Студопедия — Types of houses.
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Types of houses.

We can hardly say that today there exist the problem of choosing a type of housing. Everyone can find something he or she likes. There exist different tipes of houses,such as detached, semi-detached, terraced houses and blocks of flats.

A terraced house is a house joined to a row of other houses. It is not very big, usually no more than two bedrooms, but that is enough for a small family. The only problem with a terraced house is the noise, if you are unlucky to have noisy neighbors, as the walls are quite thin.

Not everyone can afford to have a detached house, because it's much more expensive than a terraced one. This type of housing is perfect for a big family with small children. A detached house offers its owner a good deal of freedom, because you have a separate territory all around it and you are free to do anything you like there since the garden is yours'. Moreover, the family is free to enlarge the house if necessary.

I don't think there is use to talk about blocks of flats..these are the most boring buildings I could imagine. Most British people would not want to live in a block because often they are badly built and are associated with poverty. There is nothing special, just a building divided into apartments.

A way more interesting and to some people unusual thing is a houseboat. Many of us dream to live in a large country mansion or picturesque cottage, but I think that living in a houseboat in a lot more exciting. England, as well as Venice and,perhaps,Amsterdam are just perfect for that since they have a lot of canals. Such way of living gives certain independence, you can stay in one area for a few months and then move somewhere else.

Finally, I want to say a few words about the most beloved by British tipe of houses, which is a semi-detached house. Semi-detached housing consists of pairs of houses built side by side as units sharing a party wall and usually in such a way that each house's layout is a mirror image of its twin. This style of housing, although built throughout the world, is commonly seen as particularly symbolic of the suburbanisation of the United Kingdom and Ireland. It can be thought of as being a half-way state between terraced or row housing and single-family detached homes. Talking about the inside,semi-detached houses are all quite typical: they consist of three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs and two rooms and a kitchen downstairs. Outside the semi there is usually enough space for a car and for a small garden.

In the end I'd like to add that there are many types of housing and all the people have the right to choose where to live. For my part, I'd probably prefer a cottage near a small and quiet town.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 1448. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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