dinner on Saturday."



Task 2. Translate the following words

telephone dial

to book / to order

a long-distance call / trunk-call

to call / to ring up

busy / engaged free / clear

buzzing to connect (to put through)

conversation receiver

number to wait

answer to pick up

to drop exchange

line message

operator Go ahead

general call

local call

personal call

toll call

trunk call /long-distance call

to answer the call

to make a call

to give smb. a call

to put a call through

to call back

Trunk Exchange (Long Distance)

to cut off

to get smb. over the telephone

to hang up (to ring off, to put down the receiver)

to hold on (to hold the wire)

to hold the line

to be on the line

to be engaged on another line

to leave a message

to put down the receiver

to put down (to write) a telephone number down


Task 3. Answer the following questions

1. What is the most convenient means оf communica­tion? 2. Have you a telephone at home? 3. What is the num­ber of your telephone? 4. Whom do you usually ring up? 5. What do you do if the line is engaged? 6. Do you often ring your friends up? 7. Are you often called up? 8. What do you do if you are cut off? 9. In what cases do you say "I'll ring later?" 10. How do people ring if they have no telephone at home? 11. Do you ever book trunk calls? 12. How many telephone calls have you made today? 13. Do you ever make appointments by telephone?



Task 4. Translate into English

1. Телефон — найзручніший спосіб зв'язку. 2. Якщо лінія зайнята, Ви почуєте короткі гудки. 3. Я хочу зате­лефонувати своєму другові. 4. Де найближчий автомат? 5. Перед тим як підняти трубку, Ви маєте опустити монету в щілину автомата. 6. Якщо Ви подзвоните пізно ввечері, Ви можете розбудити дитину.



Task 5. Give synonyms to the words in bold type

1. I shall ring you up tomorrow, just about the same time.

2. A constant buzzing showed that the number was en­gaged.

3."Miss White is out at the moment. Will you ring her up again another time?"

4. May I speak to the chief of the Department, please?

5. Can I make a trunk call from here?

6. Has any­body called me during the day and asked you to tell me anything?



Task 6. Give antonyms to the following word combina­tions

to get the wrong number

theline is busy

to take up the receiver

to hold on

to connect


Task 7. Make up sentences of your own

to have the wrong number; to leave a message; to call back; to wait at the receiver; to consult the telephone book; to make a call; to call smb.



Task 8. Fill in theblanks with suitable words so as to makeup a dialogue

Secretary: Mr. B's secretary

Voice: May I to Mr. B., please.

S: And who shall I is?

V: Say Mr. Wright.

S. What did you say your name was? Will you it, please?

V: W-r-i-g-h-t.

S: Thank you. on the line, please. Are you? Mr. B. seems to be. Would you like to for him? Or can heyou in a few minutes?

V: He can me at 7—81—90

S: Would you mind repeating the, please? I'm afraid I didn't it.

V: 7 —81—90


Task 9. Translate the sentences

1. I'd like to book a call to Moscow for 7 a. m.

2. If you want to communicate with another town you must make a long-distance call.

3. If the line is engaged, you must make another call in 3 or 4 minutes.

4. The connection was very bad.

5. If you want to ring somebody up, you must pick up a receiver, dial a, number and wait for an answer.

6. If you use a public phone, you must dropa coin into the slot before picking up a receiver.

7. Hold the line.

8. Is there any message for me?

9. Who is calling?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 2002. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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